
The Secret bob

29 Mason sat in a cafe with Maria and Anthony, his case covered with bruises from getting beat by Jacob To be honest, he might have acted all mighty but then it felt so unfair that he just had to lose to a loser like Jacob It made him feel so miserable "What in the world happened to your face?" Maria gasped while checking it out "Were you beaten badly? By who ?" "Forget it" He waved her off and took a sip from his iced Americano which they had all ordered a cup each when they got to the cafe. His gaze diverted to Anthony and he arched his brow curiously "Who the fuck is he?" "I could just ask the same about you? Who the fuck are you and why would my sister bring me to a shabby guy like you" Anthony also had no chills He is definitely not the type to get bullied Especially not by a stranger "So you are the brother" Mason nodded after getting the issue "Nice to meet you, I am Mason Grey Hennessy" Anthony scoffed in disbelief and turned to Maria with a glare "What?" Maria shrugged "Seriously? You brought me here just to meet Jacob's brother? Have you not learnt from what happened to us the other day?" He sounded upset "Just calm down and listen" Maria tried to cool him off "Let me correct this" Mason took another sip from his iced Americano "I am Jacob's step brother, not his brother" "So what? As long as there is brother in your relationship then I would actually be grateful if you can stay away from me and my sister" "My point is....." Mason sighed frustratingly Having this feeling that Anthony would be a difficult one did not make him feel that good "Your point is what?" Anthony inquired "He is my enemy, just like he is your enemy too" Mason explained Anthony threw his head back in surprise and looked at Maria who gave him a nod and a soft chuckle "He is your enemy? Why? You don't like your brother? Does that mean you are a villain?" Mason suddenly felt uncomfortable "Don't act like you are all saint" Mason frowned "He was your brother-in-law and you never liked him either. Does that not make you a villain too?" "Can you guys just get along? Stop making this hard for me" Maria covered her face with her palm "How about you just explain the whole situation to your brother? He is starting to get on my nerves" Mason leaned his back on the chair and continue sipping his iced Americano "Anthony" Maria called "Mason needs our help" "And why do you think I should help a guy like him? He is rude and immature" "Just let that go. The one who gave him all this bruises is Jacob" "And so what? They are siblings who are meant to fight all day" "Let me just get straight to the point" Maria was also starting to get frustrated Why did she not think about how annoying Anthony can be sometimes "Grey Hennessy is planning to give Jacob all his inheritance when he dies" "What?" Anthony arched his brow "Why would he do that? I am pretty sure he has three sons including Jacob so why would Jacob be the only one receiving the inheritance?" "I know right? Don't you just feel bad for me and my brother?" Mason leaned forward, at ease that Anthony was slowly getting on the same page with them "I understand that you guys are his illegitimate son but still, that is not so good" Anthony sighed while Mason's eyes darkened Illegitimate? One of the words he hate most in this world One of the thing that has made him always lose to Jacob all his life It is just the fact that he is an illegitimate son . "You seems to know a lot about our family" the corner of his lips moved up "After Jacob's identity got revealed, I read a lot of magazines about you guys and I also watched the news" Anthony seems proud of himself "Anyways, what are you going to do now that your Father plans to give his whole to Jacob?" "We just have to make sure he does not" Maria replied "And how are we going to do that?" "Coming up with a plan" Mason was the one to reply this time "What plan?" Anthony asked "For now, we just have to make Jacob unreliab

Ezekiel_Olabamiji · Urban
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20 Chs

chapter 14

Chapter 14

Jacob scoffed in disbelief as he obediently sat down just like she has commanded

Juliet smirked as she gulped down the wine in the glass cup and placed it back on the table, signaling for him to pour her more

Enzo's eyes widened in shock, watching him obey her like a kid "Man, why are you listening to her? Get up and let's go".

He was ignored as Jacob picked up the bottle of wine and started to pour the wine inside the cup, he continue to pour it until it overflowed and started dripping on Juliet's expensive ash dress

"Son of a bitch!" She yelled and stood up in shock, checking out her dress "Do you know how much this dress worth?"

