
The Seer's Awakening in a Dreamless Land

Family of seers. Enjoy

Audra_Symphony · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 14

Queen Elara and Sir Alaric had led Eldoria through years of prosperity and unity, their love and dedication to the kingdom unwavering. The threat of the ancient artifact had been quelled through diplomatic efforts and strategic alliances, allowing Eldoria to bask once more in the glow of peace.

Yet beneath the tranquil surface, whispers of discontent simmered within the kingdom. Unrest stirred among disgruntled nobles and ambitious courtiers who harbored resentment towards Elara's rule and coveted power for themselves. Among them was Lord Roderick, a charismatic noble known for his cunning and ambition, who had once been a staunch supporter of Elara's reign.

Lord Roderick's smile was as sharp as his wit, and his eyes held a calculating gleam that belied his polished courtly demeanor. He had risen through the ranks of Eldoria's aristocracy with skillful diplomacy and shrewd alliances, earning him influence and prestige within the royal court.