
The Secrets Of The Cursed World

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom known as Astrea. Shivanshi who was the third princess of this lively empire was living happily until one day - a prophecy changed her life when she was 5 yr old. She was abandoned by her Royal family and thrown into the Forest Of The Cursed Creature , where there lived a tale that whoever enetered can never come back again. In a place like this, by herself, what will she do now? Will she be ever able to come out alive on her own? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Excerpt* Rudra, sprinted to her side and changed into his human form. He, the beast king, who never shed a tear before, was now weeping loudly while hugging the cold body of the girl in his arms. "Shivi!! Wake up Shivi!...look I am here.....See I can speak....Shivi I am sorry...I am late.....I...I have so many things to tell you...How can you not give me a chance to say.. You..you said you wanted to marry before you die ...I will marry you!..wake up!..you said you wanted to be with us for the rest of your life..then what is this Shivi? Silly girl, I love you, I said I love you..wake up now!" "King Rudra, she is now dead. Please give her body to us so that we may perform the rest of our ritual according to the traditions." the Head Witch said. "YOU STILL WANT TO HARM HER MORE !" he exclaimed while gritting his teeth in anger. His deep sorrow turned into a fiery rage and his iris changed from golden to deep bloody red. And with the change in his body he released an earth shattering growl, "THEN I WILL MAKE SURE EVERY NERVE OF YOUR BODY BEGS FOR DEATH BEFORE YOU DIE ! " The beast has now awakened ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Readers, please note I changed the name of this book from " My Cute Pet Is A Beast King" to "THE SECRETS OF THE CURSED WORLD". Apologies and Thank You.

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Breakfast-Feast For Her Eyes 1!

The figure inside the water started emerging out. Previously only its silver eyes were visible, so Shivanshi took them as flowers. Now its muscular, flat tail, and a back armored with embedded bony plates, could be seen.

It was an Alligator. But a small one.

Shivi had never seen an Alligator in real life but had seen him in her books, so she knows a bit about them, like their size and appearance.

She found this baby alligator cute. He had a cute snout with his two upward-facing nostrils.

The Alligator, Shrey, smirked at her and said, "Seems like the news of a young human coming to our forest wasn't wrong." and then he made an annoyed face and said to Siya, "...but why is she not dead yet?"

"Shut up! She is going to live with us from now on," Siya calmly replied.

Shrey already knew about it, but he still pouted and told her, "Then tell her to stay away from me, or I'll have her as my meal."

Shivanshi interrupted their conversation and asked, "huh? but what I read was that Alligators don't eat humans?"

Shrey felt annoyed after being exposed like this and questioned her, "Do you want me to show it by eating you?"

Shivi quickly replied, "But you are a baby alligator. You won't be able to eat me even if you want, with this small snout of yours ."

Shrey felt a sudden urge to yank this girl, and he shouted, "Who's a baby? You are a baby. I am not some baby alligator. It's just that I stopped my age at my young self."

Shivi hid behind her ultimate support, her Fluffy Aunt, and answered, "That's right, I am a baby. But what you said next, I didn't get."

Shrey sighed and smirked, "As expected from a mere human but let me warn you, don't come near my territory, or I will really eat you," he said while coming out of the lake fully and started going towards the forest.

One thing must be told about our Little Princess, even if she didn't have anything, she had lots of guts for sure.

Shivi didn't replied and followed her aunty to the lake and whispered to her, "I thought that Alligators never leave their territories and step in a forest."

" You will get to see many new ways of living here. It's just the beginning," Siya replied with a gentle smile.

After washing up, Siya took Shivi with her and started walking towards a different place from where they slept last night.

Shivi can't keep her curiosity inside and stated, " Aunty, where are we going? This seems to be a different way."

Siya smiled lightly, "It's a good kid that you are conscious about your surroundings. It's a necessary requirement to live in a forest, especially a deep one like this one. We are going for breakfasts."

Shivi made an 'o' sound and followed her.

When they reached a clear huge circular ground with large trees shedding it, they saw a crowd of creatures sitting and waiting there already.

Shivanshi was bewildered by their presence. They were so many. Even more than the animals, she met yesterday.

When Siya saw her expressions, she patted her back with her paws and purred softly to encourage her.

Shivi felt warmth traveling from her aunt's paws to her body, and her mood quickly brightened up.

Shivanshi had always been an animal lover, and it's really a treat for her eyes to see these big, mighty sitting together with the small, cute animals.

