
The Seduction of Shadow

"In a world of contrasts, Emily, a beautiful and cheerful young genius, crosses paths with Alex, a cold and handsome young general. In their first encounter, Emily finds herself kidnapped and drugged, vulnerable to the dangers surrounding her. encounters Alex, a unexpected ally in her perilous situation. "You smell good," Emily sexily whispers to Alex. "You're putting yourself in danger; don't seduce me," Alex responded with a husky voice. As she unravels the secrets of her past and fights back against those who hurt her, Emily's sharp wit becomes a force to be reckoned with. With an IQ that surpasses schemers, she laughs in the face of adversity. As Emily gains fame for her creations and talents, an accidental encounter sparks an intimate connection between her and Alex. Amidst whispered compliments and warnings, their chemistry deepens. Emily's newfound courage draws Alex in, and their pursuit of love intertwines with a tale of revenge, showcasing the transformative power of unexpected connections."

byprncss · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter 2: A twisted web of deceit

(A twisted web of deceit)

Inside the luxurious apartment, a girl in a black silk nightgown sips wine, gazing out the window. As she swirls the glass, a devilish smile graces her lips, adding a seductive allure to her demeanor.

Kara is very excited that the whole country will witness how dirty her sister is; she can't help but smile widely. She calls her friend, who drugged Emily and brought her to the club.


"Everything's ready?" Kara asked.


"Of course, my dear Kara. Just don't forget the proposal I gave to you. Anyway, I'm just waiting for the drug to take effect on that old geezer, and I've already called the reporters, telling them the daughter of the Sy family is a mistress of Mr. Cheng," the girl answered.


"Haha, good, good! This is fun! I can't wait. Don't worry, I will help your family's company. You finish this, and I will accept your proposal," Kara said.


Ecstatic at Kara's words, Lhei Lin sees a glimmer of hope for her family's failing company. If Kara accepts their project, there's a chance to avert bankruptcy. Delighted by the added satisfaction of besting Emily, she wears a sinister smile. After ending the call, still in her party dress, Lhei Lin queries Mr. Cheng about his arrival, eager to proceed with their plans.


The paid accomplice nods, confirming, "Yes, we discreetly spiked his drink and informed him the daughter of the Sy family awaits him in the 4 VIP rooms," he discloses.


Satisfied, Lhei Lin instructs, "You should leave this place now to avoid any evidence," handing him payment. The accomplice swiftly departs.


Curiosity tugs at Lhei Lin as she wonders about Emily's fate under the drug's influence. Intrigued by Kara's claim of its potency, she heads to the VIP room to check on Emily. However, before she can enter, an unexpected push propels her inside, adding an unforeseen twist to the unfolding situation.


"Hey, what are you doing?!" Lhei Lin angrily asks.


"You bitch! Why are you acting innocent? Come here, and I will let you taste what heaven is. You asked me to come here, right? I know you've been with a lot of rich old guys, so don't act so high in front of me," Mr. Cheng said while aggressively pushing the girl.


The girl is shocked and starting to tremble. "I'm not Emily! Stop touching me! She's there!" The girl frantically points her finger, scanning the surroundings, but Emily is nowhere to be found. Why isn't she here? She was here a while ago." The girl is scared and confused; she is sure that Emily is weak already and wonders why she is not present.


"No, no, don't come near me! Don't come! Ahhhhh!" The girl shouts, trying to push Mr. Cheng.


"You bitch!" And he slaps the girl. Instantaneously, she gets dizzy and doesn't have the energy to fight back. As the girl suddenly becomes silent, Mr. Cheng removes his suit and pants, grabs the girl, and starts to kiss her lips, neck, and body.


Lhei Lin trembles, trying to push the guy, but Mr. Cheng is stronger than her. She cries so hard.


The drug is getting effective on Mr. Cheng, who can't wait to devour the girl. He tears the girl's dress and starts to go inside her.


"Ahhhh, nooooo! Please stop! Ahhhhh!" The girl shouts her pleas.

The guy excitedly goes inside her. The girl loses her mind as the guy goes inside her, and her voice becomes silent, with only her cries and moans audible in the room.


While the two were engaged in an intimate act, some reporters excitedly headed to VIP Room 4. A girl had tipped them off that an adopted daughter of the Sy family was the mistress of a famous businessman.


"This is a big scoop! Haha, I will get a big bonus. Hurry! We need to capture their love," one guy said. They went straight to Room 4, and upon opening the door, they saw an old, overweight man engaging in an intimate act with a slim and beautiful girl who had many bruises on her body, and her face was pale. They immediately took out their cameras and started capturing the private moment.


"Wait! This is not the daughter of the Sy family!" one confused guy asked.


"Then who is that girl?" another guy asked.


"Everybody, capture the girl's face. That is Lhei Lin from the Lin family! Haha, this is big news! Who would have thought the cherished and innocent Lhei Lin is a mistress of Mr. Cheng?" another guy exclaimed while capturing the two inside the room. The girl trembled upon hearing the voice.


"Help me! Help me! Ahhh, what are you doing?! Stop taking pictures!" she shouted while crying. She realized that the reporters she had called were already here, capturing images of her humiliating situation. Trembling due to the pain inflicted by Mr. Cheng and the reporters documenting the scene, she feels utterly humiliated. Her reputation could be ruined, and she fears she may never get married. All she can do is cry for her misfortunes.