
The Seducer System (Harry Potter)

The day before the beginning of his sixth year, Harry is informed that this is his second life. That he was given a gamer system at his rebirth. And how does this system work you ask? Simple, sleep around and earn points to spend on the multiversal lottery machine—also known as Gacha. Harry is anything but wasteful, and he will fuck around in hopes to make his normal life spicier and to get some op skills while he is at it. Late Triwizard Tournament. Voldemort is dead—but not. Fucking Horcruxes.

Percypendragon3 · Video Games
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17 Chs


Chapter 6. Transformation

"Who's the hottie?" Someone from the further end of the Gryffindor table casually remarks.

"Most probably the new Potions teacher."

"Heh, why do I think Potions goin' to become my favourite subject?"

I have to consciously try not to sigh as Rose takes offence and jumps across the table to punch the two seventh-year boys. Thankfully, Katie yanks her back and holds her down, averting a barbaric brawl that would've surely gotten everyone's attention.

The hottie in question is sitting at the staff table, chatting with Hagrid. The hottie has a delectable, hourglass figure, which has already entranced most of the students—at least the male ones. And the hottie has long, crimson hair and bright, emerald eyes.

The hottie is none other than my mum. So Rose's anger is valid if exaggerated.

Dumbledore has been quick. Snape died yesterday, and we already have a new professor. I was looking forward to more free periods. But it appears I shouldn't get used to it. Mum will be resuming those lessons from tomorrow onwards. It's both disappointing and exciting—a strange juxtaposition.

"Geez, sorry, Rosie. Didn't know she was your mum. Now I know where you got your rack from," Rob comments with an unabashed grin, eliciting boisterous laughter around him.

My fingers clenched into fists.

"Call me Rosie again, I dare you. I'll cut off your sausage and feed it to your skinny arse."

I wrinkle my nose and glower at the uncouth seventh-years as they continue their loud banter. It's good that dinner hasn't begun yet, because I might've lost my appetite otherwise.

Seriously, are these immature tards supposed to be older than me? Shouldn't they be stressing over their NEWTs rather than passing 'hilarious' comments on teachers?

Hermione squeezes my hand under the table. "Ignore them."

That's what I do and look on as Lily Evans gets up to introduce herself.

Even though her introduction is curt and reserved, the applause is thunderous. I roll my eyes when some start cheering on top of their lungs, as if she had given a revolutionary speech rather than merely uttering her name.

Mum is expectedly taken aback by their unbridled enthusiasm and sits down with a pensive frown, trying to understand the reason for such positive reception.

You're just unbelievably attractive, mum. That's it. Nothing more.

Once the dinner is over, I stay while the other students amble out of the Great Hall. Hermione nods at me, realising what I'm doing, and leaves me alone. Not that I get to keep my peace for long.

"My sweet little brother." Rose slumps down beside me at the table and slings her arm around my neck. "Are you waiting for mum too?"

"Yes," is my short answer as I elbow her hard in the side. That's what you get for constantly annoying me. And I needed to vent a bit.

"Ughhhh!" She gasps and doubles over, clutching her side. "You bloody—"

I pat her back, interrupting her tirade. "Call me sweet little brother again, I dare you. I'll shave your pretty hair and make you a noose."

"Spooky." She glares at me, her green eyes ablaze, her hands inching towards me.

Before we can shame ourselves and stoop to wrestling in the Great Hall, Iris snaps her fingers from behind and shoots us an unimpressed stare. "If you two are done playing around, we can talk to mum now."

"Right." I slide off the bench, and we make our way towards the staff table.

Mum smiles and climbs down to stand before us.

Unlike usual, she is wearing ankle-length red robes. "Surprise."

Iris crashes into her with an uncharacteristic, broad smile. "I'm happy that I won't have to wait until Christmas to see you."

"Me too, darling, me too." She caresses her hair. "Let me show you to my new quarters."

And so we leave the Great Hall and trail after her.

Her personal room is attached to her classroom. And it's not in the dungeon like Snape's. No, it is located on the upper floor of the Astronomy Tower, near Professor Sinistra's living quarters.

The classroom is bright and airy, definitely an improvement over the dark basement. And her room is more lavish than we expected it to be.

After touring her fancy abode, we return to the lounge and sink down on the maroon, high-backed sofas. Rose sits beside me while Iris joins mum on the other sofa facing us.

My eyes turn into thin slits when the bratty one props herself against the armrest and throws her legs in my lap, apparently forgetting our earlier fight.

