
The secret to conquering total wealth.

Accidentally going to bed with a strange man, Maria Linda carries in his blood, the general director of the famous MR corporation. What should she do now? Darius Leona changed his lover like changing clothes, did he ever allow someone else to carry his child? .... "I'm pregnant, it's your baby!" “Do you know what I said?” “Yes, that is… the truth.” Darius Leona looked at her coldly, turned to leave. He didn't believe he could sleep with such a country girl, let alone pregnant.

BilyMoonMoon_08 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 8

"With this state of yours?" Darius Leona glanced at her, then picked up the phone and said: "Bring me some clothes."

He turned off the phone and went to the bathroom to clean himself.

Just such a rhetorical question is enough for Maria Linda to understand that he does not allow her to come to the company with him.

Maria Linda walked to the dressing table, looking at her tired face, she couldn't argue. Anyway, she is pregnant, although it is urgent to make money, it is better to pay more attention.

The maid outside knocked on the door, Maria Linda went and opened the door, reaching out to take Darius Leona's clothes. The other girl saw that she was about to touch the suit in her hand, and angrily said:

"Do not touch! President Leona doesn't like people touching his clothes!"

Although Maria Linda has a gentle disposition, not everyone can climb on top of her to sit like this. She asked again:

"Why can't I touch it and you can?"

The other girl remained calm, saying:

"I'm a maid specializing in preparing clothes for President Leona, you should still sit in one place, be careful not to move too much, it will affect the baby in your belly."

After saying that, he voluntarily went inside, put Darius Leona's clothes on the table, and then retreated out. Before leaving, she glanced at Maria Linda's belly.

Maria Linda felt that if she kept living with these people forever, she would be depressed and could not continue like this. She also has her own dignity! They were made by the country, still bullying and disrespecting her!

Waiting for Darius to come out from the bathroom, Maria Linda took his clothes and brought them close. Unlike what she thought, Huo Sichen didn't get upset or scolded her for touching his clothes, but instead reached out and started unbuttoning his shirt.

He took off his shirt, then gave it to Maria Linda to take it, and began to change clothes.

Right in front of her eyes! Before eyes! Maria Linda blushed and looked away, when Darius Leona changed her clothes, it was still better, when he grabbed her pants, she closed her eyes tightly.

"Don't dare look?" He pursed his lips.

"I want to change my clothes!" Maria Linda urged.

Darius Leona slowly took off his pants, the rustling sound made Maria Linda imagine nothing. His appearance is very attractive, she has never been in love, how can she escape his claws? With just a few movements, she had the feeling that she was captivated by him. But because she knows her fate, she tries to regulate her emotions so that she doesn't fall in love with him.

Soon, Darius Leona finished changing his clothes. He was always attentively observing her expression, then spoke a moment later:

"Help me tie my tie."

Maria Linda has never helped others tie a tie before, but has seen it a few times. She approached, reaching towards Darius Leona's collar. He was a head taller than her, it looked a bit seductive from this angle, she bit her lip to finish it quickly, but because she was a little nervous, it didn't do any good. Struggling for a while, Darius Leona reached out to stop her:

"Okay. I do it myself."

It's useless. Darius Leona glanced at her, saw her resentful as if someone had bullied her, then curled her lips and asked:

"My fault for making you help me tie my tie?"

Maria Linda made a face "still have to ask?" out for him to see, then secretly scolded him for an hour, then went to the side and began to rearrange the bed. Normally, there will be a maid to do the work, but she doesn't like other people to touch the things in the room, so she takes the cleaning job.

That day, Darius Leona went to work, Maria Linda stayed at home to rest. She started to have some symptoms of morning sickness, and today, when Madam Leona had time, she took her to the hospital for a prenatal check-up. Wait until you know the baby is healthy, then rest assured.

"The baby is growing very well, but Madam Leona should still give it..." The doctor looked at Maria Linda, not sure what to call her. Thinking of Madam Leona taking her personally, he said, "Bring Young Madam Leona to check it out periodically."

"No, I'm not Young Lady Leona." Maria Linda quickly denied.

Madam Leona didn't say anything, but after a while, she motioned for Maria Linda to go out first.

She obeyed to go out, there were already people waiting for her, all following to protect the fetus in her belly.

Lady Leona - or Mrs. Lazy Hinata looked at the doctor and said:

"This must not be revealed, understand?"

"Yes." The doctor broke into a cold sweat, knowing that he was involved in the Leona family's secret, it was very painful. He definitely had to keep this matter a secret, if he revealed it, he would not live peacefully with them.

Ms. Lazy Hinata stood up, gave him a check and then left. The other doctor trembled, holding the check, followed her back, stroking her breast in fear.

The story of Maria Linda 's pregnancy is still uncertain, Ms. Lazy Hinata said that as soon as the baby is born, she will know, it seems certain, but in her heart, she can't be sure. Because Darius Leona had a bit of a problem, the doctor once said that the sperm motility was low, and the possibility of having an heir was not good. Unless artificial insemination or injecting sperm directly into the egg, but how arrogant person like you can accept this?

Therefore, when Maria Linda appeared with that pregnancy, Ms. Lazy Hinata was like a dry field in the rain, even though the rate was extremely low, she also wanted to believe it.

But Darius Leona himself always did not believe, because he had sex with a few women who had been screened, mainly to find someone who was pregnant with his child, silently pierced the condom, the frequency was not low. And in the end, no one came to him to hold him accountable.

Darius Leona is extremely picky, although on the surface people see him as changing his girlfriends like changing clothes, these people also have to go through his careful selection. Appearance, background, past, all must meet the new conditions. And Maria Linda is an unexpected case. He didn't think that one night could make her pregnant.

Maria Linda was sent home first, she stayed alone in the villa with nothing to do and was a bit bored. At this moment, the phone suddenly rang.

"Mom?" Maria Linda lowered her eyelids, hiding the sadness in her eyes.

"I need money urgently, do you have money? Send me some."

On the other end of the line sounded the voice of an elderly woman, it was Maria Linda's mother. Maria Linda held a breath in her chest, and then said:

"I just deposited, now how can I deposit again? Can you wait until next month?"

Just called and mentioned money! She didn't even care about her at all.

"Can not! Your father gambled for money, now if he doesn't pay within three days, he will have his hand cut off to pay the debt!" Her voice became urgent.