
The Seduction System

Jay is a new college student, 19 years old, travel to Australia to visit his step mom Liz's twin sis, aunt Bec in his gap year, died in air plane crash. He went to the hell. A demon succubus Lilith took his soul and discovered all his evil thoughts, which is why he is in hell. She gave him some power and reverse his life back to 1 year ago. He needs to use the magic to save those unhappy wives, and let them find their happiness after their unhappy marriage life, in order to extend his life. If he didn't obey, he would be dead at the exact day 1 year after. =================== R18, Forbidden Desires, Villain, Corrupted Souls, Weak to Strong, Adultery, Cheating, MILFs, ... Extremely attention to detail, especially on some actions. *** Status: Applying for Contract *** Every chapter will be free before that! This novel is based around Netori, NOT Netorare. Jay will NOT get cheated on. Unhappy ladies he needed to save: Liz - His step mom. Bec - His Aunty. Step mom's twin sister living overseas in Australia Anna - The airplane crush survivor Lisa - His boss Zoe - His client Julia - His new neighbor Emma - His stepdad's new wife (new stepmom?) Sarah - His teacher Mia - His therapist Sue Gibson - politician And more... Moreover, at the end, he needs to find the final boss - Lilith! To free their souls. ================= Please leave your review and comments, vote for it, and add it to your collection. Your support is very important to me! Let me know if you enjoy reading my book, so I can provide more and better chapters for you!

OliverSmith_ · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Demoness' Whispers

He knew how difficult this must have been for her and he did his best to show empathy. Hearing him say those kind words made his mom smile. His gentle demeanor helped ease some of her tension.

She was relieved to finally unburden herself. Sometimes, it was hard to explain her emotions to others, but he seemed to understand without her having to explain too much. It felt good to get her feelings out in the open and not keep them bottled up inside.

She was pleased with his reaction. After hearing her out, he didn't judge or offer unsolicited advice. In fact, he actually seemed interested in learning more about her experience. That was encouraging because she'd feared he would just dismiss her concerns as irrational fears.

Overall, she felt comfortable confiding in her son and knew she could turn to him for support in the future. That feeling of trust was priceless and something she rarely found in others. It was refreshing to have someone with such a compassionate and non-judgmental ear who was willing to listen without an agenda.

From that moment, she knew she had someone she could count on to listen without interrupting, and without trying to fix things or offer advice that she may not have wanted to hear. His calm and patient attitude made her feel safe and supported. She appreciated his understanding and kindness towards her. It was always nice to have someone who cared enough to listen with an open heart and mind.

Liz realized her son Jay has now really grown up becoming a kind and thoughtful young man, who can listen and understand her.

It's heartwarming to know that her son has turned out to be such a kind and thoughtful individual. Sometimes, parents wondered if their efforts in raising their children were paying off, and it's clear that in her case, she had.

She was touched by her son's attentiveness and unwavering support. It meant the world to her that he was willing to lend a listening ear without judgement. At times, communication can be tough, especially when it comes to sensitive matters.

Overall, it seemed like Liz was fortunate to have a caring and attentive son like Jay. Communication could be difficult, but when we approached it with an open mind and heart, it could strengthen their relationships with others.

It's clear that Liz and Jay had a strong bond, and that Liz was grateful for that. As he grown older, it's important to maintain open communication with those around them, especially those closest to them.

After the conversation with his mom, Jay realized he did need to speak with his stepdad. There was no way out. His mom couldn't do anything better. But how to approach his step dad? These two men had grown apart over time due to their busy schedules and differing priorities. However, Jay felt compelled to reach out because he wanted to make things right between them. He understood the situation with his mom Liz would have been tough to handle for anyone, let alone someone who felt distant from their stepfather. However, he had to try. He felt like it's still possible that he could have approached the subject with his stepdad in a way that was sensitive to his feelings.

Jay knew that while it may be difficult to initiate conversation with someone who wasn't as close as him and his mom, it's important to try and express those to him. It might require some effort, but sometimes, opened communication can overcome obstacles, at least he hoped. Perhaps He could try and initiate a conversation with his stepfather and express his desire to understand and support him.

He walked to his stepdad, and tried to reason with him. Unfortunately, after expressing his purpose clearly, his stepfather still didn't want to hear him out no more. His stepdad didn't want to open to him. He was still mad at his wife, even she didn't do anything wrong.

Maybe if Jay spoke more openly about what happened, his stepdad could come to terms with things better. Then again, maybe this wasn't something he wanted to discuss with his stepson right now.

Jay started thinking, sometimes, it might take time for people to come to terms with certain situations. Maybe he should wait a little longer before trying to initiate another conversation with his stepfather. Maybe he should wait until his stepdad has cooled down before speaking with him again. His stepdad was pretty emotional right now.

So he waited until his dad calmed down before approaching him again.

He tried again, but failed again.

At the end of the day, he had to come back to his mom with empty hand. "Sorry mom. I have tried my best…"

Well, Jay did make couples of attempts, and she understood that her son must have done that because he cares deeply for his mom. But unfortunately, it didn't go as he planned.

She thought for a moment. "I know…he always seemed a bit stubborn…"

"What should we do now?" He asked. Maybe just like some time traveling sci fic movies, no one could change anything for the future…

"I don't know." She signed again. "Maybe we should just live my life as what it is…" she murmured quietly. "It feels like there's this big hole inside my heart where he used to live." She admitted honestly.

He signed heavily, too. He knew he had tried his best. "Sorry mom." He apologized again feeling hopeless.

"That's okay, son." She smiled at him warmly, even though there were still some tears welling in her eyes. "I am proud of you. You are a very kind gentleman. I am glad I have witnessed your growth. You are officially a real man now. Happy birthday." She kissed his forehead gently.

"Thanks mom. You are such an amazing mom." He felt his mom's soft lips against his forehead and hugged her tightly. He was grateful that he had such a wonderful mom, who had a warm heart and thankful soul...

Wait... Soul? He had never thought about soul or something like that in his last life. Now he could literarily feel that the woman in his embrace had a very bright and warm soul. The soul should belong to heaven. Must be another useless power from Lilim... But this time, he was a bit happy with this useless power, as somehow, he felt like he could see how great his mom was, and where she belongs to, Heaven. At least, her soul wouldn't go to the same place as him. He had been Hell before, so he knew how terrible it was, and he would never want anyone he loved to go there, even if it would mean his soul would be lonely in Hell forever, when his time was due.

"Alright, I will leave it to you. Be strong, mom. I will find a way to save you. I promise." He nodded his head to show his determination. Yes, he needed to find a way to let his mom live better in her life, regardless, if her soul belonged to Heaven already or not. He just wanted her to be happy for the rest of her life. After all, what was the point if someone had a miserable life but going to heaven after death? He never believed some stupid things like that. Perhaps that was the potential Lilith saw in him?

"Thanks, my little knight. I believe in you." His mom smiled at him softly. There was nothing better than seeing her son becoming a responsible man. "Now, go to finish your homework. Remember you have to go to school tomorrow, young man."

She pushed her son out of the kitchen, and her smile was still hanging on her face.

He wasn't willing to go to his bedroom to do his homework. Of course, which boys like doing homework? But this time was different. He needed to find a way to save his mom, which was a higher priority task than anything else. He said goodnight to his mom, and then to his stepdad, who was still watching TV on the couch alone.

Once he walked back into his room, he locked it secured. He knew he couldn't do anything more, but now he was different than in his last life. He had some power... Hmm... useless power... Okay... he had a demoness in his ball?... Still a bit weird... But anyway, a demoness was better than nothing.