Instead of making a fuss, I simply rest my hands on her denim-clad legs and turn on my [See] skill.

Rose Evans

Level: 22

Beauty Tier: A

Seduction: 60%

Points Available: 5

Seducing her is a very slow-going process. I shouldn't waste any opportunities.

I activate my [Touch] skill.

"What will happen to the shop now that you're here?" Iris asks the most important question, placing her head on mum's lap, taking advantage of being the youngest.

Mum fondly runs her fingers through her hair. "It will be shut down, obviously."

"Hmm," Iris hums, closing her eyes and enjoying the sensation. "You don't sound sad."

She chuckles in response. "Why should I? I was getting bored, and being a professor seemed like a better option."

"Tell me that after tomorrow and I'll believe you," Rose grumbles, butting in. "Boys will ogle you, and girls will get jealous. You have unwittingly stepped into hell."

Mum blinks at the statement, and then she gives a slow nod. "That's why the boys were so enthusiastic. Don't worry. I'm not some clueless teen. I know how to take care of myself and keep things professional. Just ignore them and focus on your own school life."

"I don't think the dumb cow can do that." Iris smirks with her eyes closed, radiating pure smugness. "She was going to fight some boys when they called you 'hottie'. She doesn't have a lick of self-restraint."

"Shut up, nerd. I don't need to hear that from you."

Iris sits upright, her face reddening, preparing to launch herself with her fist cocked back, ironically proving why she's no better than the bratty one, resorting to violence at first slight.

"Enough, you two." Mum puts her hand on Iris' shoulder. "No fighting."

The grouchy princess grumbles and drops her head back into mum's lap, muttering nasty cusses under her breath.

This exchange leaves an awkward silence behind.

Thank you, sisters, for your stellar personalities.

"I'm surprised by your new attire." I finally speak up, unsubtly changing the topic. "Never seen you in robes before."

Mum conveys her gratitude through her warm gaze.

"I don't think I can appear strict and professional in a pair of jeans and a shirt." The corner of her mouth curves up. "A wardrobe change was necessary."

"I see."

The robe is quite conservative. It's loose and flowy, not outlining her generous curves, and it doesn't show much skin—not even a hint of cleavage. On top of that, I won't be able to sneak glances at her jeans-clad arse like I used to. But perhaps it's for the best. It means other boys won't be able to do that either.

"I think I'll be able to enjoy Potions now that Snape isn't here to hold a grudge against me," I comment idly, keeping the conversation going on, massaging Rose's legs to her immense surprise and delight.

Mum sighs, her face falling. "I was sad to hear of his passing. But I can't scold you for your words. He was never good at hiding his animosity. Still, try not to talk ill of the dead."


"No, no, Harry is right." Rose scowls and speaks up in my defence. "I always hated how nice Snape was to me. It was odd and uncomfortable. It was creepy."

Mum winces at the confession, but it's Iris who plays the devil's advocate. "I can understand Harry's opinion, but why are you insulting him? He was nice to me, too. But that's no reason to hate him, is it?"

Rose simply shakes her head. "If he was nice to everyone, I would've been fine. But he was nice only to you and me. And no, it was not only because we were the daughters of his best friend."

"What does that mean?" Iris asks with genuine curiosity, unable to grasp the insinuation.

"Forget it, you clueless nerd," Rose groans, dropping the conversation.

This revelation is not something new to me. I already knew that Snape wasn't only obsessed with mum but was also interested in my sisters, subconsciously if not consciously. Just like I was a James Potter clone to him, Rose and Iris were Lily Evans clones in his view. Thankfully, his all-consuming desire to win over mum never allowed him to go after the low-hanging fruits.

"Enough about him." Mum keeps Iris' head in her lap, stopping her from rising up and exploding at Rose. "I want to know what you three have been up to since we last saw each other."

"You know about the Triwizard Tournament?" Rose swings her legs off my lap and sits up.

Mum bobs her head. "I do. Are you thinking of participating?"

"Yes. Since the Quidditch Cup is cancelled, I'll be using this tournament to earn fame. It should help me while I apply for any professional teams next year. That's why I've been practising my duelling skills in spare time and going through all the spells that have been taught from the first year."

I regard her with an amazed look.

I didn't know that, and had assumed she was goofing around like always. But she has been seriously working in preparation for the tournament. Brilliant. For that, she has my respect. "Call me if you need help. I'll do everything I can to make you win."

