
The Seer's Awakening in a Dreamless Land

Family of seers. Enjoy

Audra_Symphony · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 11

The death of King Aiden had cast Eldoria into a somber shadow. Queen Elara, now burdened with grief and the weight of the crown, stood at the helm of a kingdom grappling with loss. Her days were consumed by the demands of rulership—courtly affairs, diplomatic negotiations, and the ongoing efforts to rebuild in the aftermath of conflict. Yet amidst the solemnity that enveloped Eldoria, whispers of hope and renewal began to stir.

In the quiet hours before dawn, Queen Elara often found solace in the gardens of the palace—a sanctuary of verdant tranquility where the scent of roses mingled with the crisp morning air. It was here, amidst the whispering leaves and dew-kissed petals, that she encountered Sir Alaric—a knight of noble bearing and steadfast loyalty, whose presence brought a fleeting warmth to her grieving heart.