
The Secret of the Cursed Princess

Who is the true love of the cursed princess? Serafina was once a highly respected princess, but now she has been abandoned and suffered from an evil curse without protection. In order to prevent the curse from getting out of control, the abandoned princess began a love-hate entanglement with four men. Will the truth of the curse be revealed?

Sylvia_Yuki · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Pretending to be a strong princess

Princess. It's okay...

That person is a man, tall, I didn't look carefully at the color of his hair. The color is bright, smells clean. Then he seems to know me...

Princess, now...

When escaping, definitely go out from the right side.

Serafina looked at Ward, and said calmly, "I wanted to tidy up my clothes, but the torn ones always keep slipping down." She bit her lip, looking at Ward.

Go chase it quickly.

Ward took a look outside the door and at Serafina, then ran out into the corridor. He confirmed the location where they were. It was the storage room where they had just put the miscellaneous items. Was she being followed? Serafina sat there, deep in thought, hugging her knees.

I was trembling all over. At this moment, a dark figure overlapped with me. Serafina was startled and looked up. Could it be that guy again? But she quickly breathed a sigh of relief. It was Ward.

Did you catch it?

I had my knights track it.

Shouldn't you be tracking the progress?

The princess stayed behind alone feeling unsafe.

Is this very important...

This is important. What's more important is.

Ward interrupted her words uncommonly. Serafina sighed. Ward took off the burgundy cloak and wrapped it around her. She quietly did not interrupt Ward's behavior.

Ward tied a knot at the top of the cloak, his arms lightly touching Serafina's back. The trembling of Serafina's body transmitted to Ward without reservation.

Grabbing hold... ... should be possible.

Serafina trembled. That man should be caught. If he isn't caught, how can I wander around this palace with peace of mind?

Serafina's hand trembled for a moment, and Ward held Serafina's hand.

I will catch that man. Please don't worry.


Serafina nods. Serafina's hands are as cold as ice in the severe winter.

How did Ward Knight come here?

This is the Bie Palace. In fact, the Bie Palace itself is not a bad palace. However, because it was inhabited by an abandoned princess, it naturally became the most rudimentary place.

Under serafina's questioning, Ward seemed to have regained consciousness.

Princess, I'm not...suspicious. I just want to give you something.

Suspicious person?

I mean, I'm not that person. I...

Serafina thought for a long time, not knowing what Ward was talking about. Then I realized that Ward thought he was being suspected.

At the beginning, I thought you couldn't do it.

Is ... ... Is that so?

I just want to ask how you got here.

Ward breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Serafina's face. She appeared calm as usual, but her body was trembling.

Princess. I'll take you to the dormitory.

Serafina nodded. When she tried to stand up, her long cloak slipped off as it was stepped on. Serafina was surprised. Ward looked indifferent and lifted the cloak. Serafina snatched the cloak back and tied it up. Ward's silent gaze met hers, but she lowered her head.

What is that knight thinking now? He must feel great throwing away the responsibility of guarding. Following behind Ward, she shamefully bites her lip.

The result was not protected in the palace and almost became the object of ridicule by wild beasts. Even the screams that humans could make were blocked, almost becoming sacrifices to desire. When we were close to the bedroom, Ward said.

Take a rest.


I'll guard the outside.

The bedroom door closed, and she felt relieved. Only then did she have a sense of being in her own space. In front of others, she wanted to play the role of being strong and determined, but once the door closed, she felt like a soulless doll, slumping against the door and sitting on the ground.

And the contrast was formed with the cold and hard ground in the warehouse just now. In an instant, Serafina's eyes turned red, and tears started to fall. Serafina's body began to tremble, just like a bare person in winter.

Oh! Ah ah!

She fiercely scratched the neck that the man had licked like a wild beast. It was terrifying. A country's supreme princess, almost fell victim to an assassination in her own palace! This seemed to reflect the situation of being abandoned, which was deeply saddening.

Although I tried hard to swallow my crying, the sound of crying still lingered in my ears. Because I was afraid. I was so scared that I couldn't bear it. When I was cursed by the dark wizard, I also tried my best to endure it. ... But, if even the palace is not a safe place, then how can I...? ... survive?

Oh. Mom... I really miss you.

Serafina couldn't help but think of her mother. Her mother was a gentle and warm person. She missed little Noah and her mother who had always loved her. She sobbed as she hugged her knees. She even missed her deceased father, the king.

Even if the king hates himself so much, a princess of a country should never sit idly by in such a situation. For him, although he is not a lovely daughter, he must be responsible for the "child" no matter what.

I feel lonely, I feel scared. Serafina is crying sadly.

Excuse me, who will come and hug me? Excuse me, who will comfort me? I hope you can protect me, I hope you can be with me! I hope you can hold me and tell me it's okay, that you will be by my side...

In an instant, a man with brown hair appeared in her mind, but Serafina shook her head abruptly.

It's too difficult for a person to endure a life of hardship. When I think about having to repeat such painful experiences in the future, I feel desperate! ... Who can help me, please... ...

The door then opened with a bang.


Hearing the panicked sound of Ward. At the same time, there was the sound of glass clinking. Serafina looked up, her eyes moist. Swollen and bloodshot eyes met.

Such a situation... pretending not to see is very impolite.

Serafina said forcefully, "I hope you leave quickly. That way, I can freely pour out my heart and then recover on my own. The contradiction is that you are here, and my tears are held back."

Sorry, Princess. Excuse me.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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