"Aw, my sweet—" She stops short and gulps, seeing my irritated face. "Thank you, Harry."

Good, she is learning.

I smile and wind my left arm around her neck as she snuggles against me. Like always, she is soft, and warm, and smells incredibly nice. I wonder how long it will take me to seduce her into bed. I can't wait for the day when I can sleep with her. Even the mere thought makes my nether region tingle with excitement.

"While I can't promise to help you, know that I'm rooting for you." Mum offers her own encouragement, shackled by her new role as a professor.

"I don't think she can win, though." Iris says from mum's lap, being difficult and ruining the moment.

It's so normal that I'm not even surprised.

Mum sighs, flicking her on the forehead. "Don't be mean."


"Rose will win, while she is not the smartest—" "Hey!" "She is strong and skilled." I give her shoulders a squeeze, ignoring her pout.

"We will see." Iris harrumphs, receiving another forehead flick. "Mummm!"

"Instead of being mean, tell me what you have been doing." Mum steers the conversation away from the tournament, sparing us a headache.

"Nothing out of the ordinary happened. I study, I eat, I spend time with Harry, and I sleep. Everything's going great."

I'm not the only one deadpanning at her. But before Rose can make fun of her, I give her a stern look. And for once, she acts mature and lets it go, simply resting her head back on my shoulder.

I wonder how they'd react if they knew how Iris spends time with me.

"Sounds good. Keep it up." Mum smiles in a way that shows she doesn't know how to respond.

"I will." Iris nods seriously before sitting up.

Like a stray cat done with enjoying mum's affection, she leaves her side and plonks down beside me, now demanding my attention.

It says a lot that none of us find her behaviour odd. All I can do is wrap my other arm around Iris and hug her too; otherwise, she will get jealous of Rose and make a fuss. Something I'd very much like to avoid.

Mum looks at me wryly, amused by my predicament. "What about you, Harry? Has anything exciting happened?"

"Nothing much."

Both Iris and Rose scoff, attracting mum's attention.

Under her intense gaze, I shrug. "I may have gotten supernatural powers that practically make me a genie."


And so I spill. I tell her how I woke up one day with this power. I confess how I started a business using this ability. Though I also reveal that Dumbledore summoned me and asked me to stop using my blessing for business purposes. This is a surprise to my sisters too.

Of course, most of what I said are half-truths. I reveal neither my gamer system nor my hand in Snape's death.

Some secrets are never meant to be shared.

"Is this why you stopped charging for your service?" asks Iris.

"Yes, not that it matters with the way you two are collecting 2000 galleons daily."

"But why did you return the money to the ones you already charged? Was that because of Dumbledore too?"

I actually did return all the money I previously collected from my fellow Gryffindors. It was a simple but powerful gesture to increase goodwill. And now my entire house reveres me, feeling indebted to my generosity. "It's about reputation. I'd rather have their deep admiration than some coins. It will be more useful in the long run."

Reputation is an essential thing. If I didn't have a spotless reputation, Dumbledore wouldn't have covered up Snape's murder. So, cultivating goodwill and seeming like a white knight is more important than money for the moment.

"You filthy schemer." Rose pokes my rib. But her wide smile betrays her true feelings.

Iris is silent, but I can feel her approval too as she presses her face on my chest.

I glance at mum, who looks thoroughly flabbergasted by our talks. It takes minutes, but she does come around and participate in the idle chatter. She is quite happy to know that we have collected thousands of galleons by now, securing our family financially.

A weight has been lifted from her shoulders, and she acts more peppy than ever. Something that I don't mind.

"Oh! I almost forgot, mum. Our little Harry is growing. He asked Katie out on a date for the first Hogsmeade weekend." Rose announces with glee, mussing my hair much to my chagrin.

Her energy is infectious, and mum starts grinning too. Although Iris' response is far different. She clutches my arm tightly, almost possessively.

Is my [Anomaly] perk not working? It should keep my life drama free and allow me to have multiple relationships.


— Women are fine with sharing you, allowing you to continue your conquest without facing the dreaded drama.

Perhaps I should have a talk with Iris before doubting my gamer system.

I divert the conversation from my love life with a big question. "So, what do you want, mum? I'll grant you your wish. Don't think too much about it. It's not a once in a lifetime opportunity; I can grant you another wish some time later too."

Mum sits up alert, folding her hands in her lap. "I would have asked for money if I wasn't aware of your budding collection. How about I wish for my children's eternal happiness?"

Rose groans, I shake my head, and even Iris throws a pitiful look at her.

