

**disclaimer: mature content, forced sex,voodoo, violence Chikita is well known for getting whatever she wants not minding the repercussions, either by seducing or by killing She can go an extra length to get what she wants Reality hit her when she started losing all that she had worked for due to her actions And even when she repented from her ways , karma came for her!! Stay tune!

Egede_Praise · Urban
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6 Chs

Who is Lucas

What is going on here?? Chikita do you know him , Larissa said

(Chikita who was still in shock) is this, is this your boyfriend, chikita said stuttering all of a sudden

Yes he's my boyfriend, Larissa said

Lucas who was speechless immediately turned around to leave chikita's room

babe where are you going to ? What is happening , why are you both behaving weird , what is going on can someone talk to me!!, Larissa said in a confused state

my love just calm down, let's go home I will explain better, Lucas said

Go where?? You sneaky thing , I can't believe this is happening, I can't believe this, you have been dating my sister all this while?? And you, Chikita stopped talking

and what?, what did he do? Chikita what did he do?, baby say something what did you do?, why is everyone leaving me in a confuse state , Larissa said angrily

He's cheating on you with Gabriella!, he's dating Gabriella also, Chikita said angrily

who's Gabriella??, Larissa said confusingly

My Gabriella, my best friend!, this is the worst day ever, Oh my God I can't believe this is happening, chikita said

Lucas who was mute all through , walked out of chikita's room slamming the door

Larissa who was already in a pool of tears sat down near Chikita

I can't believe this, I loved him so much, I did everything for him, I was there for him, I was loyal to him, I didn't leave him when he was struggling , I was

shhhhh it's okay Larissa , just calm down, it's okay, chikita said consoling her Cousin Larissa

Gabriella and Lucas have been dating for some months now, he was suppose to be arriving Brazil tomorrow according to Gabriella, how do I tell my best friend Lucas is not what she think he is, Chikita said

Larissa stood up and left chikita's room angrily

Larissa! Larissa! Larissa!, chikita screamed

Larissa who was already displaced went straight to her car and drove to the only place she thought she could see Lucas, she went straight to his house but unfortunately he wasn't there, she went to his house with his spare key she had and waited for him

Lucas who came to his house had earlier drove off to his friends house because he knew Larissa would want to question him and he couldn't bear to see her crying

calm down Lucas, everything is still as planned, just call Larissa and break up with her , I told you dating that girl is risking for you, but you wouldn't listen, Antonio said

but I love her, I love her Antonio, I can't imagine hurting her , Lucas said in pain

look at me Lucas!, have you forgotten why you are here??, do you want to ruin things with your hands, keep your emotions aside and get your revenge back brother!, stay focused, we came here for a reason and that we must get, Antonio said to his friend Lucas

What about her sister Chikita, she's Larissa's best friend , I'm sure by now she must have called Gabriella, Lucas said confused as he was wiping his sweat

Call Gabriella and tell her you want to see her , Antonia said

I told her I will be coming tomorrow, Lucas replied

Okay go to her house with flowers and act as if you wanted to surprise her, and tell her about Larissa before anyone does , Antonio said

Lucas dashed out immediately and went to get a flower, some chocolate, a designer bag, some jewelries and few designer wears which he knew she would like, he then called her to know her location

Hello my love, where are you at

I'm at home honey, I just got home to have some nap, I wasn't feeling too good, Gabriella said

okay, I wanted to send someone to give you some documents, but don't worry okay

he hung up the phone and drove his car to Gabriella's home

Gabriella who was asleep already got a knock on her door and she sluggishly went to open the door murmuring, who could this be at this time of the day

to her surprise it was her long awaited boyfriend , she immediately screamed in surprise and hugged him so tightly

i can't believe this, you got me! Oh my God Lucas!!

while she was jumping all over him, Lucas was acting

I have missed you so much my love , Lucas said giving Gabriella a kiss

I have missed you also, she replied

Few hours later She took her gifts from Lucas and was testing them on when Lucas approached her from behind kissing her neck and romancing her waist

this dress looks so good on you my love, he said

yes it does, you've got good eyes on catchy things you know, she said smiling

Lucas who wanted to have a taste of his girlfriend grabbed her by her waist and lifted her onto one of the couches in Gabriella's room

he started kissing her so passionately and then he lifted her waist upwards to his own and pulled her underwear, he then dipped two fingers into her vagina and started thrusting her

Gabriella who was moaning already started pulling his button sleeve for him

they both romanced each other for long till Lucas gave her some strokes of his manhood

Larissa who was waiting for Lucas picked up her phone and started calling him

while Lucas was lying down with Gabriella on her bed, his phone started ringing , he ignored he call, then Gabriella asked him why he refused to pick

it's my ex calling, he said

why is she calling you?, Gabriella questioned

Gabriella I never wanted to tell you this because I didn't want to hurt your feelings, my ex and I broke up a month before I met you, and for some reasons she has been calling me to resolve things, before coming here I met her at the shop where I went to buy flowers for you, and I stumbled upon her at the florist shop, we communicated and she told me she wanted to get some flowers for her cousin who was sick at the hospital

while we dated she had always wanted me to know her sister but I was never chanced because of my work till we broke up , so I asked after her sister to know what was wrong with her and that was when she told me she was having some mild complications with her pregnancy, and I remembered you told me your best friend had same issue, the name of my ex is Larissa, do you know her?? Lucas said

Gabriella who was shocked was mute for a second before speaking

Larissa is chikita's cousin babe! Oh my God I can't believe this, Gabriella said adjusting to face Lucas at his side of the bed

My love I'm so sorry about this , I never planned for all this to happen , everything is so coincidental, I knew her sister was linked to you but I never knew it was chikita , Lucas said

This is so shocking to me babe, how am I gonna tell chikita that you once dated her cousin, this is so strange, Gabriella said

what matters is the love we both have for each other My love, you made me realize I could be love again after what she did to me, I feel so blessed to have you in my life and I am never going to lose you for any reason, you mean the whole world to me Gabriella , and I thank heaven for bringing us together, this past few months I couldn't have imagine my life without you, Lucas said

Why are you all so emotional honey, I never said I was going to leave you, things happen and this is one of them, Gabriella said kissing Lucas In his forehead

i love you so much , Lucas told her

I loved you too honey, what would you like to eat, you look famished already Gabriella said while standing up to prepare something for him