
The Seduction System

Jay is a new college student, 19 years old, travel to Australia to visit his step mom Liz's twin sis, aunt Bec in his gap year, died in air plane crash. He went to the hell. A demon succubus Lilith took his soul and discovered all his evil thoughts, which is why he is in hell. She gave him some power and reverse his life back to 1 year ago. He needs to use the magic to save those unhappy wives, and let them find their happiness after their unhappy marriage life, in order to extend his life. If he didn't obey, he would be dead at the exact day 1 year after. =================== R18, Forbidden Desires, Villain, Corrupted Souls, Weak to Strong, Adultery, Cheating, MILFs, ... Extremely attention to detail, especially on some actions. *** Status: Applying for Contract *** Every chapter will be free before that! This novel is based around Netori, NOT Netorare. Jay will NOT get cheated on. Unhappy ladies he needed to save: Liz - His step mom. Bec - His Aunty. Step mom's twin sister living overseas in Australia Anna - The airplane crush survivor Lisa - His boss Zoe - His client Julia - His new neighbor Emma - His stepdad's new wife (new stepmom?) Sarah - His teacher Mia - His therapist Sue Gibson - politician And more... Moreover, at the end, he needs to find the final boss - Lilith! To free their souls. ================= Please leave your review and comments, vote for it, and add it to your collection. Your support is very important to me! Let me know if you enjoy reading my book, so I can provide more and better chapters for you!

OliverSmith_ · Fantasy
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35 Chs

MILF Porn?!

"Please don't judge me… It…it is short for Mother I Like to Fuck…" He added more to make it doesn't sound too bad. "That's quite popular category in porn."

"MILF PORN?? Mother I Like to Fuck? AND YOU MASTURBATED YOURSELF WHILE WATCHING THEM???!!! OH MY GODDDD!!!!!!!!!!" Her face turned redder than ever before, almost burning hot. She couldn't believe that her own son would want to see such things. "Did you get any pleasure out of that?" She asked, her tone softening, as she didn't want to judge. She didn't stop stroking his cock but stroked it slowly now. "Son..." she paused for a moment before continuing. "...did you ever think about me while doing that?"

"Y…yes, mom… That's why I enjoy watching milf porn…" He knew he had to be honest now.

"Well… I-I guess that explains it," she replied to him claimer. "So, son, would you say you're a big fan of these 'milf' type videos?" she continued, still stroking his penis gently and slowly, looking at him straight in the eye. "Do you always think about me when you're touching yourself?"

"Yes... Mom... Please don't get mad... I just try to be honest with you... Since i was... 12 years old..." There was no way he could deny it now, after all.

"12 years old?!" Her face turned red instantly upon hearing those words. "So basically..." her voice trailed off as she realized exactly what he meant. "That means you've been fantasizing about your own mother since then? Since starting your puberty?" She gasped loudly at hearing such shocking news. She began to vaguely remember that when he was around that age, he was as curious as any boy his age about the girls around him and eager to learn everything he could. She certainly knew about an adolescent boy's plight and didn't stop him, because she didn't think much of it at the time.

"Y…yes… I know this is not right… But I just cannot help. You are always so sexy, so perfect in front of me. No any other girls can compare with you…" He thought he might have told his mom too much.

"Oh my god! Son! What did I do to deserve something like this?!" She exclaimed, clearly shocked by his confession. This was completely new territory for her, and she had never even considered that her own son might have such thoughts towards her since so little. "Your mother is not supposed to be sexy to you!" She scolded him fiercely, though she couldn't help but feel a little bit flattered at the same time. "No matter how beautiful or sexy I am, you are never supposed to think of me like that!"

"But...but...you know... The feeling of Love is something very hard to control..." He regretted telling her this info now.

"But... that's exactly the problem! You're not supposed to have feelings for your own mom like that! You're my son, not a lover!" She was livid now, and he could tell that she just might explode any moment. "I'm your mother! How could you possibly fall in love with someone who raised you?!" She scolded him again, though there was more sadness than anger in her voice now. "I've always tried to be a good mother to you, but I guess I've failed in some way."