"Don't be corny; be a little selfish and ask something for yourself. Perhaps an expensive dress, maybe jewellery, anything. Just ask."

Mum taps her chin and closes her eyes. "Well, since I can ask this wish again, I don't have to waste too much time on it. Hmm, what do I need the most right now?"

We look on as she tilts her head this way and that. She twirls her finger in her stray red curl and scrunches her eyebrows. Just as I'm about to lose my patience, her eyes snap open, and a grin flashes over her face. "Here is what I want. I need spectacles that make me appear extra strict and intimidating, something that will stop students from undermining my authority."

I feel my [God of Small Things] perk thrum in acknowledgement.

Large, square-rimmed, black spectacles appear in mum's lap.

We wait with a bated breath as she puts it on.

I feel nothing, but the way both Iris and Rose gasp tell me that it's actually working. I guess my [Shield] perk is keeping my mind protected, rebuffing her intimidation tactic.

"Wow, I've never felt so self-conscious before. It's like I'm looking at the strictest version of Professor McGonagall," Rose says with a nervous smile, unable to hold mum's gaze for more than a couple of seconds.

Iris nods stiffly. "Yes, it's working. Please take it off."

"Shut up and do your bloody homework." Mum retorts in an icy tone.

Even though it's an act, my sisters flinch, and I cannot help but chuckle. Mum joins me and laughs at them. Rose has a sense of humour, so she takes it in stride, whereas Iris scowls and looks away.

"Thank you. This will be helpful in keeping the jokesters in line."

"Glad to be of help."

We spent the next hour with her before bidding her good night. As I'm leaving, I check on her stats.

I'm astonished to see her seduction hasn't risen a bit.

Lily Evans

Level: 31

Beauty Tier: S

Seduction: 1%

Points Available: 10

I don't even know how to change that. Is it impossible to seduce one's own mother? There must be a way.

At least I progressed with Rose.

Rose Evans

Level: 22

Beauty Tier: A

Seduction: 70%

Points Available: 5

Straight ten percent increase. If I'm not wrong, it's because of me sticking up for her and believing in her when she said she was training for the Triwizard Tournament.

Perhaps that's the clue. Maybe I can help her with the tournament to get these little consistent boosts in her seduction.

"You go ahead; I need Harry for a bit," Iris orders as we come to a halt before the painting of the Fat Lady.

Rose narrows her eyes at the demand, but my one look is enough for her to behave. "Alright, I'll see you two tomorrow. Good night."

Once she is gone, Iris takes my hand and leads me to the nearest abandoned classroom.

I'm intrigued by the suddenness of it all.

Iris Evans

Level: 17

Beauty Tier: A

Seduction: 99%

Points Available: 4

Yes, I'm this close to maxing out her seduction. But it hasn't budged for days, no matter what I tried. Not that I can try many things with the restrictions Iris has laid on me.

Only kissing. That's all she allows in our amorous tutoring sessions. And that's what we do every evening on the terrace of the Gryffindor Tower.

I want to advance further, obviously. I want to peel off her clothes and trace every inch of her skin with my feverish lips. I want to clamp my mouth on her small, perky tits and suck out the lewdest moan. I need to spread her legs and drive myself into oblivion.

I desire to be lost in her pleasured screams.

Unfortunately, Iris doesn't seem to want that.

The door is shut close, bringing me out of my reverie, and the lighting charm is applied to illuminate the dark room.


She grabs my collar and shoves me against the door.

The kiss is expected, yet the fervour behind it is not.

I haul her up in my arms and try to match her passion.

Our lips mash. Our bodies press. Our breaths collide.

For the first time, Iris doesn't complain when I hold her by her pert arse. She just moans and deepens the kiss as my fingers dig into her soft, bubbly bottom. We prolong it as long as we can, but minutes later we part.

Her mouth is wet and red. Her chest is rising and falling. Her eyes are glazed. And I'm hard. I'm so fucking hard.

I set her down on her feet when she taps my shoulder.

"Meet me tomorrow at our place at our time." Saying that, she leaves me with a massive boner.

My eyebrows twitch as I stare at the up-and-down movements of her succulent arse. Does she really have to wait until tomorrow?

The fading sound of footsteps is my answer.

Oh well, at least we will finally progress. Probably.

I adjust my erection and step out. Maybe I will drag Hermione away for a quickie. Curfew is still an hour away.

This lust won't ebb unless my cock gets soaked in a pussy.


