
The secret I got you

who I am! I am a kidnaper. my parents Dead when I was 6. I have a one uncle.who help me to earn money.. so it's a story of mine....

Today I am going to kidnap a boy. Who Is the son of the CEO member of Art Exhibition. I don't know about my parents much. I don't care about all people. I only Care child and who has pure heart.its Seem I have a half heart and for another one I am still searching.

-So Today is spring season and I am 23. the day it's 2022 my mission is kidnap someone.and I have his photo. I know where I can find him.thats all

he has only mode face in this photo.. a none smile face. is someone took this randomly or not !! why he is so silent in photo !!

why I am thinking about him like this; my mission is to kidnap him. that's it

- He is standing beside the lake. it's seem he is enjoying to watch the colorful flowers...!

whatever! I started Walk and stopped Infront of he. I speak out and asked where is the "blue bird restaurant " place?? this should be near at this lake, but I didn't found.

-he looked at me and Said " I will show you, let's Walk with me"

- I walked and it's a noon. so Many people aren't present here ... and I am waiting for the car 🚗 coming. when my car is got the place I immediately take a gass fainting spray and throw his face. and take him in my car. ok I did my duty quite well.

- He is staying silent because he has no scenes. my driver has gone many ago. it's night and I am driving... we two are only in this car. he is wakes up and He is restrained by the rope so he cannot move. he opens his eyes slowly. His dark eyes looks around and those eyes got me.

- as long as His dark eyes sees me. I started speaking, you got kidnap here. you have to stay with me for 1 month. I threw your mobile phone so you can't with contact anyone.and don't try to escape. because you can't lose me I am a good fighter. strange!!! he didn't say anything just kept silent mode! is he still alive or dead already!! or I picked a ghost here !!

it's because I kidnapped Many people before. and locked for 1 or 2 month. they all are dis shout also try to escape Many time.

- We have reached our exact location. This is a small old town on the side of a hill. we are arrived in our house. and The house owner Also living in next house. and He is my master here. also bad man. I must keep my eyes on him ( the boy). that he didn't get hurt. because hurting people it's not my rules at all.

- I buy a some meals for breakfast. after putting them on table I am about to leave it's feel like someone hold my hands... oh! it's him! he is really holding my hand! He looked into my eyes and saying " Don't go anywhere, stay Infront of my eyes all the time." my eyes got Damn! wait, what! He is not a ghost he is actually a psycho patient. oh girl! I got here a psycho patient. but the matter is, it's seem he is very serious because It still hasn't left my hand yet !! I automatically says that " ok , I won't go "

(but wait I am the master here Why I have to listen his word instead He must listen to me. )

all this I said inside of my mind.

- It's our Day Two. Yesterday I was tired to drive all the night. So I slept all day yesterday.

I have got fever at night too .. I don't remember after that.

- it's morning again. I think I had the flu. I am still in bed. how pathetic! I am coming here after kidnapped a boy but I got sick. huh!

- as fast as my eyes open I jumped and stand up to find him.is he runs away or not!! but I got shaking so when I am going to fallen down he just catch me.

- oh! he is still here. he is a ghost or a psycho I don't care he did escape that's a relax..

but he started speaking and said " I am not going anywhere, so don't be worry.just stay with me. " wah!! what a line! is he a mind reader!!! but I have got a little tear on my eyes o don't know why! but I don't want to show this to the boy so I turned around and said deeply " you shouldn't go anywhere. if you did I will kill you" ( by the way I never kill any person before. this just a random word) ...

to be continue....