
The secrets she kept

When I decided to leave my husband and marriage for some issues I knew that I could never face him again but he didn't know that I have two secrets that can change life dynamics of people around him and I. Cadmus Auclair never saw or has faced failure . So when his wife disappeared and left signed divorce paper and the nuptial rings at their dinner table he shut everybody out. Now she is a taboo subject in his life nobody can ever say her name in his presence. So when his friend discovers his ex wife's one secret and Cadmus knows about it. He will make sure to bring her back with him give her a fate worse than hell . Once Diana and Cadmus loved each other to the moon and back but what is the secret that it destroyed the love between the lovely couple. Read to know how this story goes. Hope you add it to your library To Don't miss out any updates add book to library.

Sweetchikoo · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 33. Cadmus

I expected mom to be angry and was ready to assure her that I was going to make my ex pay, but although she looked pissed and worried, the next words out of her mouth were not what I expected or hoped to hear. "I told you, you should've gone after her from the start."


"Son, listen to me. I know you're stubborn as an ox, you get that from your father, and I know you haven't listened to me since you were about six or seven, but please hear me out now." I didn't look very interested, so she changed tactics. "Okay, let's try this. The account you opened for her when you got married and never closed after the divorce, has she ever touched it?"

I run that question through my head and try to recall if she ever took money from the account or not.

"No!" I still don't know why that is, but I'm sure the reason isn't as noble as mom seems to think.

"All the expensive jewelry, all those designer clothes down to the shoes and bags, didn't you say that she left them all behind?"

Yes, so? She left me, and now it's even worst. She had my children and kept them away from me. Sorry!" I apologized for swearing since she was giving me one of her disapproving looks. Like she doesn't swears at dad like a sailor when he pisses her off.

"I'm telling you, something happened to her. That girl was too in love with you. I'm a mother. I know these things. There wasn't a day after you first brought her home to us that I wasn't one hundred percent sure of that. Now, what do you plan to do about my grandsons and their mother? Come here, let me hold atleast one of them, come to nana."She gushed at both of them .

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