
The Secret of Author

hemant_yogi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter : 13

Note :- Apologies, Sorry I was not able to update new chapters for a long time due to ill health. but now I'll be regularly updating.

Ban Takashi was looking up at the sky, and from the camp the sound of other companions talking could also be heard.

His attention goes to the stars, and he starts remembering his childhood, slept alone on the side of the road, no one was with him, no friends, no relatives, no parents. So, Then he accepted the Stars in the sky as his friend and the sky his home, as if the stars wait for Takashi in the sky, when it is night. And Takashi, the stars play hide and seek with each other. Takashi starts counting the stars one by one. If he counted from one side and reached the other, the stars would have been less and sometimes more.

It is as if after years ban takashi has come to his home again, to meet his old friends and they will all play hide and seek game like childhood again.

And he smiles, then he starts counting the stars again in the same way, And then the stars are sometimes less and sometimes more, doing so he gets up out of curiosity, and then continues to count, It was as if he was feeling happy like this again today after years.

And suddenly there is light in the dark, Ban's attention is on direction of the light where was its coming from, the camera screen was on. It was the same camera that Ban Takashi found on his way to find his fellow botanist in the forest bushes.

Ban Takashi picks up the camera, and tries to operate it, since Ban didn't know much about the camera, so he starts checking the camera's functions by pressing random keys. And then suddenly the video starts playing on the camera screen.

He starts watching the video carefully, but the video was too long, Nothing special was visible in the video, only running water and flashing light were visible, So he starts moving the video back and forth with the help of the button, so that he can watch something else. While reversing the video a bit, Ban takashi sees a man sitting on the ground and moaning in pain while holding his stomach, and was begging for his life to leave himself alive.

Ban Takashi's shocked to see this, and he proceeds to traverse the video with more concentration, so that he can watch the video in detailed view from the beginning.

"Camera was moving a lot, as if someone was moving forward with it in hand, Moving forward in the forest, he was also capturing vegetation, trees, plants, small birds, insects and animals in the camera. That man had completely come out of the forest".

On seeing the ban understands, this was the same place from which they all had come inwards into the forest Then some sound starts to be heard along with rattle. On the screen of the camera features a hand of a person, from which he is holding the walkie talkie and from which the sound is coming, "where are you grylls?, come back" and this person doesn't answer. But from the other side the same question was being asked again and again "where are you Grylls, wherever you are, come back soon".

Grylls replies in an angry voice, and says, "don't call me again and again, I will not come back, I have no interest in dying. For your own benefit, you have brought all of them to die as scapegoats".

The other side responds softly, and says "have you gone mad gryllls?. Who told all this to you?. May you are having some misunderstanding, there is nothing like that. So Don't think anything wrong and come back to us".

Grylls says "No, you are lying. I have already read both that diary and the map, you are taking us on the wrong path to reach early, and you also know this, which is also a great danger to everyone's life, so I will not come there to die again.

I will give this information to the higher officials of the company".

On hearing this, a voice comes from the front, "you will not do anything like this, may you have got some misunderstanding Grylls. So its better you will come back, we talk together and by checking the map again. we will make sure whether we are moving on the right path or not. And if we are on the wrong path, then we will walk towards the safe path and if we are on the right path, then your trust in us will increase even more. so you will come back quickly without any delay".

After no response from the grylls for a long time, That person asks again, "what are you thinking, you do not trust us that much. Grylls, you are doing this work for humanity and by this you will become immortal in history".

Grylls -"Okay, i'm coming back but remember you will not go back on your promise. And yes, I am coming back not because I want to get my name in the history books, I am coming back because I want to do this work for the good cause of humanity".

That other guy responded quickly, "I was sure about you my brother, you cannot leave us like this in such crucial situations, you will definitely come back. Come quickly we are all waiting for you here".