
The Secret of Author

hemant_yogi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter : 4

Today the weather was open and the sky is clearly visible.

Ban Takashi stands in front of the Mirror in his room Looking at himself wearing clothes (dressed in Black and white combination) than his servant came and knocked the door "kindly come come early and have breakfast. As soon as he turns Bans called him up and asked "Has selene come too?".

he replied "Yes sir, she has been waiting for you for a long time in our lawn."

than Ban tells him to leave, After that he fix into a dilemma. Ban quickly makes his way downstairs, hiding behind a tree and secretly watching Selene on the lawn and eventually while doing so, selene sees him and smile, than she greets Ban Takashi "Good morning, let's have tea together."

Together they walk towards the breakfast table.

Ban Holds a coffee cup in one hand and a newspaper in the other hand and secretly gazes at Selene from behind the newspaper, realizing she is lost, to distract her Ban Asks to Selene about planning for today's appointment and work.

After a sudden distraction, she says in a hurry, "where do we have to go today?, well where to go?,

well having private flight After sometime to leave for Germany there we have launch at Hannover Messe".

With this, both of them sit in the car and leave for airport to hannover Messe, Germany.

On the other side, Mariko Yashida enters at college campus, few of her classmates congratulate her for the question she did yesterday and say that the Dr.Den is calling her and wants to meet her and as soon as she meets the Dr.Den, he also says "my brave girl, you are tomorrow amazingly done, what questions did you put on Ban Takashi".

but Mariko was still not able to come out of yesterday's incident and She didn't responded anything.

so Dr.Den asks her "Are you Okay Mariko?"

Mariko nods and answers yes, and asks permission to go to class.

Today she remains lost all day long.

After finishing the class, she goes straight to the house, as soon as she reaches home, she goes straight to her room, in the evening her roommate calls her several times for dinner, but many times she does not come out when she calls. Cause she knocks on the gate, then suddenly Mariko comes out.

Then they both start having food together, Mariko's friend Mackenzie Davis (Let me tell you about her, she is just like Mariko by nature, bubbly, very talkative and very beautiful in appearance, she is very attracted to boys, but waiting for the prince of her dreams to find, so Doesn't even pay attention to any boy.) asks her - "Is everything ok why you are behaving strange all day today?"

On hearing this, Mariko starts telling her about the questions asked by her classmates and journalists to Ban Takashi at the college press conference yesterday, as if she wanted someone to ask her what happened.

And at the same time she talks about the last question made by her, in which she asked Ban Takashi, are you the author of the famous book the secret author?

In response to which Ban Takashi smiles without saying anything and leaves from there.

In response Mackenzie says - "why are you getting upset thinking so much about such a thing".

On hearing this, Mariko lifts Mackenzie by her hand and says, "come on, we have to get that book soon, lest the shop closes".

With food in Mackenzie's mouth she says "you have gone mad and will do it to me too."

Mariko pulls her and says come on now, stupid, come fast.

With this, both of them sit in a taxi and start going towards the bookstore and the lighting on the tall buildings at night touches their faces through the windows, giving the feeling that they are in New York City and Mariko asks the driver to hurry up!

They reaches the bookstore in no time, and Mariko runs inside And Mackenzie paying money to the driver, after that she also starts going further inside and As she walks in and looks, Mariko looks at the bookstore manager with hopeful eyes, Because according to the time bookstore manager has close the shop And they both come out of the shop, Mariko angrily shouts what I had dreamed of, I would have been a big journalist, if that bastard bookstore manager would let me pick up a book. Both of them start walking on the street, Mackenzie takes two beers from the shop at the turn ahead, and gives one to Mariko, both of them in a state of intoxication and walks towards home a long way.

Just then, Mariko shouts and throws the bottle of beer and Mackenzie, looking at the bottle rolling ahead, stops the bottle at the book seller on the road.

Mariko starts turning towards the home.

Mackenzie stops her and says - "what I see, do you see the same thing? ",

Mariko asks "what do you see"?

Mackenzie turns Mariko's face to the book seller, seeing that Mariko says, "This bastard is also closing up shop."

That's when Mackenzie says, "Look, that's the book -The Secret Author".

Both of them quickly run to the seller of the book, Mackenzie gives the money for the book and meanwhile without saying anything, Mariko picks up the book on the ground and her eyes are filled with sparkle, she jumps with joy and at the same time, She thanks the book seller and kisses Mackenzie.