
The Secret Switch

Valerie's twin brother puts their entire family in danger so, in order to save them all, Valerie steps up and takes her brother's place. She tries her best to survive the all-male Military Academy but it's not going to be easy. Especially when her cold-blooded roommate finds out she's actually a female! Things continue to spiral out of control as dark secrets and plans are slowly unraveled and she's somehow connected to them all. Can she keep it all together and still keep her family safe? EXCERPT: As I walk out of the room, Thane stands by the door with a knowing smirk. He slowly turns to look at me and says "You always do have a way with words. Who knew my little bird was so sharp?" I raise an eyebrow and smile as I say "I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult." Thane's smile turns dark as he suddenly pushes away from the wall and blocks my path. He looks down at me as he slowly leans forward and whispers "For you? It's nothing but compliments." I slightly tilt my head to the side as I feel my smile growing. I take a step closer to him and reach out to his stomach. My fingertips slip under his black shirt as I slowly look up to him with a dark smile of my own. When my fingertips lightly flutter across his smooth skin, I feel his entire body shudder as his jaw tightens. His eyes darken as he stares down at me and says "Keep that up and we won't be going anywhere today..." I softly chuckle and watch as his breathing changes at the sound. I slowly brush my fingers along his muscles as I slowly slip them to his back. I lean up to his lips but stop just a few centimeters away before whispering "You started it.." I say with a growing smirk. Thane's entire body tenses as desire consumes his dark eyes. His breathing becomes uneven as he stares into my eyes and says "I think it's about time you realize there are consequences for what you do to me..." My smile grows wicked as I lean in and slowly kiss him. As soon as he tries to deepen the kiss, I break away and look up to him as I say "I look forward to it..." I pull my hands out from under his shirt and pat his chest before slipping under his arm and walking past him with a devious giggle. Thane licks his lips with a wicked smile of his own, liking everything that little hellion does to him. He slowly stands to his full height with dark, knowing eyes. Yes, he was looking forward to it as well. Wanna talk? Find me on Discord! Blissfullrage#3336 Or https://www.instagram.com/blissfullrage/ ___________________________________ Would like to donate? Cash App $Blissfullrage The cover art does not belong to me, all credit to the original artist.

Blissfullrage · Fantasy
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195 Chs

Heading Out

After packing our bags, we hand them over to be loaded up and head back to the training ground. I still have no idea what's happening but I keep following Thane. Once back at the training grounds, we all stand in front of what looks like tactical gear.

It's getting real... I nervously lick my lips as Titus walks over and says "We head out in thirty. Gear up." I awkwardly lift my hand and clear my throat, causing everyone to turn and look at me. Titus arches a brow and asks "What is it, Valen?"

I straighten my shoulders and say "I want to make sure... I'm supposed to be here and there isn't some kind of mistake." Titus looks at me with hard eyes as he says "I handpicked this entire team. You're here because I said so. There is no mistake. Gear up."

I want to ask why but he's already walking away with another, discussing something that looks important. Thane pushes my gear to me and says "Get dressed" I take the gear and start strapping it on the best I can but halfway through it, Thane ends up helping me.

He tightens the straps and pats my vest before saying "Good to go" When Titus says "Load up!" I suddenly feel like killing my brother all over again! Thane pulls me to the door leading outside and says "Just stay close. You'll be fine."

We all climb up the large military-style truck and sit along the sides in the back as Titus sits in the front with the driver. When the truck takes off, I start to feel queasy. I watch people wave at us as we drive past familiar buildings but when we get closer to the city gates, everything changes.

After three checkpoints, we're finally pulling out of the city. I nervously bite my lip as I look around in worry and fear. Cruz wasn't even teasing me, if anything, he looked unhappy about me being here. The large city walls look foreign and cold on this side but when I see all the military guns and surveillance, I start nervously bouncing my knee.

I won't be able to kill my brother if I die out here! I didn't even get to tell my parents I was coming out here. I had the chance to but I decided not to. I don't want to stress them out anymore than they already are.

As we drive further and further away, I take a deep breath and promise myself to survive. No matter what. After half an hour or so, I can finally see a building of somekind. The further we get away from the city, the more jungle-like it becomes.

As we pull up to the building, the truck comes to a stop. Titus jumps down and says "Line up." We all jump down off the truck and line up but I can't keep my legs from shaking as guns are given to all of us.

I strap the assault rifle across my chest with shaky hands as Thane leans over and says "Keep the safety on unless something happens. When things calm down, Titus wants me to teach you to shoot. Until then, try to stick to your powers."

I swallow hard and nod my head as Titus says "Thane and Conner! You two are upfront with me. Valen, I want you behind us. Troy and Cruz, you two take up the back behind Valen. Keep it tight! Guns up, eyes open. We lost communication with all team members so we have no idea what we're walking into."

Shit shit shit... this is really happening! Thane and Conner walk up front with Titus, guns up and safeties off. I listen to Thane's words and keep the safety on as I walk up behind them and nervously shake out my hands.

Cruz and Troy walk up behind me, guns up and safeties off as well. We quickly make our way over to the building, looking for any signs of people or animals before silently moving closer. When we reach the back door, we all line up against the wall.

Cruz and Troy keep their guns up as they watch our sides and back. Thane and Conner flank Titus as he places his hand on the scanner. The scanner makes a slight beeping noise before the door clicks open.

Titus eases the door open before Thane eases in with his gun up. He checks both sides before moving in further and softly saying "Clear" Titus goes in as the rest of us follow in behind him. When the door closes back, Titus walks over to the next door and places his hand on the scanner.

He looks to us and nods before the door clicks open. Thane is the first to walk in again as the rest of us wait. After a few seconds, Conner walks in as well. Titus points to me and waves me to the side, wanting me to fall back.

Troy walks in next, leaving Titus, Cruz, and I waiting in the empty room. After a few more minutes, Cruz walks in. Titus tells me to hold as we wait but he doesn't have to tell me twice. I look around the empty room but nothing seems out of place.

At least it doesn't seem like it. There are boxes and other things, neatly lined up and all in order. No blood or signs of a struggle. Suddenly, I hear Thane call out "Clear!" Several other "Clears" can be heard shortly after.

Titus nods and says "Stay close boy." I nod my head and follow him in with shaky legs. As I look around what looks like a control room, I notice that it too, looks normal. Titus walks over to the numerous computers and starts unlocking them before pulling up several screens.

Video feeds of other rooms come up on the multiple screens and each one of them looks normal... except one.

Run when you can, walk if you have to, Crawl if you must... just never give up.

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