
The Secret of the Underground City

In this engaging narrative, an epic quest for survival and supremacy of the underground city is revealed, whose history spans millennia full of mysteries, mysticism and an inexorable involvement with the human societies around it. Since its inception, the underground city has remained shrouded in a veil of anonymity, fueling the fear and reverence of the villagers who inhabited the surrounding area. An aura of mystery surrounded its depths, generating speculation and legends that remained alive through the generations, until culminating in a surprising and forced encounter with the local population. Over the millennia, the underground city has evolved from a mystical vision to a concrete reality. The narrative cuts take us through three distinct occasions, each one revealing a unique facet of the city in light of the human societies that encounter it. Initially, the underground city is an enigma, a legacy of an ancient civilization that arouses fascination and fear among the villagers. Millennia later, under the cloak of religious syncretism, it emerged as a point of intersection between Dutch colonizers and native Indians, generating a complex and fascinating cultural mix. Finally, the story transports us to a distant future, where the underground city is unveiled by the scientific eyes of a futuristic society. What was once shrouded in myth and legend is now analyzed with precision, revealing deep layers of knowledge and technology that merge with human progress. In this rich and multifaceted saga, the underground city emerges as a silent witness to the past, present and future, charting a path that reflects cultural, spiritual and technological changes over time. A narrative that challenges the boundaries of time and knowledge, inviting readers to explore the multiple dimensions of a city that has remained hidden in the shadows, until now. Note: This work is registered at the National Library of Brazil under number 648940, on 08/06/2014

jose_conti · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

The Clearing

The panther's silver skin was bathed in white rays of sunlight for a moment, making it shine like a rare jewel. The man was impressed, his heart pounded as if it were going to jump out of his chest. The panther left the spotlight. The man took a few steps while his savior stood in front of two trails, both of which led into the forest but in different directions.

Its already dry clothes were stained with mud, its eyes darted uncertainly from one trail to another, but the animal slowly followed the trail where a black braúna log lay on the ground. Master of himself, the silver beast seemed to know very well the path he had chosen.

The man carried on his back a backpack made partly of leather and partly of straw and crochet braid. The leather was ivory white and the braid was blood red. The backpack was full of supplies weighing on his back, he hesitated for a moment to follow her, but an affectionate roar from the beast broke his heart, when he realized he was already walking with her into the woods, stroking her silver fur. They continued into the forest.

After walking for a long time, he realized where the animal was taking him. They were approaching the forgotten forest. It was an area prohibited by indigenous religion full of legends and mysteries that no one dared try to unravel. Plus, the forest was scary. The trees gave off odors that would send any human into a state of panic.

The man resisted continuing, but his gratitude to the panther and a warmth in his heart made him move forward. The panther fervently wanted him to follow him. This was very clear. They advanced and finally arrived at the forgotten forest.

The silver panther guided him to a scary tree. But she wasn't the only one. All trees inspired him with deep fear. The panther stopped and roared at the man. A silvery powder emanating from the panther's body covered the man's nose and mouth like a handkerchief, thus immunizing him from the deadly exhalations exhaled by the disastrous trees.

The man felt the heavy air, which fell on him, dissolve. A pleasant wind entered his nostrils. He took a deep breath. He felt like he regained his self-control again. Only now had he realized that he had lost it the moment he entered the forest.

He placed his hand on the panther, caressing and holding its soft skin between his fingers and continued until he reached the gloomy trunk of a tree.

There he saw a niche between the roots. The panther freed himself from his companion's caresses and jumped into the niche, disappearing, leaving only a hollow sound behind.

– Oh no! You don't want me to jump there either, do you? – Said the man, already turning around and preparing to leave.

The roots shook and from the niche the silver panther jumped out, bringing with him a cub trapped in his mouth. The niche behind the panther let out the sound of branches breaking, like those that break in a harsh gust of wind.

The adorable little animal instantly softened the man's heart and all his worries disappeared. The panther placed her cub in the man's hands. Upon touching them, the puppy transformed into a human baby. The man took it for himself. His heart was filled with love. He looked at the panther.

– I will raise him as if he were my son.

 The panther felt grateful, it was time to go. He circled the man, sniffing the puppy as if he were saying goodbye. He approached the niche and looked back.

– You will come back to see him, won't you?

 The panther jumped and disappeared into the niche. This time she heard no sound. The niche closed to her eyes.

– Be careful when returning. – The man shouted in the hope that the panther could still hear him.

Holding the baby in his arms not only did love surround him, but he felt that he was carrying something unique and very special, a true treasure. A panther-child! She wrapped her arms around him even more as if someone wanted to take him away from her. He was an enchanted being from the forest, who else had something like that?

The man traveled a few hours until he reached the Dutch village where he lived. When he saw his mill and felt the fresh wind that carried an aroma that only Gehucht possessed, he took a deep breath. He was at home.

Two years later the silver panther secretly visited Gehucht. The man received it. Seeing the love with which the man cared for his cub, the panther transformed into a man and they came together.

A few years passed. In the Dutch village, life was prosperous for everyone. But some were more fortunate than others. The landlord families were rich. Landlords owned most of Gehucht's homes. The rents filled their coffers.

In the exquisite main residence of the landlord family, a boy among three brothers was preparing for an adventure. It was not to his father's liking that he mix with less well-off children. But Andries was disobedient by nature.

He escaped his nanny's sight. She crossed the various bridges that connected the houses and headed towards the forest that surrounded the village, leaving the windmills behind. She arrived at a fisherman's hut. The smell of fish in the air was penetrating. There was nobody. I was looking for the boy Amber. She always came to visit him secretly. She loved her company. Furthermore, it was a delightful adventure to pay her secret visits in plain sight of her parents and nurse.

He knew where his friend was. He went down a slope in the middle of the woods following a trail. He heard the sound of running water that seemed to come from far away. He walked some more. He arrived at a stream where he saw Amber who smiled when she saw her adventure companion.

– There is a clearing in the middle of the forest that I don't know yet – said Amber – They say that there are glossy green panthers there and that violet moons appear during the day.

– They are just legends. There is only one moon and it only appears at night. Panthers never existed in this region. – Andries was repeating his father's words, but for himself they were not convincing.

– What if they really exist?

– Hmm!... – Andries stayed in the hooves, what if they really found each other? He only had one way to find out. – Okay, but we better carry a weapon to protect ourselves.

– I have this knife.

 Andries looked at the floor. He found a rough, pointed stick.

– That'll do, let's go.

 They left the stream and advanced through the thicket that blended into the forest.

– Are you sure you know the way? – Andries wanted to know, suspicious that his friend didn't really know where he was going.

Amber laughed. Andries pouted and grumbled. Amber laughed again. Andries didn't want to know any more: even if they got lost it would be an adventure. With every step they took they saw something new. A tree they've never seen. A claypot nest. Ferns two meters high. There and there they always found new things along the way.

They walked for half an hour. Finally they reached the clearing. He found her silent. The sounds of the forest were left behind. An air of satisfaction filled Andries' chest. The clearing seemed magical. He began looking for the glossy green panthers. He thought he saw one in the thicket.

– Look. There. A glossy green panther!