
The Secrets of Sylaenalond

Elvina sets out on an adventure to find the the truth behind the thousand year war which almost ended her kind.

Ancient_Riku · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Adventurers Guild

The second day in Yst Falas has finally arrived for Elvina, she gets up, dresses herself, grabs her bow and arrows, and puts them around her body.

She opens the door and walks out of her room, shutting the door behind her, she then walks downstairs, sees Mia and greets her, Elvina then decides to go towards her to greet her and to ask her a few questions.

As she gets closer to the desk where Mia, she notices that there is a new figure, a figure she hasn't seen. As she gets closer and closer, the figure becomes more and more clearer, it was a male Demi human, the same species as Mia, as Elvina arrived at the reception, Mia introduces her to the Male Demi human, the male figure turns around, looks down on Elvina and greets her, Elvina then greets back, she then gets a closer look at the male Demi Human and realises how huge he truly is, she crosses her arms and then began to figure out how tall he was but before figuring it out, Mia interrupts Elvina and says " This big guy is my friend, Lynn " and ,Mia then smiles at her, Elvina looks at Mia then to Lynn and back to Mia and asks " Lynn? His name is Lynn? " Mia then just nods, Elvina then adds " I thought his name was, I don't know, something like Tiger, or.. or-" but before Elvina could finish her sentence, Mia interrupts her by saying " If you want to tour around the city, you better hurry.. especially if you wish to visit the guild." And she smiles at her, Elvina then looks shocked and asks Mia " How did you know I wanted to visit the adventurers guild? ", Mia then points at Elvina Bow and arrows and smiles once again, Elvina looks at her gear, looks at Mia and laughs it off while scratching her head.

Elvina then leaves the hotel and begins to walk towards the shopping district but as she began walking, she realises that there weren't that many elves around, she then kept on looking and looking while enjoying the city but with no effort, she didn't find that many elves, She then decides to talk to one of its citizens, she walks up to a clerk who was selling his goods in his little tent, Elvina looks at him and asks. " excuse me, I have a question. " the clerk looks at Elvina and just nods giving her the approval to ask. 

She then looks at the clerks eyes intensely and says " Why aren't there that many elves around here? ", The clerk, pokes his head out of his tent, looks around and then replies " It's cause the elves were removed from this area by the king himself." 

Elvinas eyes then widen, before she closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, opens her eyes once again and asks the clerk her final question, " Do you know how one can get an audience with the king?" 

The clerk then nods his head and says " You must become a SS ranked Adventurer, only they can meet the king himself."

Elvina then smiles and thanks the clerk, She then walks away towards the adventurers guild.

Elvina then enters the building, walks towards the front desk but while she walks she notices multiple glares towards her, she looks around to see that every single adventurer is giving her a nasty look, Elvina then stands in front of the desk waiting for someone to attend to her so she can register, after 10 minutes of waiting, she grows inpatient, so she slams her hands on the desk and shouts " Can I be attended! " her voice echoes around the room and everyone went silent until a receptionist arrived, everyone then continued with their own things, The receptionist then welcomes Elvina to the capital and to the guild, Elvina then says thank you with an angry smile. 

She then tells the receptionist that she wishes to become an adventurer, the receptionist then just smiles at Elvina and tells her to follow her.

Elvina then walks into a room where it has a single which is darkened, she then sees a huge crystal wall.

The receptionist then tells Elvina to place her hand on the crystal so it can read her level.

As Elvina places her hand on the crystal, the receptionist sees her level, the then widens her eyes and opens her mouth before shouting, "WHAT!?" 

The shout once again echoed through the guild making sure that everyone could hear it.

Elvina then asks the Receptionist if everything was alright, she then just nods and silently says " Please take a seat here, Miss, I will return in a minute"

Elvina then sits down and waits.

After a minute, Elvina hears two footsteps, she turns around to see that it was the receptionist and someone else, As she got a better look at the big muscular Body, she realised who it was.