
The Secret bob

29 Mason sat in a cafe with Maria and Anthony, his case covered with bruises from getting beat by Jacob To be honest, he might have acted all mighty but then it felt so unfair that he just had to lose to a loser like Jacob It made him feel so miserable "What in the world happened to your face?" Maria gasped while checking it out "Were you beaten badly? By who ?" "Forget it" He waved her off and took a sip from his iced Americano which they had all ordered a cup each when they got to the cafe. His gaze diverted to Anthony and he arched his brow curiously "Who the fuck is he?" "I could just ask the same about you? Who the fuck are you and why would my sister bring me to a shabby guy like you" Anthony also had no chills He is definitely not the type to get bullied Especially not by a stranger "So you are the brother" Mason nodded after getting the issue "Nice to meet you, I am Mason Grey Hennessy" Anthony scoffed in disbelief and turned to Maria with a glare "What?" Maria shrugged "Seriously? You brought me here just to meet Jacob's brother? Have you not learnt from what happened to us the other day?" He sounded upset "Just calm down and listen" Maria tried to cool him off "Let me correct this" Mason took another sip from his iced Americano "I am Jacob's step brother, not his brother" "So what? As long as there is brother in your relationship then I would actually be grateful if you can stay away from me and my sister" "My point is....." Mason sighed frustratingly Having this feeling that Anthony would be a difficult one did not make him feel that good "Your point is what?" Anthony inquired "He is my enemy, just like he is your enemy too" Mason explained Anthony threw his head back in surprise and looked at Maria who gave him a nod and a soft chuckle "He is your enemy? Why? You don't like your brother? Does that mean you are a villain?" Mason suddenly felt uncomfortable "Don't act like you are all saint" Mason frowned "He was your brother-in-law and you never liked him either. Does that not make you a villain too?" "Can you guys just get along? Stop making this hard for me" Maria covered her face with her palm "How about you just explain the whole situation to your brother? He is starting to get on my nerves" Mason leaned his back on the chair and continue sipping his iced Americano "Anthony" Maria called "Mason needs our help" "And why do you think I should help a guy like him? He is rude and immature" "Just let that go. The one who gave him all this bruises is Jacob" "And so what? They are siblings who are meant to fight all day" "Let me just get straight to the point" Maria was also starting to get frustrated Why did she not think about how annoying Anthony can be sometimes "Grey Hennessy is planning to give Jacob all his inheritance when he dies" "What?" Anthony arched his brow "Why would he do that? I am pretty sure he has three sons including Jacob so why would Jacob be the only one receiving the inheritance?" "I know right? Don't you just feel bad for me and my brother?" Mason leaned forward, at ease that Anthony was slowly getting on the same page with them "I understand that you guys are his illegitimate son but still, that is not so good" Anthony sighed while Mason's eyes darkened Illegitimate? One of the words he hate most in this world One of the thing that has made him always lose to Jacob all his life It is just the fact that he is an illegitimate son . "You seems to know a lot about our family" the corner of his lips moved up "After Jacob's identity got revealed, I read a lot of magazines about you guys and I also watched the news" Anthony seems proud of himself "Anyways, what are you going to do now that your Father plans to give his whole to Jacob?" "We just have to make sure he does not" Maria replied "And how are we going to do that?" "Coming up with a plan" Mason was the one to reply this time "What plan?" Anthony asked "For now, we just have to make Jacob unreliab

Ezekiel_Olabamiji · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 1


Jacob sat on the bed watching as his family left the ward to go to the doctor's office

He immediately made a signal to Enzo to follow them and stop them in whatever way he could as he can not stand and walk properly yet

Amber was left alone with him Incase he would need someone's urgent attention, however they were both panicking

"What are you going to do now? You said Lilian would use the opportunity to send you out of the family if they find out you are in any way sick" Amber was pacing up and down the room

"I believe Enzo would make everything work out" Jacob said and tilted his head to look at Amber who was not staying at one place

"By the way, What is between you and Ian?" He asked

Amber stood still and arched her brow innocently "What is between I and Ian? What do you mean by that? He is my brother in law, what could possibly be between us other than that?"

