
The Secret bob

29 Mason sat in a cafe with Maria and Anthony, his case covered with bruises from getting beat by Jacob To be honest, he might have acted all mighty but then it felt so unfair that he just had to lose to a loser like Jacob It made him feel so miserable "What in the world happened to your face?" Maria gasped while checking it out "Were you beaten badly? By who ?" "Forget it" He waved her off and took a sip from his iced Americano which they had all ordered a cup each when they got to the cafe. His gaze diverted to Anthony and he arched his brow curiously "Who the fuck is he?" "I could just ask the same about you? Who the fuck are you and why would my sister bring me to a shabby guy like you" Anthony also had no chills He is definitely not the type to get bullied Especially not by a stranger "So you are the brother" Mason nodded after getting the issue "Nice to meet you, I am Mason Grey Hennessy" Anthony scoffed in disbelief and turned to Maria with a glare "What?" Maria shrugged "Seriously? You brought me here just to meet Jacob's brother? Have you not learnt from what happened to us the other day?" He sounded upset "Just calm down and listen" Maria tried to cool him off "Let me correct this" Mason took another sip from his iced Americano "I am Jacob's step brother, not his brother" "So what? As long as there is brother in your relationship then I would actually be grateful if you can stay away from me and my sister" "My point is....." Mason sighed frustratingly Having this feeling that Anthony would be a difficult one did not make him feel that good "Your point is what?" Anthony inquired "He is my enemy, just like he is your enemy too" Mason explained Anthony threw his head back in surprise and looked at Maria who gave him a nod and a soft chuckle "He is your enemy? Why? You don't like your brother? Does that mean you are a villain?" Mason suddenly felt uncomfortable "Don't act like you are all saint" Mason frowned "He was your brother-in-law and you never liked him either. Does that not make you a villain too?" "Can you guys just get along? Stop making this hard for me" Maria covered her face with her palm "How about you just explain the whole situation to your brother? He is starting to get on my nerves" Mason leaned his back on the chair and continue sipping his iced Americano "Anthony" Maria called "Mason needs our help" "And why do you think I should help a guy like him? He is rude and immature" "Just let that go. The one who gave him all this bruises is Jacob" "And so what? They are siblings who are meant to fight all day" "Let me just get straight to the point" Maria was also starting to get frustrated Why did she not think about how annoying Anthony can be sometimes "Grey Hennessy is planning to give Jacob all his inheritance when he dies" "What?" Anthony arched his brow "Why would he do that? I am pretty sure he has three sons including Jacob so why would Jacob be the only one receiving the inheritance?" "I know right? Don't you just feel bad for me and my brother?" Mason leaned forward, at ease that Anthony was slowly getting on the same page with them "I understand that you guys are his illegitimate son but still, that is not so good" Anthony sighed while Mason's eyes darkened Illegitimate? One of the words he hate most in this world One of the thing that has made him always lose to Jacob all his life It is just the fact that he is an illegitimate son . "You seems to know a lot about our family" the corner of his lips moved up "After Jacob's identity got revealed, I read a lot of magazines about you guys and I also watched the news" Anthony seems proud of himself "Anyways, what are you going to do now that your Father plans to give his whole to Jacob?" "We just have to make sure he does not" Maria replied "And how are we going to do that?" "Coming up with a plan" Mason was the one to reply this time "What plan?" Anthony asked "For now, we just have to make Jacob unreliab

Ezekiel_Olabamiji · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 7


Jacob looked from his father to his uncle and back at his father then

"Dad? What in the world are you doing here?" He asked having a puzzled expression on

It seems Grey has really been spying on him just like he said

"Dad, you can't be spying, it's not okay at all!" He blurted out

Grey spoke up "Son why don't you excuse us while I have a word with your uncle?"

"But..." Jacob was about to protest but a warning stare from his father made him give in as he stood up and left his uncle and father alone

"Why did you do that" Grey asked

"Do what ? "Lewis asked without looking up

"why did you hide yourself after the accident "Grey yelled

"Whoa let's not get worked up "Lewis replied with a smirk ,

"Are you asking because you really don't know the reason I hide myself from you brother "

Grey just sat there staring at him with a dark expression on his face "You Care to enlighten me?"

Lewis chuckled and then replied "of course I will brother, you know I had to hide myself from a murderer like you if I wanted to protect my life"

"what are you talking about ?"Grey furrowed his eye brow in confusion

"No need to pretend Grey I know what you did" Lewis said pointing at grey

"What ?"

"You killed them Jacob's Mum and his grandparents what will you do if your son finds out about this? Oh, I think he already does""

"What ?you know I didn't" Grey looked so shocked "you definitely know I didn't do that what are you on about ?"