"No, mom. You are doing great. You are the greatest mom in the world, which is why I love you so deep in my heart." He got a very bad feeling that things were going in the wrong direction now.

"Stop saying that! It doesn't make any difference now! You've been fantasizing about me since you were 12 years old! I can't look at you the same way ever again! It must all because of the milf porns. Where did you find such things? You should not watch these milf porn anymore!" Liz was very angry about this.

"May…Maybe yes… they certainly played their part in making me want to act out my fantasies on you." He looked away guiltily.

"Acted out your fantasies? So that's why you just wanted to use my body in my sleep to masturbate yourself without telling me?!" She said accusingly. "Didn't you think about how I would react? Or how your stepdad would react if he caught you doing that? Or did you simply want to do whatever you wanted without considering anyone else?" Liz said sternly as she stopped stroking his bulge, and then crossed her arms.

"Sorry mom… I know I have done these things wrong… I promise if you continue letting me use your body like what you did just now. I will never watch milf porn anymore." He tried not to lose her.

Her face softened slightly as she saw how remorseful he was. "Okay... You need to keep your promise you won't watch milf porn anymore, and never sneak in and use my body without my permission again..." she replied softly, still looking into his eyes sadly.

"Thank you, mom. I knew you are the best mom in the world. I will keep my promise. Can you please continue your handjob? It was feeling so great." He kissed her cheek happily.

She didn't answer him straightaway, still looking a bit lost in thought. Eventually, she snapped out of it and returned to her caressing, her hand wrapped tightly around his throbbing member again.

"Mmm… this feels much better than I was touching myself…" He relieved.

She raised an eyebrow and sighed heavily. The only thing she could say was, 'I don't care. Just hurry up and finish already." She wasn't going to let him get off lightly. She continued massaging his member faster and harder, her heart still conflicted between feeling upset and understanding for her son's urges.

A few moments later... Still nothing came out from his member.

"Mom, because what just happened, this might take a bit longer." He said quietly.

She nodded with a sad smile, without replying anything, trying to ignore what had happened between them.

"Mmm, mom's hands are so soft, and I feel so excited." He tried to hurry up too.

Her heart sank when he said that. She knew that he was only saying it to get her back into the mood, but she refused to fall for it. She continued to massage his erection with her hand in silence, her mind racing with conflicting emotions.

He saw she wasn't going to talk to him anymore and tried to push a little bit further. "Mom... Can I caress your breasts? This could help me out quicker."

She looked at him and frowned deeply. He seemed to be doing everything possible to try and manipulate her now. Even though she hated herself for letting him do whatever he wanted. But she knew she could not let him push her boundary anymore. A few moments later, she finally let the word out of her mouth. "No!"

When she said No this time, her son looked at her with a mix of surprise and disappointment.

"Come on, mom. It has been more than 15 mins... I am still not close to coming out. Don't you feel tired with your hands?" He pleaded.

She was a little taken aback by his reaction, but she stood her ground. "I know it has been a while, but I will not let you push the boundary anymore!" she said firmly.

"Okay okay… Don't have to be so serious, mom." He knew it was worth trying but should not push too much. "Just relax… I just thought you might feel tired, nothing else." His tone had changed completely compared to earlier. Instead of being demanding or forceful, he sounded gentle and caring instead. The look in his eyes told her that he really did care about her well-being.

After a minute or two, she spoke up once more. "So what are you going to do about it?" Her hands did feel tired now.

"Maybe… Can I see your breasts while you stroking my dick? I promise no touching. I think it can help more."

She thought about it for a while, and then she replied, "Okay, but only because you promise not to touch me." She untied the top of her nightgown and pulled it falling from her shoulder, revealing her beautiful breasts and cleavage to her son again.

"Oh my… I must haven't paid enough attention on your breasts just now, when we kissed… They are so sex and beautiful… So big and so perky…"

He was right, seeing her breast did make his cock harden even further. She felt a rush of warmth spread through her body hearing those words from her son. She had always been proud of her figure, but not many people had told her so directly. Instead of replying, she continued to stroke his hardening cock faster in silence.