"Since you are so rich, get yourself another one or do you want me to compensate you for it?" Jacob removed some wipes and wiped his hands "When I was coming here I already knew you were a spoilt brat so I made sure to hold in all your rude personality but what? You dare mention my wife's name?"

Enzo took a step back and heaved a sigh of relief, grateful that Jacob didn't fall for Juliet's threat

Since his young master decided to take care of it himself, it would be a better idea for him not to step in.

"You using my wife to threaten me is literally so pathetic, who the hell do you think you are?!" Jacob banged his hand on the table and stood up "Using any means, not minding what can happen, you always want everything to go your way. People like you disgust me"

He said and turned to leave but stopped when he heard Juliet laughing. He turned back to look at her with a puzzled look.

Does she think he is a joke or something?

"I am glad you know I always get anything I want by any means" she stopped laughing and smirked "You are not exempted , Jacob Grey Hennessy, I will get you matter what"

"Try if you can" Jacob said dryly and walked out.

Once he was gone, Enzo folded his arms and had a mocking smile on

"What are you still doing here? Follow your master, you little puppy"

"You must so embarrassed you got rejected in few seconds. Someone with a rotten personality like you can't be with my young master" Enzo clicked his tongue "And also, my young Master is not a thing you get, he's a human like you" he said and immediately went after Jacob.

"Why did you come out late?" Jacob asked as Enzo approached to open the car door for him "Did she say anything to you?"

"No" Enzo shook his head "i stayed behind to add to the things you said to her"

"When is our flight back to new York?" Jacob checked his wristwatch again

"The next 45 minutes young master" Enzo replied and opened the car door "We have to hurry up so we won't miss the flight"

"Why didn't you tell me we are late already?!" Jacob snapped and immediately entered

"That's because you didn't ask!" Enzo snapped back.

Jacob wind down the tinted window and peeped his head out "Did you just talk back? Did you?"

"You talk too much" Enzo sighed and entered the passengers seat "People see you as a cold hearted, heartless and emotionless but I would rather say you are a talkative"

"How dare you call me a talkative?!" He snapped again "Do you want me to cut off your pay for this month?"

"Do whatever you want" Enzo mumbled and told the mafia at the driver's seat to start the car


Amber walked out of her room and went to the kitchen where they were like 10 maids preparing breakfast. She had got the text from Enzo that they will be arriving in the next few hours so she decided to make breakfast herself.

"ma'am, I am sincerely sorry but i dont think young master would be happy to see you cooking while we are here" The Old lady who seems like the head of the maids said with her head bowed

Amber smiled and put on an apron "No way. I think Jacob would be glad to eat a meal prepared by me. I an his wife afterall" she gave the old woman an assuring look and proceeded in preparing the meal.

A few minutes later, she was done and left the serving to the maids while she headed to her room to dress up before Jacob's arrival.

Of course, they had a fight before he left but they are grown adults and they should know how to solve a fight like this by themselves.

Throughout their three years of marriage, this has to be the first time Jacob would get mad at her for not listening to him. She was always the one getting mad at him.

As she was done putting on her lipstick, she heard the limousine stopped in front of the mansion and a smile appeared on her face knowing fully well her husband is back.

She thought of going to welcome him downstairs but then changed her plan to meeting him the room. Placing her ear on the door, she was at alert to make sure he had entered the room before she would go.

Few minutes later, she heard him pass by her room and the great thing was that he seems to be alone.

Wherever Enzo is, all the best to him.

She walked out and went straight to his room but was a little shocked to see that she entered in a moment he was taking off his shirt

"Geez! I am sorry, i should have locked the door!" She immediately turn around but Jacob grinned and threw the shirt in the laundry basket.

He moved closer to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, turning her around so they can have a conversation while staring at each other

"You shouldn't look this surprised, you are my wife after all" He smiled "I was wondering why you didn't come downstairs to welcome me, I guess it's because you wanted to welcome me in the room"

Amber cleared her throat, trying to think of what to say to him but all that was in her mind at that moment was Jacob's glorified abs.

