
The Secret of every nerd

Everyone has a secret either big or little that they want to stay hidden from the word. Just like everyone Samantha Anderson the new nerd also is also keeping a a huge secret. But to what length is she willing to go to ensure it stays that way when an unexpected somebody suddenly takes interest in here.

Yourfavoriteweirdo · Teen
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29 Chs

Sammy 2.0


I greeted Daniel entering the car

"How was school?"

He asked as he drove out of the parking space

"Kind of weird"

I said slowly zoning out as I tried wrapping my head about all that happened today because one thing is for sure a lot happened

One minute I was completely freaking out on what to expect from him then the very next minute I was blindly agreeing to his personal trainer for the next few months

Dont even get me started on that childish joke he calls our little tradition and I have no idea how I am going to survive his warm-up exercise for the next few months

I definitely had a lot I need to figure out and not a lot of time to figure it out

Completely stressed out I slowly placed my face on the window, letting out a heavy sigh I looked outside trying to focus my attention on something else but failing miserably, I could not stop thinking about what to and the more I kept thinking about it the more frustrated I kept getting

I really have no say in the matter if I was been completely honest with myself and I know he probably already figured that out

I am really enjoying my new life here so if all I had to do to keep it that way is suck up to him and be his personal trainer for the next few months then that is what I am going to do because it is totally worth it and I will also try to dig up some dirt on him which would be kind of like my get out of gate of jail card and also secure my secret but I cannot....


I looked up to Daniel weirdly staring at me


I said still halfway in thought

"Do you have somewhere else to go?"

I stared at wondering what the hell he was saying



I asked still wondering was going on

"Then why are we still in the car?"

He asked

"How else are we going to get...."

I trailed off once I looked outside and realized that we were in our garage


We have been sitting in here for a while now haven't we?"

I shyly asked him

"You have no idea

I thought you had somewhere else to stop by but then you did not say anything and just kept staring outside and I had no...."

"I am so sorry

Today was just a lot and I needed to minute to relax and reset my brain

I did not mean to freak you out or anything"

I said feeling bad about the whole thing


You don't have to worry about that, I am fine but are you?

You seem really deep in thought back then"

He asked staring at me in doubt

"Not yet but I will be

I just need a long bath and few hours in my bed"

I opened the door picking up my bag from the seat

"Thanks again for today

I know that look

I am going to be fine I promise

School is just a lot tougher than I thought but I can handle it"

I said again as I got down from the car

"Okay then

I am taking you by your word

See you in the morning"

"See you tomorrow"

I said with a smile on my face as I walked in

"I am back...….."

I sang out loud as I walked in to the kitchen


I was just about to call Daniel

This is your first week in school and they are already stressing you out"

Mary sighed complaining giving me quick glance before focusing back on the pan on fire

"School closes by 4 Mary"

I tried hiding my giggle as I dropped my bag on the chair as I walked down to the fridge


She said waiting for me to fill her in

"I joined an after school club.....

It is more like a school sport so every day for the next few months I will be coming home late"

I said explaining my current situation the best way I could

"I have finally seen it all

Samantha Anderson willingly signing up for a sport

I am ready for you Lord"

Mary gushed out lifting the spoon in hands really high

"Will you stop it?

I mean I am not that bad and I also thought it would be nice to try something different it not every day you get a chance to decide who you want to be well except if your parents are in the army and you move around a lot or when you finish high school and move on to college but all of that aside

I really think this a good opportunity so yeah this is the new and improved Samantha"

I said picking a bottle of water and closing the fridge


I can't wait to see this new and improved Sammy bear in action"

She beamed

"Only you Mary

Only you"

I said referring to the childish nickname that she somehow found a way to make stick

"So is the new and improved...."

"Sam 2.0"

I said cutting it off while trying to have a little peak of what she was cooking but she quickly slammed the pot shut once again beating me at the little game we play every now and then

"Sammy 2.0

Oh dear thats sounds a lot better

Are you ready to eat?"

she asked with a sweet innocent smile on her face but I wasn't falling for it at all


Not yet

I need to take a very long soothing warm bath and try to rest my eyes for a minute

I will come down to eat later in the evening

And I know what you did there

Nice try

But it is Sam 2.0"

I said emphasizing in the Sam

With the bottle water still in hands I sluggishly picked up my bag lazily dragging my feet out of the kitchen

"Yes niña thats what I said

Sammy 2.0"

She said with a smile on her face

"I am going to regret this

If Xavier...….."

I suddenly started feeling vibration coming from my bag, I searched in and brought out my phone to see Vina calling

Me: Hey....

Vina: Where the hell did you drop your phone?

Me: My bag

Vina: Your bag!!!!!!!

We have been calling you for close to our hour now

I unlock my phone to see 25 missed calls

Me: Oh My God

I am sorry I must have forgotten to remove my phone from Do not Disturb and I havent had the time to check my phone....

Vina: Yeah yeah

We will get back to that later on but right we have more important things to deal with

Like how we all have no idea what you are wearing for the party?

Me: Sorry about that too

I was supposed to send you guys all the

Vina: There is no time for that anymore

Lay them all out

I will call the girls that way we all decide and finalize our look for the night

Me: This is still a high school party right?

Vina: You are so adorable

This is our first senior year party babe and it determines the rest of our high school experience so everything matters

Here is what is going to happen I will cut this call now and call the others so that gives you about five minute to bring out everything

Me: Bossy much

Vina: I am a proud Aries honey

Five minute

She said cutting the call

"Bye Bye warm bath

Bye Bye cozy bed"

I cried out loud already dreading the call and the wardrobe nightmare that was about to go down.