
The Seduction System

Jay is a new college student, 19 years old, travel to Australia to visit his step mom Liz's twin sis, aunt Bec in his gap year, died in air plane crash. He went to the hell. A demon succubus Lilith took his soul and discovered all his evil thoughts, which is why he is in hell. She gave him some power and reverse his life back to 1 year ago. He needs to use the magic to save those unhappy wives, and let them find their happiness after their unhappy marriage life, in order to extend his life. If he didn't obey, he would be dead at the exact day 1 year after. =================== R18, Forbidden Desires, Villain, Corrupted Souls, Weak to Strong, Adultery, Cheating, MILFs, ... Extremely attention to detail, especially on some actions. *** Status: Applying for Contract *** Every chapter will be free before that! This novel is based around Netori, NOT Netorare. Jay will NOT get cheated on. Unhappy ladies he needed to save: Liz - His step mom. Bec - His Aunty. Step mom's twin sister living overseas in Australia Anna - The airplane crush survivor Lisa - His boss Zoe - His client Julia - His new neighbor Emma - His stepdad's new wife (new stepmom?) Sarah - His teacher Mia - His therapist Sue Gibson - politician And more... Moreover, at the end, he needs to find the final boss - Lilith! To free their souls. ================= Please leave your review and comments, vote for it, and add it to your collection. Your support is very important to me! Let me know if you enjoy reading my book, so I can provide more and better chapters for you!

OliverSmith_ · Fantasy
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35 Chs


She pulled her hand out from her bush and put it to her face, feeling the moisture there. It had been so long since she last had released all the pent-up energy in her body.

As she lay there, spent and satisfied, she felt the familiar guilt creeping up on her. She knew that she had been acting out a fantasy that was wrong in so many ways. She knew that her behavior was not acceptable, but the thrill of the forbidden was too much to resist.

She sighed heavily, knowing that this wasn't going to end well. There were consequences for everything, even if you didn't mean them to happen. The fact remained though; she wanted to experience something new, something exciting, and she found herself wanting to cross her own boundaries.

She knew that it was a foolish thought, but the idea of it excited her all the same. She didn't want to think about the consequences of their relationship becoming anything more than it was right now. She knew that there were rules to be followed, lines not to be crossed.

She felt ashamed of herself. This whole thing had spiraled out of control quickly, and now here she was contemplating whether or not to continue down this path. She hated herself for being such an irresponsible adult, especially when it came to matters involving her family. "I shouldn't..."

Liz shook her head slightly, feeling exhausted after this crazy night, especially the intense climax just now. It's late already, she'd better take some sleep now. She reached over to turn off the lights. After turning them off, she lay back in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling in the darkness. It wasn't long before she drifted off into slumber, started dreaming about her son again...


In her dream...

She was in an alleyway with her son. He seemed very nervous.

He turned towards her, his face pale. "Mom..." he said softly.

"What is it?" she asked, her heart pounding, feeling something was wrong.

"I don't know how to tell you this," he said, his voice catching in his throat.

"You can always tell me everything." She asked softly, after a few minutes had passed. She was afraid if she left him alone too long, he might change his mind. "It can help to get it off your chest,"

"I... I think... I think I may be in love with someone." he replied hesitantly.

"Who? Who could possibly make you feel like that?" she asked, her voice wavering.

He didn't answer. He just looked at her, nervously. "It is a girl I met recently... I'm sorry, mom." After a few moments of silence, he finally managed to continue. "I just... I thought you should know."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to still her raging heart. "I understand that you have to follow your heart," she said in a shaky voice, not having any idea what to say. "But... But it's so hard to let you go." She forced a weak smile. "I'm going to miss you, son."

"Please promise me something," he pleaded. "Promise me you'll take care of yourself, okay?" His hands were shaking slightly as they gripped hers tightly. "Promise me you won't do anything stupid or reckless." He whispered, leaning forward to kiss her forehead gently. "Just stay safe, mom."

"Okay," she replied quietly, feeling completely helpless against all these emotions welling up inside her. She hugged him tight, unable to hold back her own tears anymore. "Thank you for telling me... Thank you for everything..." She sobbed into his shoulder. "I know what happened between us isn't fair..." She wasn't sure how much longer she could keep holding herself together without breaking down completely. The last thing she wanted right now was to lose control over her feelings again.

He felt her trembling beneath him, but he didn't move immediately. Instead, he just held her close, letting her rest until she'd settled down herself. A few moments later, when at last she looked up at him, he saw her face was streaked with tears.

She looked up at her son with pleading eyes. "Please don't leave me behind," she begged quietly. "Not like this..." Her voice cracked. She couldn't hold up anymore. "We've been through so much together already..." Tears streamed down her cheeks once more. "Don't make me suffer even more than I am already suffering!" She sniffled loudly before continuing in a shaky tone.

He nodded slowly, wiping away her tears. "Please believe that I never meant any harm towards you. It's just..." he trailed off miserably. "My heart has always belonged to someone else." he finished sadly. "And now.."

She stared blankly ahead as she listened intently. When he finally spoke next, she couldn't look away from him no matter how hard she tried. His words were painful yet honest.

"I'm sorry…for hurting you like this." He said solemnly.

She could feel her heart shattering into a million tiny pieces. And yet, despite how much he had hurt her, she just couldn't bring herself to hate him. There were too many good memories between them for her to dismiss him so easily. "I don't want to be like this," she whispered brokenly.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes tightly. This time when she opened them, they weren't filled with hatred or anger. Instead, there was only sadness and regret. "If only things hadn't turned out this way..." she mumbled softly.

He couldn't bear to watch her in so much pain, but he didn't know what to do to make it better. So he did the only thing he could think of in that moment: He let go of her, and disappeared into the darkness...

"No!!!..." She screamed out loud and woke herself up. She sat up and realized it was just a nightmare. It was morning already. She awoke with a feeling of unease in her stomach. She rolled over and rubbed her eyes slowly, trying to shake off the remnants of the dream she'd had. She didn't want to think about it, but it lingered in the back of her mind.

"I felt betrayed." She laid back to her bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. "Not just because I'd been lying to myself, but also because I had never expected our relationship to go anywhere beyond that point. So seeing him grow attached to someone else made me feel horrible."

She sighed as she looked around the room. "It's just a dream," she told herself. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of mother she'd become. How could she feel something like that in her dream? Why did she feel betrayed by her son? The more she thought about it, the worse she felt. Maybe the best thing to do now was not to think about this dream at all, and not to think about her son anymore. Maybe if she kept herself shut, she wouldn't feel hurt when he found his true love in the future... Or the opposite?

Fate might have its own plan...

Liz frowned as she remembered that today was Monday. She had to get up and get herself and her son ready for today. Liz sighed heavily as she got dressed. Today was going to be another long day. But at least it wouldn't be nearly as bad as her dream. At least it would keep her busy and not think about this kind of thing. At least now she had something to look forward to in the evening... Spending time with her son alone. Yes, her husband wasn't coming back from his business trip until tomorrow evening!

She wasn't sure why that thought made her feel so happy. Maybe it was just the novelty of having some extra alone time with her son. Or perhaps it was the future of her illicit affair with her son that made her feel so giddy whenever she had a moment to herself to think about it.

At least her son was a very nice and sweet boy, when he wasn't raising any intimate requests to her. She was smiling at herself in the mirror, when she was brushing her teeth and thinking about her son.