"When Ian entered, you greeted him" Jacob was direct

"That is because he is the most humane person in your family, I could not greet Mason, you know?" Amber shrugged but Jacob seems not to be satisfied

"I know Ian is not an asshole like Mason but I still want you to stay away from him, don't try to build any relationship with him"

"Is there a reason why I should not? I just told you, Ian is....."

"Amber" he called sternly but made his face lenient when he saw how scared Amber seems to be

"Amber" he called again softly "A lot of people say I am expressionless but Ian is worse, you never know what Ian is thinking and what he might do to you anytime"

"Alright" Amber blinked and came to sit beside him "By the way, If you father finds out about this? He won't listen to your step mother, will he?"

"That's one thing so hard to know about my father, he and Ian possess the same trait, you never know what they would do"

"So you are saying your Father might as well just listen to your step mother?"

"We should just wait and see"

As the family kept moving closer to the doctor's office, Enzo kept thinking of what to say but could not come up with one

He suddenly grabbed Ian's hand and grabbed him to a corner

"Hey! What is wrong with you?" Ian jerked his hand off

He never liked Enzo for once so why would he suddenly grab his hand and pull him to a corner

"We need to talk" Enzo was low-key panicking "Please, I need....no, we need your help"

"We? What are you talking about?" Ian arched his brow

"Actually, we do not want your Family to find out about Jacob's sickness, can you please stop them from going inside the doctor's office?" Enzo said in a pleading tone

"You want me to stop my family from visiting the doctor? What in the world are you trying to hide?" Ian had a puzzled look on

"I will explain to you later but for now, please stop your family" Enzo pleaded

He was only doing that because Jacob is eager to make sure his family does not find out

If not that,

Why would he pleading to Ian?

He works for Jacob, not Ian so Ian and him do not really have a business together

"Forget it" Ian frowned "I am not interested in helping you guys. Infact, I am very curious to know Jacob's sickness" he said and turned to go but Enzo dragged him back again and bowed his head

"Please help us out, young master Ian"

"I am not helping you"

"You are the only who can convince your mom and Dad, they would listen to you because they feel like to you are the good boy"

"Of course I am the good one" Ian raised his voice "Are you trying to get on my nerves or what?"

"Not at all" Enzo cleared his throat "I just know you have nothing against young master. You are a good person and would not allow young master to go down just like that"

"What in the world are you saying?" Ian scoffed "I am Jacob's STEP brother, I am in a competition with him, of course, I would use any opportunity I see to make sure he goes down"

"You know you won't. You are different from Mason, your older brother"

"Are you really trying to get on my nerves?" Ian frowned "Do you want me to get Dad to fire you?"

"You can do whatever you want but for now please, stop your family. I promise to tell you young master's condition if you do so".

Ian was hesitant at first but after a while, he decided to just help them.

He walked hurriedly to Grey Hennessy and stood on their way


"Ian?" Grey threw his head back "What is wrong?"

"Father, let's just go home"

"Ian, what are you doing?" Lilian arched her brow

"Yeah, what are you doing, Ian?" Mason seems curious too

"Why is everyone so curious about what sickness Jacob is having? Let's just leave him for now, I am sure he will tell us himself when he is ready"

"We are his family so we are worried about him, we should at least know what is wrong with him" Mason scoffed "Move out of the way, everyone here is busy"

"Mason, since when did you start worrying about Jacob?" Ian glared at him and turned to Grey "Father, can we just go for today?"

Grey let out a deep breath "Alright, let's go back home"

"What? Grey?!" Lilian yelled out with her tiny voice "you should be curious about Jacob's condition, how can you tell us to go home right now?"

"That's right Father, we should know the condition of our dear brother" Mason added

"To be honest...." Grey sighed "I am not really curious, whatever it is, he should fight it alone" he said and walked past Ian and headed out of the hospital.