
The Secret bob

29 Mason sat in a cafe with Maria and Anthony, his case covered with bruises from getting beat by Jacob To be honest, he might have acted all mighty but then it felt so unfair that he just had to lose to a loser like Jacob It made him feel so miserable "What in the world happened to your face?" Maria gasped while checking it out "Were you beaten badly? By who ?" "Forget it" He waved her off and took a sip from his iced Americano which they had all ordered a cup each when they got to the cafe. His gaze diverted to Anthony and he arched his brow curiously "Who the fuck is he?" "I could just ask the same about you? Who the fuck are you and why would my sister bring me to a shabby guy like you" Anthony also had no chills He is definitely not the type to get bullied Especially not by a stranger "So you are the brother" Mason nodded after getting the issue "Nice to meet you, I am Mason Grey Hennessy" Anthony scoffed in disbelief and turned to Maria with a glare "What?" Maria shrugged "Seriously? You brought me here just to meet Jacob's brother? Have you not learnt from what happened to us the other day?" He sounded upset "Just calm down and listen" Maria tried to cool him off "Let me correct this" Mason took another sip from his iced Americano "I am Jacob's step brother, not his brother" "So what? As long as there is brother in your relationship then I would actually be grateful if you can stay away from me and my sister" "My point is....." Mason sighed frustratingly Having this feeling that Anthony would be a difficult one did not make him feel that good "Your point is what?" Anthony inquired "He is my enemy, just like he is your enemy too" Mason explained Anthony threw his head back in surprise and looked at Maria who gave him a nod and a soft chuckle "He is your enemy? Why? You don't like your brother? Does that mean you are a villain?" Mason suddenly felt uncomfortable "Don't act like you are all saint" Mason frowned "He was your brother-in-law and you never liked him either. Does that not make you a villain too?" "Can you guys just get along? Stop making this hard for me" Maria covered her face with her palm "How about you just explain the whole situation to your brother? He is starting to get on my nerves" Mason leaned his back on the chair and continue sipping his iced Americano "Anthony" Maria called "Mason needs our help" "And why do you think I should help a guy like him? He is rude and immature" "Just let that go. The one who gave him all this bruises is Jacob" "And so what? They are siblings who are meant to fight all day" "Let me just get straight to the point" Maria was also starting to get frustrated Why did she not think about how annoying Anthony can be sometimes "Grey Hennessy is planning to give Jacob all his inheritance when he dies" "What?" Anthony arched his brow "Why would he do that? I am pretty sure he has three sons including Jacob so why would Jacob be the only one receiving the inheritance?" "I know right? Don't you just feel bad for me and my brother?" Mason leaned forward, at ease that Anthony was slowly getting on the same page with them "I understand that you guys are his illegitimate son but still, that is not so good" Anthony sighed while Mason's eyes darkened Illegitimate? One of the words he hate most in this world One of the thing that has made him always lose to Jacob all his life It is just the fact that he is an illegitimate son . "You seems to know a lot about our family" the corner of his lips moved up "After Jacob's identity got revealed, I read a lot of magazines about you guys and I also watched the news" Anthony seems proud of himself "Anyways, what are you going to do now that your Father plans to give his whole to Jacob?" "We just have to make sure he does not" Maria replied "And how are we going to do that?" "Coming up with a plan" Mason was the one to reply this time "What plan?" Anthony asked "For now, we just have to make Jacob unreliab

Ezekiel_Olabamiji · Urban
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20 Chs

chapter 19

Chapter 19

"I am only nice to people I like. I can see how scared you are right now so I am trying all my best so that you can see me as someone reliable"

Ian had a cool expression on he said those words even though she was not looking at him.

He did not know what is going on with her, but the moment she entered his house, he knew something was wrong so at the moment, he is trying all his best to cheer her up.

"You are only nice to people you like?" Amber repeated his words, that seems to be the part she did not seems to understand.

Seeing how confused she looks, Ian waved his hand in muse "I don't mean that in a romantic way"

He seems to know the answer she wanted.

"I see" Amber nodded, showing that she understood him

"Since you are not willing to tell me what happened between you and Jacob, let me just tell you this" Ian paused and sucked in his teeth "Jacob is not a bad person. Anytime you are with him, just think of him as your husband and not as a Mafia" he advised.

Amber smiled faintly "You know.... I am starting to like you. You are not like your brother, what was his name again?"

"Mason? Why would I be like him? We may be brothers but we are different in so many ways" Ian said proudly "Now that you seems to like me, does that mean we are friends?"

"I wouldn't come to your house if I didn't consider you as friend" Amber shrugged and Ian grinned

"You are so straightforward" He was impressed

"I could say the same about you" Amber replied

"I guess that makes us two Straight forward people" Amber giggled softly "Thanks for having me in your house, I can come over anytime, right? Because of charlie" She smiled at the puppy who was seated in front of her

"Of course, you are welcome anytime. Charlie seems to like you a lot" Ian said and took a deep breath "Now that we are friends, can I cheer you up?"

Amber arched her brow "You want to cheer me up? How?"

"How about telling you a joke" Ian suggested and Amber leaned forward excitedly

"Really? Are you good at making jokes?"

