
The Seduction of Shadow

"In a world of contrasts, Emily, a beautiful and cheerful young genius, crosses paths with Alex, a cold and handsome young general. In their first encounter, Emily finds herself kidnapped and drugged, vulnerable to the dangers surrounding her. encounters Alex, a unexpected ally in her perilous situation. "You smell good," Emily sexily whispers to Alex. "You're putting yourself in danger; don't seduce me," Alex responded with a husky voice. As she unravels the secrets of her past and fights back against those who hurt her, Emily's sharp wit becomes a force to be reckoned with. With an IQ that surpasses schemers, she laughs in the face of adversity. As Emily gains fame for her creations and talents, an accidental encounter sparks an intimate connection between her and Alex. Amidst whispered compliments and warnings, their chemistry deepens. Emily's newfound courage draws Alex in, and their pursuit of love intertwines with a tale of revenge, showcasing the transformative power of unexpected connections."

byprncss · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter 23: Chess of emotion

(Chess of emotion)

Emily rolled on the bed, reminiscing about the night they shared—his gentle kiss, his alluring body, and the way he touched her skin. Her face turned red, and she suddenly slapped herself, saying, "Emily, what are you thinking?! Your mind is becoming corrupted!" She then sat down on her bed, irritated by the sudden thoughts of Alex, although it seemed he wasn't interested in her.


She shook her head and decided to force herself to sleep. The next day, Emily stayed at her place, watching movies and playing video games. As she checked the time, she prepared to go to her grandpa's house, missing him after not seeing him for days. Her lips twitched at the thought that she would encounter the villains of her life—Kara and her family. She hadn't seen Kara since the incident, but she heard from her friend Mia that Kara was involved in charity work these days.

"Hmm, she seems to want to change public opinion since the incident ruined her image. I just hope she won't bother me anytime soon, or else," Emily smirked, anticipating the visit with a mix of emotions.


She then drove to her grandpa's house, parked her car, and entered. Inside, she found her grandpa busy giving instructions to the maid about preparing the food.


"Grandpa!" Emily exclaimed, smiling at him. The old man looked at her and expressed concern: "You child, why have you become skinnier? Are you not eating well?"

"No, Grandpa, I eat well. It's just that I've been busy these last few days," Emily reassured the old man.


"If you stayed here, you would eat on time, and I would make sure your food is all healthy," the old man nagged at Emily.


Emily smiled gently at her grandpa, saying, "Thank you, Grandpa, but I'm so busy with work, and driving from here to there is quite far. I would get even more tired," she replied while pouting.


"Grandpa, where are the others?" Emily curiously asked the old man, looking around.

"Your uncle is still at the company, your aunt, I don't know, maybe she went shopping, and your cousin is doing charity work. Don't worry about them; they'll be back for dinner. Come here and play with this old man," the old man said, pointing to the chessboard.

Emily smiled and sat down where the chessboard was set up.


As Emily sat down to play chess with her grandpa, the familiar sound of the pieces being moved echoed in the room. The atmosphere was filled with the warmth of their bond.


As they engaged in the game, Emily couldn't help but cherish these moments with her grandpa, the one constant in her life. The old man, with his seasoned moves, provided a comforting presence that temporarily shielded her from the complexities of the outside world.

As the game progressed, Emily's mind drifted away from the stresses of work and the drama of her family member. The chessboard became a haven where she and her grandpa shared laughter, exchanged stories, and simply enjoyed each other's company.


Amidst the strategic moves and friendly banter, Emily found solace in the simplicity of this moment. The worries of the day melted away, replaced by the joy of being with someone who knew her well and accepted her unconditionally.

The sun went down, signaling the end of their chess game as dinner approached. Just then, Emily's aunt returned, donned in a bright-colored dress, carrying numerous paper bags from her shopping spree.

"Hello, Father!" Mrs. Sy greeted her father-in-law before casting a disdainful look at Emily.

"It's good to see you, Emily. You should always come back here for Father. Who knows what you're doing outside?" Mrs. Sy coldly remarked, implying that Emily was a wild child up to inappropriate activities.


Emily smiled, countering, "That was actually the plan, but work became hectic these past few days. Don't worry, Grandpa. I will accompany you and play chess in my free time rather than go shopping." Emily glanced at her aunt, who stood with a lot of paper bags, and then shifted her attention back to her grandpa. Her subtle expression conveyed a choice made in favor of spending time with family rather than indulging in the materialistic pursuits represented by the shopping bags.

Mrs. Sy's lips twitched at Emily's words, and a surge of anger welled within her. However, she restrained herself, realizing the need to conceal her frustration to maintain a facade of humility, especially in front of the old man. Suppressing her Fire, Mrs. Sy forced a laugh in response to Emily's comment, feigning indifference to the situation.


Quickly regaining composure, Mrs. Sy instructed the maid to bring the paper bags upstairs, attempting to sweep the tension under the rug and maintain an illusion of harmony within the household.

Emily observed her aunt with a smug smile, reflecting on the unfulfilled agreement they had. "Oh, she almost forgot about our agreement. They need to apologize to me, or I'll put Kara in jail. I wonder if today is the day they'll finally apologize," Emily thought with a hint of excitement. The prospect of resolving past conflicts lingered in her mind as dinner approached, adding a layer of anticipation to the evening.