
The secret of billionaire matchmaker

Sold off by her family, Valerie Watson was forced to carry the child of a stranger for a hundred million dollars by her stepmother. Valerie was not only robbed of her innocence, her boyfriend also abandoned her. After the birth of her child, the child was taken away from her. She was kicked out of the house she called home. Her conniving step-sister even took away her boyfriend. Devastated and heartbroken, Valerie fled to Northridge to start her life. Six years later, she got a job at the billionaire Davison's residence as a nanny. She was going to babysit the billionaire's saucy little daughter. But why does she feel so attached to her? Will she make the little girl love her, and will the father… the CEO also fell for her charm?

DaoistCZPvfS · Teen
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13 Chs

Love, money and family feuds

Claudia fumed in anger, and dropped the glass of wine she was drinking on the table, and flared up, "I can't believe you, Edmond. You know, our family's business is just starting to boom, and you took out so much money from it? Don't you know how risky that is?" 

"Why were you going through my stuff? Besides, I think Valerie deserves every single thing I'm giving to her. Have you forgotten that is the reason the family finances became stable?" Mr. Edmond snappe

Not finding the right words to say, Claudia breathed heavily, staring at her husband with so much annoyance. He was ready to spend so much just to get a house for Valerie, but what about their daughter? She has been with him for so long, and she can't remember him gifting her something as big and expensive as a house in Northridg

"I… I know, Edmond. That doesn't mean you should spend so much for her. Have you forgotten that the company has a lot of debt to pay? What does she need a house for? She's been living somewhere for the past six years, she was never homeless then why bothering yourself" Claudia uttered, sitting heavily on the couc

Mr. Edmond shook his head with a faint smile, and patted Claudia's shoulder. "Don't worry about the family business. It's doing very well, and the little money I took out of it won't cause any harm. Since Valerie has decided not to live here with us, I think it's better if I get a house for her

"Okay, if you say so" Claudia forced a smile, concealing her outrage. She gritted her teeth, with her fists clenched

"I can't wait to crush you to death, Valerie. How dare you come back to Watson's Residence after I had you thrown out. Now, you're trying to drag my daughter's rightful inheritance with her. I have to get rid of Valerie before she takes everything away from Patricia

At Justin's apartment, Patricia and Justin were at the dining table having lunch together. There was silence between them until Patricia broke the silence. "When are we getting married, Justin? We already graduated from university, and you have a good job from your family's company. You can take good care of us, why are we still delaying

On hearing what she said, Justin stopped eating and turned to her with a snort. "Patricia, don't you like the fact that I'm eating this food? Why must you bring up topics that will make me lose my appetite when I'm trying to eat?

"I beg your pardon? What do you mean, Justin? We've been together for the past six years, and I've been putting on this ring for two years if I'm not mistaken. Do you think I'm getting any younger?" Patricia scoffe

Justin dropped the cutlers in outrage, and turned his gaze to Patricia. "Why aren't you satisfied, Patricia? I've already promised you that I'm going to marry you, what more do you want

"I want marriage, Justin. Prove to me that you'll keep the promise you made to me for the past two years. I've been wearing this ring for so long, and people are beginning to talk. Don't you love me? Am I not woman enough for you?" Patricia broke into tear

"Patricia, I would rather not have this conversation with you. I already slipped a god-damned diamond ring into your finger, which is an assurance that I'm definitely going to marry you. If you're not satisfied, then you can give me the ring back" Justin tried to take the diamond ring, and she snatched her hand from hi

"No, I will wait. I'm sorry I overreacted" Patricia grabbed his hand, and patted it affectionately, but Justin slapped her hand of

"You're unbelievable" He mumbled, and stormed out of the dining room, leaving the food unfinishe

"Please, don't leave. I'm sorry" Patricia cried out. He paid a deaf ear, and didn't even take a glance at he

Meanwhile, Valerie stared at the picture for a few more minutes, and thought within he

"Who is this? And why did Audrey make her so ugly? This is confusing

Valerie spread the bed cover before leaving the room with the picture. She couldn't help but wonder why the picture was made so ugly by Audre

"Could this be her mother's picture? Doesn't she like her Mom?" Valerie shook the thought off, and walked out of the roo

One hour later, the bus drove into the mansion and Audrey got down from it with the driver. Handing her lunchbox to the servant standing at the entrance, she ran into the vill

"Miss old-fashioned!" She ran into Valerie's arms the moment she saw her

Valerie couldn't help but chuckle. Audrey is such an adorable child, and she felt more fond of her than she was. "Oh, bab

Valerie hugged her even tighter. She had actually missed the little chatterbox so much. The villa was so boring without her little girl. "She should change into her day wear. What's the point of hugging her like it's been a long time since you last saw her

Turning swiftly, Valerie wasn't surprised to see the cook Anastasia giving her a cold stare. She had gotten used to that already. She ignored her, and turned back her gaze to Audrey, "Do you want a delicious cookie, baby? I prepared so many cookies and salted potato chips when you were aware

"Really?" Audrey chuckle

Valerie winked at her, and nodded. "Of course, baby

"Sure, Miss old-fashioned. I'd really love to taste those. You know what? My daddy likes salted potato chips a lot, that's going to help you convince him to terminate Miss Vicky's contract as my home-teacher. What do you think?" Audrey smiled warmly, and Valerie swallowed hard as she thought of what transpired between the President and her in the mornin

"MMH…" She forced a smile at her with a nod. They headed upstairs immediately. Valerie helped Audrey change into a day wear, and took her dress to the laundr

As soon as she walked into the room, she saw Audrey already eating the love cookies she had prepared. She smiled softly, looking at the cute little girl eating happily. The question crossed her mind again, and she bent over to her, and asked, "Baby, where is your mommy

Audrey stopped eating, and raised her eyes at her. Slowly, she bowed her?"y.g.".d.".?"y". a.m.y.".r.r.d.f.m.s.?"d.".?"".. ".h.e.d.d eating, and raised her eyes at her. Slowly, she bowed her