It's six in the morning when I slip out of the Gryffindor common room.

Last night, I received an unsigned letter requesting that I be present in my office at this time to hear their wish.

Intrigued by the secrecy and daring of the anonymous sender, I allowed myself to engage in this 'thrilling' affair.

Usually, people come to me directly to beg for favours. And my answer always remains the same. 'Let me be done with my house first. I promise to grant wishes in other houses starting next month.'

Slytherins, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws. This excuse has kept them all at bay. Everyone is on their best behaviour, trying to remain on my good side, patiently biding their time.

So, I'm forced to wonder who is foolish enough to give in to their impatience and draw my ire. Don't they know English? Don't they understand the meaning of 'next month'?

I open the door of my 'Genie For Hire' office. Such a mouthful name. I'll call it just office from now on.

The mysterious sender is already here, seated in a chair.

Seeing the green robes only inflames my annoyance.

The girl jumps to her feet as she catches sight of me.

She is tall—the tallest girl in my year. Her shoulders are broad like a man's, but her large, voluptuous breasts prove her femininity. Her face is squarish and flat, and her mouth is nearly lipless. Not to mention that she is chubby with a visible paunch.

She will be winning no beauty pageant awards, not even in her dreams.

Millicent Bulstrode

Level: 17

Beauty Tier: D

Seduction: 30%

Points Available: 1

Her beauty tier should be F. But I guess she isn't as ugly as Snape, whose tier was only E.

"Good morning." She bows politely.

Such a hoarse, annoying voice.

Scowling, I storm to my chair and take my seat.

Leaning on the backrest, I cross my leg over the knee and stare at her without concealing my displeasure. "Millicent Bulstrode, the resident troll of Hogwarts, or so they say. Good morning to you, too."

A hint of rage passes across her face, but she holds her tongue and manages to keep her 'friendly' smile. "That's what I want to change."


She ignores my sarcastic comment. "Do you know how cruel this world is to ugly people, both directly and indirectly? No one seems to remember that my name always appears in the top-ranking students list, even if at the bottom, but they all know me as the 'resident troll'."

"Such a tragedy," is my blithe response. "But I hope you understand why I'm not pleased by your impatience. My schedule is full to the brim, and taking any request will only worsen it. I'm almost on the verge of deciding to never hear your request for pulling this vexing stunt."

Millicent freezes, her eyes widening in horror.

It's not desperation, but anger, that she chooses. "This is what I'm talking about. You're just like everyone else. If I were some beautiful girl crying for your help, you'd become instantly sympathetic. But since I'm not attractive, my problems are not worth considering."

I'm very irritated by the vitriol in her voice. "I'd have gladly helped you if you hadn't tried to cut in line. You aren't the only one who wants to use my services."

"Then what about Astoria Greengrass!"

"Do you have a blood curse killing you?" I ask in the coldest voice I can muster.

That shuts her up.

The nerve of this fat tard lecturing me on bias and partiality, as if I care about such things.

"You can get out by the way." I gesture at the door. "And forget about your wish. I'm not bothering with you again. Remain ugly forever."

Yes, I'm petty, so what? A lecture on privilege is not something I want to listen to first thing in the morning.

I expected her to break into tears and get on her knees—to beg for forgiveness.

Instead, she just smiles and says, "I'm not using your service for free. I'm willing to pay."

"Money cannot buy me; now piss off."

Seriously, how annoying can you be?

"That's not what I'm offering. Make me beautiful, and you can have my body as compensation."

I'm not going to lie; that totally blindsided me.

Is she really prostituting herself?

Actually, the offer is not bad—not bad at all.

I was waiting for this chance to experiment in this department anyway.

How much beauty can I grant? Will that promote someone into an upper tier? If that does happen, will they gain more points?

"You're just like other boys. I'm so disappointed." She snorts, confidence oozing from her smug face.

I peer at her through narrowed eyes. "Don't try me, Millicent. You're on the cusp of pissing me off for good. Become beautiful first before being proud of your opinionated nature. Only hot girls are allowed that privilege, you know."

She shrugs but does become silent.

Nodding to myself, I push the contract across the desk. "Sign it, and we can proceed. You're allowed to say I made you beautiful, but you're not allowed to share anything else that happens in this room. Even the sex that may follow."

A victorious smile crosses her face, and it's not as unpleasant as I thought it would be. "Good, I don't want to advertise that I slept with you for this wish either."