"Yes" Ian replied with a determined nod

"Okay, give it to me" Amber was curious to know what joke he would say

"Alright" Ian let out a deep breath "Do you know why people sell their Kidney?"

Amber raised a brow "I don't know, why?"

"Because our hearts are PRICELESS!" he bursted out and laughed at his own joke.

Amber sighed and shook her head in disappointment "Was that supposed to be a joke?"

"Yes" Ian's laugh turned into a soft giggle "Why? Is it not funny"

"Not at all. Don't even think about making a joke like that again" Amber was honest as she grabbed her purse and stood up to leave

Ian's face flushed in embarrassment as he also stood up to escort her out

"Thanks for trying to make me laugh, I know that joke was not easy for you to say" She didn't want him to feel too embarrassment "I have to leave now"

"Alright" Ian grinned "See you another time" he walked past her to open the door.


Jacob was alone in his room, watching his phone on which Amber's phone number which he has saved with 'Lovey dovey' was on the screen.

He was suddenly regretting saying those harsh words to her and talking about divorce

Perhaps this could be the reason she was not coming home.

He ruffled his hair and left out a frustrated sigh

"I really need to learn how to control my temper"

Now that he thinks about it, anyone would have reacted that way if they saw him Earlier, especially someone that has not seen him holding a gun before.

It was only natural for Amber react that way.

He winced as he felt a sharp pain in his stomach but ignored it after the pain subsided. It might just be a natural stomach ache, they come and go all the time.

Checking the time and noticing it was already late, he suddenly started to get worried about Amber.

It was almost midnight.

She has never been out this late before.

As he stood up from his bed, he felt the same pain in his stomach again but it subsided after few seconds. He gently rubbed his tummy, wondering why he was having unusual stomach ache.

Grabbing his jacket, he made attempt to go out and search for Amber wherever she may be and apologize to her but froze when he heard a knock on his door.

He slowly twisted the knob and his face brightened when he saw Amber standing by the door with a tray of orange juice and snacks including a big smile.

"Amber" Jacob called awkwardly and allowed her to come in "I thought you weren't home"

"I came back an hour ago. Where else would I be if not here? This is my home" She continued to smile as she placed the tray on the glass table in his room "I heard you didn't have dinner so i brought you this"

"I had to work on something, I was too busy to eat" Jacob explained and took a sip out of the orange juice she brought.

Amber seems to have noticed orange juice was his favourite.

"Jacob, about what happened today, I am really sorry" she apologized with her gaze glued to the tiled floor "I should not have reacted that way when you were only trying to protect your friend. You didn't do anything wrong"

Jacob smiled and moved closer to her, his head towering over her as she tilted her head to look at him

"And I am sorry too. I got so upset and talked about divorce, I should not have done that"

"Are we cool now?" Amber chuckled softly as she held his head "Do you want me to sleep in your room tonight? Strangely, I am scared to sleep alone" she asked politely.

A scoff emerged from Jacob's mouth, knowing fully well she is not scared but only being naughty. She is probably asking for a hot night together.

"Fine, let's sleep together" Jacob replied and held his tummy, wincing in pain

"What is it?" Amber was worried

"I don't know, I have been having this strange stomach ache for a while now"

"Then let's go to the hospital" Amber held his jacket and grabbed his hand so they can leave but Jacob held her back

"Forget it, it's already late. I am sure the pain would go after I rest" Jacob wrinkled his face, withstanding the pain but it got to a point he could not do that anymore.

His wincing suddenly turned to groan as he fell back on the bed, trying to get a hold of himself

"Jacob!" Amber was confused without knowing what to do.

She is not a nurse or anything so she would not know what is wrong with him

"Enzo!" She ran out of his room, screaming Enzo's name.

Enzo who room was downstairs immediately came out, wondering what was wrong

"Enzo, Come take a look at Jacob" Amber suddenly started to sob as Enzo ran upstairs to check.

By the time they would get back to his room, the pain had worsened and Jacob was sweating, groaning loudly

"We have to take him to the hospital" Enzo panicked as he carried him in his back, running downstairs.


Jacob was transferred to a VIP ward after receiving treatment, he was now calm and had fallen asleep but both Amber and Enzo were not sure if he was now okay.

They can only confirm that when he wakes up.

The doctor walked up to them and requested to see them in his office as his guardian of which they both followed the doctor to his office.

"You are Mr Jacob's wife, right?" The doctor asked and Amber nodded

"Doctor, what is wrong with him? He has never been this way before" Enzo was dieing of worry

The doctor brought his test result and handed it over to Amber who is the wife "Your husband is suffering from Anorexia"

"Anorexia?" Amber arched her brow "You mean he always have loss of appetite?" She sobbed and turned to look at Enzo who immediately looked away.

It didn't make sense to her, Jacob eats healthily even if it's not Everytime

"Are you sure about that, doctor? He eats a lot though" she was in doubt of the test

"Ma'am, perhaps you don't know, but there is great possibility of him throwing up all the food he ate" the doctor defended his diagnosis

"What?" Amber raised her brow in muse as she turned to look at Enzo again

"Enzo, you knew about this? Then why didn't you tell me?" She bursted out in tears.