

ADULT NOVELS 21+!!! Many contain bed scenes, physical violence, verbal violence, and murder scenes, and dwell on the harsh mafia Life of the ’90s in the city of Venice, Italy. Be wise in reading! This Novel is a genre of magical-realistic fiction, written to take part in the WSA 2022 event. There will be many lessons contained in it, so don't miss every detail in this book! Warm Regards, HARAS. **** BLURB! (Italy, 1798) Not many people know. Before death picked him up, the legendary Biacomo Casanova secretly sailed into the middle of the sea to dispose of his most valuable heritage. A ring of magical power, with which, a man will be able to conquer the heart of any woman. "Wala! This is the end of my love journey. So to atone for sins, because with this ring I have slept with hundreds of women, then I will throw this ring and hope, no man will wear it in the future.” After saying the phrase The Legend of the woman's lover died, in a state of poverty and loneliness, with no one to accompany them. Then, 200 years later, a handsome young man named Casanova even found the magical ring. Then the wheel of fate changed completely! Casanova who had lived poor and despised became a rich man, very confident, charismatic, and very crazy about women. However, there are restrictions. Casanova can conquer a woman's heart. Romp and even fuck any girl with just a flick of a finger. But one thing not to do. Casanova can not fall in love! Because love will take away the magical power of the ring! As well as love, it is the Curse of God that will make Casanova a helpless beggar! So, can Casanova dampen his love desires? How many women will be seduced into bed? Is there a woman that Casanova can fall in love with? Check out Casanova's journey from being a nobody to an extraordinary man! He was born to' sincerely ' conquer every woman's heart, and also 'cleverly' serve the resistance of mafia kingpins throughout Italy. "Behold, I am sending you like sheep into the midst of wolves. Therefore, be wise as serpents, and sincere as doves." (Matthew 10: 16)

HARAS_ · Urban
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16 Chs


Honey Bee, 25 years old.

She is often called Honey, or some call her Bee. But whatever the nickname doesn't matter, because the two names are just nicknames when working at a barbershop, not the real names of a real Honey Bee.

This beautiful woman has a sexy body, with reddish-white skin, and a chest and other body parts that are quite large. So often he gets verbal abuse, such as whistling, lewd stares, or even a pat on the buttocks from mashers who act imprudently.

Honey was not comfortable with all that reckless treatment. But what can you do? This is the famous City of Venice with many dangerous mafias. So rather than risk fighting him, Honey prefers to run away. All for the safety of his life.

Tonight, after working at the barbershop, Honey returned to her apartment.

As usual, the beautiful woman had to walk first, about 100 meters from her workplace, then wait for a taxi at a roadside bus stop alone.

Venice is quite cold tonight. The sky was cloudy but it didn't rain.

Even though she's already wearing a thick jacket, apparently with her sexy body shape, Honey is still the center of attention of the middle-aged man, who just happens to pass by the bus stop.

"Hey, Beauty, why are you alone at night? Hahaha."

"Yes, you'd better come home with us, Beauty. We promise to make you happy and satisfied tonight. Hahahaha..."

A sedan stopped right in front of Honey who was standing. Inside were 5 adult men who were half-conscious due to alcohol.

Honey immediately turned around.

"Not. I'm waiting for my girlfriend!" said Honey firmly.

"Oh, alright. But if you change your mind, come visit us at the club that night," said one of them, then the sedan passed in front of him.

"Phew… luckily they weren't pushy." Honey took a deep breath and felt grateful.

Not long after, the taxi that Honey was waiting for arrived.

"Please, sir, take me to Glamoure street," Honey said quickly, got into a taxi, and quickly sat in the back seat.


"Come on, sir, I have to get there quickly," Honey continued, adding instructions.

But instead of immediately starting the car, the taxi driver took the cellphone from the front dashboard. He seemed to call someone later.

"Bravo, Boss, your woman is already sitting in the back seat of my taxi. Ahahaha..."

"Oh my, sir! It turns out that you are—?"

Honey could not continue her speech. The beautiful woman could only snort in annoyance, then folded her arms with a resigned face.

Arriving at the apartment, the taxi driver quickly opened the taxi door politely.

"Please, Miss."


But Honey looked away. And walked quickly to the lobby of his apartment.


The elevator door opened when it stopped on the 3rd floor. Honey rushed to room number 33, and as soon as she opened the door she already knew who was already in her apartment.

"Hahaha, good night, honey. Oh, you're finally home too. I've been waiting for you here since this afternoon."

Mister Adam! The stocky man laughed happily at the arrival of his woman.

But Honey snorted in annoyance. Throws the bag on the sofa.

"Why didn't you tell me first?"

"What are you saying? What if I came here without telling you first?" The man lost his laughter! He stood up as fast as his head was boiling and looked at Honey with red-eye circles!

"You Bitch! This is my apartment! And I bought it with my money! So I have the right to come here whenever I want! Do you understand your position?" Mister Adam approached and quickly grabbed Honey's hand roughly.

"Ow! Sick..."

"Shut up! Now squat down, and quickly take off my pants!" told him not to want to be denied!

Honey almost cried getting that treatment. However, he must be strong in his current role.