Once my [Binder] perk does its work, I lean forward on my elbows and ask, "Then let's be done with this. What do you wish for?"

"Make me beautiful, as much as you can."

My [God of Small Things] perk thrums and she is cocooned in a bright white light.

Once the light fades, there's a different girl sitting in her place.

While her height remains the same, everything else changes.

Her face is round with high cheekbones. Her lips are full and pouty. Her eyes are a light shade of brown, and her black hair is long and glossy. Her nose is not misshapen anymore, nor does she have a double chin. Instead, her jaw is defined, giving her a slight aristocratic look.

That's not everything, though. She is also not chubby anymore, possessing a curvy figure that would draw anyone's eyes. Her paunchy stomach has also disappeared, leaving a flat abdomen.

Such is her transformation that her clothes hang loose on her thinner frame.

I'm glad that her breasts haven't shrunken. On her slender frame, they look gigantic and biteworthy. Whereas she was fat and ugly a moment ago, now she possesses an enticing hourglass body.

"Well, there you go. Not the sexiest, but definitely up there," I whisper in awe.

Millicent Bulstrode

Level: 17

Beauty Tier: B

Seduction: 90%

Points Available: 3

I would personally put her just slightly below A-tier. While she hasn't become as pretty as Daphne or my sisters, she easily surpasses Hermione or Ginny in terms of pure sex appeal. I guess my perk can only do so much for her face without changing her entirely. Maybe if she fixes her attitude, boys will start lining up before her.

So this is the result, huh. I can make others beautiful enough to jump tiers, and their points do increase upon promotion. Whereas before I'd have only gotten one point for fucking Millicent, now I'll get three. The only question that remains is whether I can or cannot promote others to above B-tier. I'll probably get some A-tier girls wanting to be more beautiful in the future. Maybe then I can be sure if B-tier is my limit.

The experiment was successful for the most part, and now it's time to grab the award.

Millicent conjured a mirror while I was busy with my thoughts. She has been staring at her reflection for more than a minute now.

"Don't become like Narcissus." I roll my eyes, getting off the chair and walking around the desk to stand behind her.

I squeeze her shoulders, jolting her out of her trance.

"I'm beautiful?" She asks, still sitting in the chair and staring at the mirror.

"Very." My hands find their way down to cup her gargantuan boobs.

Perfectly round and squishy. Mmm, sublime.

She gasps but doesn't protest as I keep fondling her.

Only when I spread open her robes and start undoing her buttons does she speak up. "No kissing directly on the mouth. I'm saving my first kiss for someone who will love me for me. And this will be the only time. I won't be sleeping with you ever again."

I barely bite back my contemptuous retort. Love me for me? Then why did you change your whole appearance? No matter, I don't care enough to bargain with her. With this sex, I'll get three points. That will be enough for me. And she is not that hot that I want to keep her forever. She can go have an orgy for all I care once I get my points.

"Fine. Now stand up."

The chair is pushed aside as she does so.

Blushing, she lowers her face as I untuck her shirt and take it off, revealing her surprisingly sexy green bra. "Someone was anticipating this."

"Obviously. I knew I had to make it up to you for breaking your 'schedule'," she says, her breath hitching as my fingers sink into the wide expanse of her bra-clad breasts.

Damn, they are enormous. Even my mum's tits aren't this large. Actually, no, they are. It's just that Millicent's sudden weight loss and slimming makes her tits stand out.

I continue pawing her tits. So soft and warm. I can play with them all day. "Now that you're good-looking, I don't mind your sarcastic comments."


I rip off her bra, causing her tits to jiggle out.

"Don't be—"

I grab her bare tit and bite into the entire circle of her pink areola.

"Ahhhh." She moans and stumbles back, slumping down on the desk.

She clutches my head as I suck on her stiff nip. Her skin is hot, and there is a mild vanilla-ish scent emanating from her chest.

I breathe it in and swirl my tongue around her nipple.

Minutes pass as I alternate between her teats, as I lick and bite, as I suck on her pink protrusions.

Millicent doesn't remain idle and uses the opportunity to slip her own hands under my shirt and run her fingers across my torso.

I push her down on the desk. It's not big enough to contain her entire body, and it leaves her legs dangling.

But that will do. I only need her upper body for now.


Millicent Bulstrode

She squeaks as he climbs onto the desk and looms over her with his knees on either side of her stomach.

Her eyes are wide as saucers as he unzips his trousers and lowers them down to his knees. Then he pulls out his menacing cock.

It's long and girthy.

