Avril Scott and her friends find a mysterious tunnel in the school's library. While in the tunnel, they set out for their freedom but end up discovering dirty secrets and new creatures along the way. Will they be able to get out? Will they be able move on from their past and face the present?
New York City has many schools; some grand, some poor and some which are a bit on the downside, but....right there in the heart of Times Square stands; Satellite Senior High school. The grandest and literally the most expensive school in NYC.
It is said that a child's school fees per term is equal to some family's fortune. The school is known for its modern architectural design, high standards, luxury facilities, excellent teachers and let me add... dumb arrogant rich kids, shhh.... top secret.
The school opened less than five years ago and now, it's already the top school in NYC. When you ask for the best high school in NYC, you're sure to hear Satellite senior high.
You might be wondering how I know these details about this high and mighty school, that's because I actually attend this 'great' school. Not because my family were stinkingly wealthy, we were actually very comfortable. I got into the school through scholarship. They had this scholarship exams last year and dad really wanted me to write. I wasn't really excited about it because I loved my previous school; lots of friends, nice teachers, and really nice lunch ladies but for the sake of my dad and to relief him of the fees he's been paying, I wrote the exams and luckily or rather unluckily, I passed.
Oh sorry, my bad, I believe an introduction is appropriate. My name's Avril, Avril Scott. The only child of my parents and like I said before, I attend Satellite senior high and who knows what I'm gonna find in this great school? I'm really hoping for a dirty secret.