"You expect me to believe that ? We both know the type of person you are" he said with a stern face

"You are the one lying here why did you lie to my son that his mother was buried and not cremated ?" Grey banged the table as he looked at Lewis with anger in his eyes

Lewis just looked at him unfazed and said "we both know you don't deserve love what do I do if your son starts to love his father I wouldn't want that so I really want your son to hate you and see you for the kind of person you are hence I told him that little truth"

Grey gritted his teeth to fight back the urge to land his brother a punch which by the way Lewis wouldn't survive "Don't go anywhere near my son anymore I repeat never step your feet anywhere near my son again "

"Are you threatening me" Lewis now looking angry replied him

"No it's a warning" Grey replied

"That's funny" Lewis licked the blood on which originated from grey's punch "I never knew you could get so emotional since you are one hell of a bastard. Well what to do? because I don't intend to stop seeing your son you know he loves his uncle" he said with a smile and stood up dusted his shirt and began to walk away and out of the restaurant

Grey stared at the back of Lewis and clenched his fist


Amber smiled as she came out of the pet shop with the Dog toys and feed she got for Charlie with Ian, she couldn't but wonder why Jacob doesn't like hud step brother Ian He's such a sweet guy always telling dad jokes she laughed softly to her self as she pulled in Ian's drive way

"A penny for your thoughts" she said as she walked up to him

She smiled widely at her "to what do I own this this visit"

"Charlie of course you didn't think I came all the way here to see you do you"

They both laughed as he took the bag containing what she has gotten for the dog earlier

They walked toward the dog house together immediately Charlie sighted amber he started to twirl around and wag its tail

Amber chuckled as she gave Charlie a pat , Ian couldn't help but smile at the both of them ,he sat beside amber "is Jacob okay with you coming over to my house like this"

"It's fine" Amber smiled

"That's better because I wouldn't want any misunderstanding" He said looking at Amber and noticed her mood had darkened a little bit he tries to lighten the mood

"Do you know what the tick and the Eiffel Tower have in common"He asked with a grin

"They both have the letter T" Amber said though confused

"No you wanna try again?"

"Just say it" Amber rolled her eyes

"They are both Paris site" He laid laughing out loud

Amber looked at him like he was crazy "is that funny?" She asked

"You just don't get" he said quieter down from the laugh "Let's try another one"

"What do you call a fish wearing bow tie" He asked with anticipation in his eyes

"Mackerel" Amber replied with a scoff

"Noo Sofishticated" he said again cracking up seriously

Amber gave a dry chuckle " I wonder if these jokes are really funny"

"let's us go again "he said like an happy puppy

"What kind of noise does a with vehicle make"

"Vroom vroom she replied with confidence

"No but almost there" He said with anticipation

"I give up" Amber three her hands up

"Bbroom Bbroom" ian said cheerily busting into another fit of laughter

Amber just sat there giving him the it's going to be okay look

"Can I ask you something?" She glanced at him through the corner of eyes

"Of course" Ian replied as his eyes litter up

"Erm jacob's mother was she buried or cremated?" She asked almost in a whisper

"Amber , she was cremated"

" Why doesn't Jacob know about this" Amber asked loudly which almost sounded like a yell

" Jacob was abroad at during that time" Ian replied

" That means his uncle his lying to him" Amber said teary eyes

" I don't know what this is about but yeah"

" I should go Ian see you later" Amber said standing up and giving Charlie a last pat

She kept thinking about Jacob as she made her way out of Ian drive way


As Amber parked her car and she got down she looked at the spot Jacob normally parks his car and his car was right there indicating that he was in the house

She Entered the house looked around he was nowhere on site so she walked into their room and heard the shower sound he must be in the shower

She got a change of clothes and sat in the chair at the bedside. Moments later Jacob came in

" You are back ? Where were you ?" He questioned

"At Ian's" Amber replied

Jacob furrowed his Eyebrow and his expression turned dark

" what for " he questioned?

" I got some things for Charlie but that's not the point Ian told me about your mum" she paused to look at Jacob expression and saw that he was looking a little between angry and confused but she chose to continue with her what she was saying

" He said your mother wasn't buried she was cremated"

"What?" Jacob looked at her with shock " wait you expect me to believe Ian"

" yes I don't see why you shouldn't believe him" Amber retorted without looking into his eyes

" Uncle Lewis told me she was buried and that's who I believe , why would I believe Ian he's my step brother who knows what evil he is plotting"

" You know Ian isn't a bad person" Amber replied

" Who knows his mother is most certainly is The apple does not fall far from the tree they say" Jacob replied almost breathlessly as he continued " You know sometimes I don't even trust my father my uncle lewis has always been there for me and now I'm supposed to believe him over something lying ass "

" Jacob I just think you are not seeing your uncle for who he is I just think he's trying to manipulate you and turn you against your father" Amber said scared of what reaction might come out cause of her words

" Who are you to tell me that, Who told you ,you can go over to Ian's house as you please"He yelled which shocked Amber as she stood up without a word and walked out of the room.