
6. Normal Things

Hazel's pov

The next morning. I waken up, freshing up I went down to eat something. It was when my eyes fell on him

He was sleeping on couch on his stomach. I went near him. Its so cold here why is he sleeping here?

"Henry?" I called out but there was no reply "Henry?" Still no reply

I went back to my room bringing a duvet with a pillow. I rest his head on pillow properly covering him with the duvet

I was going towards the kitchen but he held my hand I looked at him but he was still sleeping

"Please don't go Alice" he said

Here comes Alice again

I sat there until he leaves my hand. He was looking so cute I must say. Obviously I have never noticed him properly but as now he is sleeping he is looking quite cute.

"Henry?" I again tried to wake him up

"Hmm" he responded

"Wake up its 8:25 don't you have office?" I asked

But the actual reason to wake him up was my hand I want to free it

"Hmm" he again hmmed

"You are getting late!"

"Why you want to throw me out Hazel?" He asked getting up

Thankfully he said my name not of Alice

"Its nothing like that Actually I want you to leave my hand which you are still holding" I said mocking him

"I am sorry" he said leaving it with a jerk

I left towards the kitchen to see what I can make for myself. But everything was already prepared

"Mam I was just going to prepare the table you go and sit" she said

This is really awkward as I am habitual of doing my works on my own and now the maids and servants will do

I nodded and left towards the dinning table

After of a while he came down In his office suit

He starts eating his lunch totally ignoring me but obviously I won't ignore

"What you thought then?" I asked

"About?" He asked focusing on his food

"About divorce" I said and his bite remain uneaten

He left the fork

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"Because I am now answer me"

"Why you want divorce one specific reason?" He asked folding his arms

"Reason? Are you serious? Why are you forcing yourself in this marriage? On one hand you are trying to Get Alice back right? It will be easy for you if you will leave me" I tried to explain

"But I can't my parents took promise from me even your family and I have never broken my promise and I will not" he said

Fuck his promise

"But you can't take the decision alone its my life as well and I have a right to choose what I want"

"Hazel please I am not in a mood I am already very tensed so just cut the crap"

"Its not a carp Henry its about my life and I won't allow you to take my life's decisions" I said being angry

"Go then go and file a divorce" he said angrily


"Yeah I mean I don't have the problem" he said

"Ok I will go today only" I said while he nodded

He stood up straightening his blazer

"I am going to office" he said

As if I care!

I rolled my eyes ignoring his words


I am sitting in the court waiting for my turn. As it was my turn I went inside

"Good afternoon" I greeted

"Good afternoon please have a seat" I sat there "So how can I help you?"

"I want to file a divorce"

"Okay But first I would like to know the reasons?" He said

Reasons? What should I tell him

"Its because this marriage happened unexpectedly and both of us don't want this" I said

"So you mean you were forced?"

"Noo! Actually I didn't knew who the groom was and now I don't want to live with him" I said clearly

"Ok Kindly write yours and your Husband's name and the reasons here also your phone number" he said

I starts writing. I wrote everything I was feeling like to. As I was done I given him the paper back

"I will let you know" he said while I left

I am sitting in my room trying to divert my mind as I am feeling suffocated in this house.

It was 9pm and only I know how I have managed to spend these hours being alone. I can't even call anyone because I don't want to

I hate Anni and uncle for doing the worst with me. I know maybe they were forced but still they should have at least ask me once weather I want to marry him or not but no they chose to do what they wanted from a long time.

I was busy with my thoughts but the knock on the door brought me out of my trance

"Who?" I asked

"Its me" Henry?

I opened the door he was in his pyjamas

"What happened?" I asked being worried

"Why haven't you eat anything?" He asked

I thought something happened

"I am not hungry"

"And why aren't you?" He asked like a lover


"Because I am not now I will eat according to your choice?" I asked

"Yes Come down in next 5 minutes" He ordered

Wait...he ordered me? The Hazel Taylor? Ops sorry Hazel Evans for now

"Who you are to order me huh?"

"Unfortunately your husband" he said with a smirk

"Very funny" I said

"I know now come down asap" he said and left


I went down to see him sitting waiting for me. I sat beside him

"Finally I am starving" he said putting the food in the plate

"You were waiting for me?" I asked

"Yes" he said eating the bite


I start eating the food while he was smiling all the time. What happened to him?

"Oh By the way Have you filed the divorce?" He asked


"What did they said?"

"They will let me know after analysing my case" I said


"Why are you smiling like that?" I asked

"Is there any problem with that?" He asked getting serious

"No I mean you are looking happy" I said

"Yes I am"

"Great at least someone is happy!" I said to myself but I guess he has listened

"Actually I got the deal I was working from last 6 months and it has given me a lot of profit that is why I am happy" he told

"Congratulations to you" I said

