
Chapter 56: Onesies

Jaxon's pov

I'm going in, I told everyone, not bothering to hear a reply I jumped up and walked into the house

They were all laying on the grass, some were groaning in pain. I wouldn'tbe surprised if some of them are already asleep.

Never in my lifetime have I ever been this tired and sore from training. Even the training camp is easier than this.

I don't know where Scarlett disappeared to, she left just after the training ended. Crystal and Allison are talking to some pack members, they don't even look tired like the rest. I doubt they even break a sweat.

Little by little people followed me in. I was planning to go to my room for a shower but instead, I came across a room where I heard piano playing. I noticed that it was coming from a room that wasn'tused in years. I personally never saw what's behind the doors, my parents never told me what the room was for either.