Being the mistress of a rich man, was the path he had chosen. All of that for the sake of getting money, for the operation costs of his mother who was exposed to a malignant tumor in the hospital.

Honey had no other choice. So like it or not, tonight he must be willing to serve the evil lust of this stocky man.

"Why are you silent? Are you deaf? Hah! Quickly squat down and take off my pants!" repeated Mister Adam yelling louder.

So, with compulsion, Honey's hands began to unzip the boy's pants. Until then, something protruded from behind the zipper gap.

Honey felt like throwing up because it was so small and smelly!

'Unlucky! Has he never cleaned it?' Honey thought to herself.

But what can you do? He was forced to take the rotten thing out and play with his fingers, at Mister Adam's request.

Honey couldn't help it when Mister Adam told her to stick out her tongue to be able to devour the small smelly object!

"Yes, honey! Oh, God, Damn it!"

Mister Adam was delighted. Honey complied with his wish. To the point that he lifted his head, holding back his amusement at the beautiful woman's tongue playing.

"Yeah, Honey, this is the part I like the most! Keep doing that and don't take your mouth out!"

Mister Adam laughed! This was the part he liked the most, so when Honey wanted to finish the game, yanking the rotten thing out of her mouth, the boy kept on pushing her, pushing Honey's head back and forth and devouring the pungent-smelling thing!

One minute feels like a century.

For Honey, he felt he was being tormented! He could no longer continue this crazy game. Because the smell of that thing is very bad, even worse than the smell of a toilet! I don't know how long Mister Adam hasn't washed it!

"Hoek!! Hooekkk..."

In the end, Honey couldn't take it anymore. The woman pulled out her mouth, then spit out quite a lot of clear mucus, and her already watery eyes looked up.

"S-already, Mister, please... i-I, I can't take it anymore," he pleaded.


"Stupid! I already gave you a lot of money! Also bought you this luxury apartment. And remember, I'm the one who pays all the medical expenses for your mother who is being operated on at the hospital! Then is this only limited to your reply to me?" snapped the man.

Honey was crying too. Sobbing. Feeling not strong anymore.

Not because of the man's harsh treatment, but rather because he remembers his mother's condition, who is now in a coma, lying weakly in a hospital bed.

"Agr h!! Already! Already! Don't get too much drama! Right now, take off your clothes and lie down on that big bed!" ordered the man quickly, not wanting to give Honey the slightest chance to just wipe his tears.

"Yes, sir," Honey replied, nodding obediently.

While crying, the woman quickly stood up and took off her clothes.


His thick jacket fell to the floor.


Followed by his clothes.


Then the short skirt.

Bruck Bruck...

And finally, underwear and panties.

Until now, Honey's smooth white body could be seen. With perfect form, and especially those two challenging tits forward!

"Ahahaha… this is how you should welcome me. So starting tomorrow, every time I come to this apartment, I want to see you naked like this! Understand?"

Honey nodded, her face trying to hold back tears.

Then Mister Adam quickly picked up Honey's body, then dropped her roughly on the bed.

He then threw his shirt and pants in any direction, then climbed onto the bed to push his big body on top of Honey's slender body!




Sss... Ahh!!

Honey's screams were loud. Howling. Praying for all this madness to stop immediately!

He was having a hard time breathing because Mister Adam's bulky body was pressed against him.

The sound of Honey's screams not only filled the room but also leaked so that it could be heard outside the apartment.

And noises like that have become a natural thing for his apartment neighbors. Because almost all of his apartment neighbors already know who Honey is. She was nothing more than a lowly woman, willing to work as the mistress of the rich.

"Yes! Yes! Keep screaming like that. Ahahaha... I like making love to a pitiful woman like you! Ahahaha..."


Mister Adam loved torturing women. Because he has a psychological tendency 'D', aka Dominant! So it's not surprising that even in bed he likes to dominate his co-stars, even if necessary he doesn't hesitate to torture them!

All for the satisfaction of his sexual lust! Which he had never gotten from his wife.

Soon, their game was over. The stocky man immediately pulled his body out and sprayed the liquid on Honey's face.

"Ahaha... Good! Good! Cry like that. I enjoy this game because my goddamn wife never wants to do it at home!" said Mr. Adam.

Those were the last words he used to say. For the next reason, the stocky man will quickly put on his clothes. Slammed a wad of dollars on the table. Then he left laughing, his lips biting into a large cigar with a lit end.

Honey sat on the bed. Trying to stop crying, and covered her body with a blanket.

After his breathing was quite regular, he then got up to go to the bathroom. Turn on the shower, then flush his body using warm water.

"Forget it all, Bee, forget about that fat bastard!" Honey said to herself, trying to convince herself that everything that had just happened was just a dream.

And after rinsing her body clean, the woman quickly wrapped her body using a cloth towel.

he slowly walked into the kitchen. A glass of hot chocolate can certainly make the heart calmer, he thought.

However, before he reached the kitchen, his eyes widened in surprise first!


Suddenly, a man was sitting on the sofa in his room.

"Good night, Honey. Oh, so is this what is called a woman who is never confident in front of a man?"

Casanova smiled, tilting his head.