
The Secrets of the Ballroom

I'm Liddiexi of The Horde. I've been running from my past for years. Only thing is, I can't remember anything about it. My world has been torn apart and fractured into 5 kingdoms. Ice, Fire, Dark Death, Lost Light, and The O.T.H.E.R.S metropolis... Only, one has been burned to ashe. My kingdom. Will you help me with this journey to figure out how and who destroyed Flamealicor?

Jadyn_010 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 2 ❇️ Light Lifter

I blinked, once again, and amazement. I looked back over at Arius and Ethan who were still babbling.


" Ok, girls, we've everything we need to know. off to the journey. pack only one bag. And one bag of food. Got it everyone?" Ethan says.

" Where are we going?" I asked.

" Losarstonica. Anything else?" Arius sighs.

" For?" I smirked.

" A scroll."

" For?"

" To connect a giant map." He replied.

" For?"

" O.T.H.E.R.S freedom, our answer to Flamealicor downing, and ect."

" Right..." I say, now clarified of everything I need to know.

" Any more questions?" Arius twitches.

Omisha goes for one, but Ethan puts a hand over her mouth.

" Right then, we leave a t sunrise!" Arius smiles.

I gasp and say,

" But that's in 5 hours!"

He grins and replies with,

" Then I suggest you sleep."

I glare at him and answer with,

" Fine."

Hey guy's! While they're on there journey, let me tell you about the 5 gods of Macaluso!!!

- The fire god, Pyro Emprismos, was only 16 when Planet Macaluso was divided into 5 groups. He's a Leo, and his birthday is August 13th. His partner is Poppy Garcia.

- The Ice Goddess, Frosset Vand, was only 14 when Planet Macaluso was divided into 5 groups. she is a Pisces and her birthday is February 23rd. Her partner is Ivan Frulleri.

- The Light Goddess, Kukui Nalowale, was 19 when Planet Macaluso was divided into 5 groups. She is a cancer and her birthday is July 14th. Her partner is Lucas Lane.

- The Death Goddess, Mauvaise Mal, was 14 when Planet Macaluso was divided into 5 groups. She is a Scorpio and her birthday is November 14th. Her partner is Preston Zeno.

- The O.T.H.E.R.S god, Fredlös Skurk, was 21 when Planet Macaluso was divided into 5 groups. He is an Aquarius, and his birthday is January 28th. His partner is Olive Yaleman.