Shivanshi felt the need to introduce herself as she was the one new here.

So she took a step forward, and with joined hands, she bows down in front of the animals sitting there.

" Shivanshi pranams* to everyone here. I am new here. I will be taking the shed under your canopy from now on. Please take care of me."

Suddenly, it felt like silence engulfed the whole forest. Nothing could be heard other than the sounds of the breathing of the audience.

Siya felt tension building up there. She knows, even if the beasts are not protesting, it doesn't mean they welcome her. They may even try a sneak attack on her when she isn't around. That's something she fears the most.

Suddenly, a round ball-like figure moved towards Shivanshi.

Yesterday, Mother Hen was there when Shivanshi was being interrogated. After listening to Shivanshi's words yesterday and looking at her adorable yet abandoned face, she wanted so badly to grab her for a hug. But she could not dare to do that because of the other's presence.

Now, when everyone had accepted Shivanshi, even if it's only half-heartedly, nobody can stop her from pinching and playing with this cute little human kid.

So she decided to be the first one to end this awkward silence.

"Hey, Little Fella! I am Netra, but everyone calls me Mother Hen here," and with that, she was already standing few meters apart from Shivi.

Small little creatures were peeping from behind her. Looking at their mother, they too got courageous and marched forward, circling the human girl. They started looking at her from every angle.

"Hello, Mother Hen! I am Shivanshi. If you like you can call me Shivi. Are these your kids." she pointed towards the small, yellow balls moving around her.

"Yes! Yes! Don't be afraid of them. They are just curious about you." Mother Hen was worried that her kids might scare this human.

"No way! How can I be afraid of them? They are so cute." she picked up one of them and started stroking its fur with her baby fingers.

She and the baby animal in her hands were looking like an adorable pair. She was alternating between stroking, poking, and tickling the chick. The chick in her hand looks like he was really enjoying her stroking so much.

Other small animals who were previously thinking about whether to greet her or not now stepped forward as they can't wait to get their face and back patted as well.

One sure thing is, humans were able to pet animals not because humans were powerful but because animals let them do so. Otherwise, who do you think will be able to make a cat sit on their lap if the cat doesn't want to.

Small animals like squirrels, hamsters, cats, rabbits, sparrows loved being patted.

When Shivi saw them coming towards her, she moved forward to greet them.

"You like jumping from tree to tree

You munch on nuts using your front teeth

My books call you squirrel

What's your name?" Shivi asked the squirrel.

The squirrel jumped happily, knowing she can recognize him.

"I am Chip!" he squeaked his name.

Watching this from the side, other animals felt jealous. Without waiting for their turns, they started singing to win attention.

"I am fast and small

I am Gray and White

I love cheese

They call me Mickey

You call me mice." squeaked the Mouse Mickey.

"My fur is soft like a tiger

I move like a truck

My eyebrows are brown like chocolate

My body is like an oval

My ears are round like a circle

My legs are skinny as a stick

Oh! It sounds more like a mouse." said the Hamster Chig.

Everyone laughed at his cuteness.

After that, every little animal like a sparrow, pig, rabbit introduced themselves to her.

At last, only a baby wolf was left. He was standing in a corner. He has 'hesitation' written all over his face.

When Shivi saw him, she waved her hand in front of him for a 'Hello.' Then she excitedly opened her mouth to say, "Should I tell you what my grandmother once told me about you?"

The baby wolf didn't say anything. He just stared at him with his big pure blue eyes.

"Follow him down the hill,

He will walk beside you.

Guiding you and showing you the way.

He will not leave you.

He will be standing on,

like paths watching you.

If you ever feel alone,

Close your eyes.

You will see 6 footprints,

2 belonging to you, 4 to him.

Then you will know that

He had never left you.

He will be there to guide you,

Whenever you need~

That's what my Grandma told me about wolves. I really wanted to meet one myself."

Looking at her honestly excited face and listening to her poem full of praise, the baby wolf's hesitation disappeared. He moved forward towards Shivi and started licking her face lovingly.

All the animals started complaining that his turn to be patted and loved is yet to come. But he is the biggest in the smallest ones, so he doesn't listen to them. He stuck close to Shivi and rubbed his head on her clothes, asking for a pat.


~I will never take for granted

How greatly I have been blessed

When it comes to parenting

You beasts are the best~

Pranam: a gesture of bowing or touching others' feet to show respect in India.

LAZY_BENGAL_TIGERcreators' thoughts