Her mouth waters—so do her nether lips—and she gulps down her nervousness.

He perches on her belly lightly and pinches her nubs, making her body twist from over-stimulation. Her nipples are quite sensitive, but it doesn't seem to stop him from being rough. "Let's use your tits for something good."

She squirms underneath him, getting overwhelmed by so much heat.

Grabbing her breasts, he pushes his cock into her cleavage. "Hold them like this."

She does as he asks and presses her breasts together, realising he wants to fuck them.

He gives a couple of thrusts and frowns. "It's not wet enough."

Climbing down the desk, he takes off his clothes, and she greedily drinks in the view. His green eyes are mesmerising, and his windswept black hair only makes her want to run her fingers through them. Then there is his body. While he is not overly muscular, he is in good shape. Just her type.

Truthfully, she wouldn't have agreed to let him fuck her if he wasn't good-looking.

It's hypocritical, she knows. But it is what it is.

He steps close to the desk where she is lying. Her breath hitches, and her heart tries to pound its way out of her mouth. Fingers grip the helm of her skirt, and the next moment, it's gone.

She gasps, instinctively closing her legs.

The very same fingers brush against her skin as they peel off her knickers and leave her bare and vulnerable.

Now she has nothing on. She is naked.

"I was going to let you blow me so I could fuck your tits." He spreads her legs and steps between her thighs, his bulbous cock prodding her vagina. "Then I realised you haven't ever sucked a cock before, so you'll only disappoint me. Since I don't have time or the desire to watch you fumble with a blowjob, I'll just fuck your cunt until my cock is soaked with your juices. Then I can finally use your tits, the only saving grace you ever had before your transformation."

He is rude and disparaging. Yet she is getting wetter with every verbal attack.

She holds her breath and waits for him to give a little thrust and make her impure. She stares into his dark gaze and wets her lips.

Now, he will do it. He will pierce her and take her virginity.

A gasp escapes through her lips as the bulging head slips inside her.

She opens her arms wide to envelope him in her embrace.

But he stops and doesn't thrust further. "I think this position is a no-go. I don't want to see your face while I rail away."

Anger and indignation boils in her stomach as he pulls his cock out. "What do you mean?"

"Your face, while not ugly, is not the prettiest either. But your body, on the other hand, is top-tier." He smiles, leaning over to grope her breasts. "Now, get off the desk and bend over. I'll fuck you from behind while imagining I'm pounding someone else."

She suppresses her instinct to rage at him.

This is the deal—her body for her wish. He has to fuck her. If he wants to mount her like a beast, then fine, she will do it. But once she pays up and the debt is cleared, she'll never talk with him again.

"Alright." Her tone is unfriendly, but it doesn't seem to affect him.

She rolls off the desk and stands before him, acutely aware of his lustful gaze. A part of her wants to slap the amused look from his face. But all she does is turn around and bend over with her elbows propped over the desk.

He presses behind her instantly, and her eyes flutter close. His throbbing dick nestles between her cheeks, and he grips her sides and lays his front on her back, maximising skin contact.

The heat of his body is aphrodisiac. And her arse moves on its own, rubbing up and down against his crotch, begging him to take her.

Strong hands snake their way to her breasts, and the noise she makes is only filled with pleasure.

He kisses her shoulder and kneads her tits. And the whisper in her ear nearly pushes her over the edge. "I'll fuck you so hard you'll regret never tasting it again. Touch."

Her eyes snap open, and she moans like she has never done before.

Suddenly, his skin contains electricity, and she wants nothing more than to be electrocuted until she is a charred corpse.

Elbows give in, and she falls flat on her breasts. She shivers and groans as his fingers sink into her skin, as his chest flushes against her back, as his cock grinds against her rear.

She is scared that she would lose her consciousness if he decided to fuck her now after he uttered 'Touch' and made her deadly sensitive.

And like the sadist he is, he guides himself into her with nary any gentleness. A sharp thrust breaks her barrier.

A scream is heard, and then everything goes black.

Seconds later, she comes to her senses and realises the scream was hers.

Is sex supposed to be this intense?

Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap.

The insistent way his hips hit her arse keeps her rooted in reality. She is feeling so much pleasure that she can't point out the origin of it all. She is submerged to her nose and doesn't want to find the shore.

Is it his cock shaping her insides? Is it his hands mauling her breasts? Or is it the way he is biting her neck?

She is delirious. And she wants to be delirious forever.

Minutes—or maybe hours—pass, and she remains bent over the desk with her eyes closed.

Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap.

She is somewhere between sleeping and waking, on the border where she is detached from the body, trying not to faint from the pleasure overload.

Incoherent noises claw their way out of her dazed self.

Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap.

He grabs her hair and pushes her face down on the desk. The texture of wood is grainy, and it's cold. After that, the desk begins creaking, and the sound of their striking skin becomes louder.


She moans as she lay comatose while he batters away on her arse.



It may be cruel to thrust a virgin directly into the depths of pleasure. But that's what I do.

Millicent isn't someone I care for. I don't have to be gentle and ease her into it. She is not Hermione.

As my cock starts aching from holding in my climax, as she becomes entirely insensate and a drooling mess, I decide to end the show.

With one last thrust, I grunt and drive as deep as I can, spilling my seed inside her clenching pussy. But the way her juices are squirting out, I'm sure I wouldn't have impregnated her even if I didn't use contraceptive spells. Her flooding cunt will wash out my semen on its own.

I pull out and don't bother to hide my amused smile as she slides off the desk and plops down on the floor, with face down and her shivering arse up.

[Touch] and [Orgasm Control] skills are overpowered when it comes to sex. The poor girl has just experienced ten orgasms in the last twenty minutes. And this was her first time. Heh, I don't think anyone will ever top that unless she invites a whole group to bang her.

Whatever, my work here is done.

I clean myself and put on the clothes.

Millicent Bulstrode

Level: 17

Beauty Tier: B

Seduction: 100%

Points Available: 0

Now let's use the Gacha Wheel.

I wonder what I'll get.

Walking around the twitching body, I sit down in my chair.




[Gacha Wheel]


'Gacha Wheel.'

A white circle pops in the centre of my vision. I press the [Roll] button beneath it without any hesitation.

Skill Obtained: [Clone] (Rarity: Legendary)

— Allows the user to create clones. Only one clone can exist at the same time. It will have all the user's abilities and strengths and will be subservient to the original. It will vanish if it is killed. Upon vanishing, it will transfer the memories and experience to the original, won't pass on pain or injuries. You can also change the gender of your clone, chump. Do with that information what you will.

I rein in my chaotic mind and use another point to roll the wheel.

Item Obtained: [Cup of Need] (Rarity: Uncommon)

— It's a silver cup able to create any type of beverage, barring godly drinks. No, you can't drink Ambrosia or Soma, chump. Try cola.

Alright, not a totally bad item. It has its uses.

Now, the last point. Give me something legendary again.

Item Obtained: [Subtle Knife] (Rarity: Mythical)

— It's a double-edged knife. The steel side can cut anything. And the obsidian side can cut the very fabric of reality and open portals into different alternate worlds through the multiverse. Use it wisely, chump, don't lose your fingers.


Before I can try the new skill or the items, Millicent gains consciousness and rises to her unsteady feet.

"You're a sadist." She groans, rubbing her forehead and looking down between her legs.

I shrug. "Does that make you a masochist?"

Without another word, she begins dressing. "We are even now."

"We are." I agree, lounging in my chair. "How was your first time, Milli? Memorable, I hope."

She scrunches her nose and glowers at me while putting on her bra. "It was… overwhelming. In a good way."

"You're welcome. I wonder if I should let it go or fuck your tits to fulfil the deal."

She stops abruptly, her eyebrows furrowed.

Releasing a tired sigh, she drops her bra and gets down on her knees. "Just do it. I don't want you using this excuse to bring me back here."

"If you say so. You might have to lick me a little for lubrication purposes." I grin, coming to loom over her.

"What happened to 'I don't have time or the desire to watch you fumble with blowjob'?" She hisses, but pulls down my trousers and grips my semi-erect manhood.

"I am in a good mood. Open wide. I'll be kind and let you practise your oral skills on me." I tangle my fingers in her dark, glossy hair as her pouty lips close around my glans.

Today is a lucky day. I'm glad I didn't ignore her letter.



"I am Millicent Bulstrode!" She screams at the prefects for dragging her away from the Slytherin common room.

"Your polyjuice potion is defective, girl. From which house are you?" Reggie chuckles, leading her to their new head of the house, Professor Brown, who also happens to be their DADA teacher.

This misunderstanding won't take long to be solved. But by lunch, everyone will know that it was Harry Evans who turned Millicent Bulstrode from a troll to a succubus.


A.N. The next 5 chapters are available on SubscribeStar. Support me if you want and can.
