
The Seer of Wintrin

"The Wintrin Princess was mere seconds away from reverting to her original body, the one she had left behind so many cities ago. And that would mean death." She's special, he's vengeful, war is coming. The Wintrin Princess has been exiled for almost a year. War is on the horizon for the country of Halinel. Who will be victorious? Who will die along the way? Anna Wintrin must go on a perilous journey across the lands to deliver a message to the King of Halinel, her father, who exiled her in fury. Friends and foes will join and leave her, hinder and hurt her, but will she stop the war threatening to destroy her country?

mrdarke · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Author's Note

First of all, thank you for clicking on this book and deciding to read it! Until the book is complete it will be a chapter by chapter release and the story can be guided by your input so leave a comment below! There is an overarching storyline, but little things like romances and smaller villains encountered can be up to you!

The next chapters for TSoWN will come every Tuesday and Friday at 04:30 GMT (+0)

The chapters will be shorter (700–1500 words)

If you have any questions for any reason you can email me at thomaskingauthor@gmail.com

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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