She is his wife but this is the first time she would be seeing such a sweet candy.

"Amber" Jacob snapped his fingers to call back her attention "Are you even listening to me?"

"Ugh" She finally made a sound "I am glad you came back safely. I called you many times but you weren't picking my calls"

Jacob sighed, hoping she would understand the excuse she was about to give "Amber, my phone was in silence throughout the whole time and...."

"Look, Jacob I am so sorry for what happened. It was all my fault, I should have left you alone when you wanted to be alone and I...."

"Amber" Jacob called with a smile and slowly pulled her in for a hug "You don't have to apologize, I was the one who overreacted and got upset for nothing. You did nothing wrong"

Amber's face brightened when she realized he was honest with his apology, it was indeed a relief that they got to settle it with the both of them apologizing.

"You must be tired and hungry, come downstairs and have breakfast, it was specially prepared by me" She caressed his back

"Really? I can't wait to have a taste of your specially made dish" Jacob scoffed and disengage the hug "By the way , Amber" he had a worried look on his face

"Hmm?" Amber raised her brow "Is something wrong? Did something happen in Rome?"

"Something did happen" he let out a deep breath as he recalled the incidence with Juliet "But, is everything okay? Have you noticed anything strange happening to you or have you noticed anyone following you secretly or have you received a threatening letter or....."

"Woah, woah, woah" Amber interrupted and snickered "What in the world happened in Rome, why do you look so worried about me?"

"Because I am worried" he pulled her by waist with his two hands, staring down at her beautiful eyes.

Her hands were placed on his chest and she stared back at his eyes without knowing why he was doing that.

"Amber, as a mafia, you should how dangerous everyone around me will be"

"Of course I know" Amber did not look intimidated "Which is why I decided to be by your side so that I can take care of anyone who tries to harm you"

"Cute" Jacob grinned "Are you really going to protect me?"

"Yeah" she nodded like a little child "Don't be fooled by my small size, I am actually a good fighter. I am skilled in Martial arts"

Jacob chuckled at her jokes "Of course you are".

"So, don't be scared Jacob, your wife is always here for you" her pretty hands slowly slide from his chest to his abs, making Jacob let out a soft moan.

Her hands were slowly sliding down his pants when Enzo suddenly opened the door making them to pull away from each other in shock.

"What the hell Enzo! Can you knock before entering?!" Jacob ran his fingers through his hair, glaring at Enzo who had this innocent look on his face.

Amber cleared her throat and tilted her head to another direction, pretending like she didn't see him

"Why are you getting mad at me? If you guys were going to make out, you should have locked the door" Enzo entered with his tab and moved closer to Jacob with a new shirt he just bought.

"I went out to buy this, put it on"

"Why?" Jacob moved back, refusing to collect the shirt "I just came back from Rome, I am not meeting anyone for now"

"I know you are tired but it's urgent" Enzo glanced at Amber "This isn't the time for you guys to be acting lovey dovey. It's an emergency" he looked serious.

"What is it?" Jacob arched his brow, wondering what the emergency could be.

Enzo showed him a text from the tab.

Jacob couldn't believe his eyes, he had to collect the tab from Enzo to read the text well just to be sure he wasn't mistaking

"What?" He mouthed "This text is from uncle lewis?"

"Yeah" Enzo nodded "So, put on your shirt and let's go meet your uncle. It's been a while since you saw him".

"Uncle Lewis? Who is that?" Amber seems curious as she saw how Jacob suddenly got emotional

For him to look like that, it must be someone so close to him

"He is young master's Uncle who went missing after the accident that took his mother and grandparents lives. Uncle lewis was also in the car but he was the only one missing for three years" Enzo explained as Jacob put on the shirt.

"For three years? Where has he been for three years and why is he just texting now?" Amber furrowed her brow

"I will have the answers to that after meeting him. See you later" Jacob gave her a faint smile before walking out of the room with Enzo following him.

Amber sighed and sucked in her teeth.

Jacob is always busy and always have somewhere to go this days.

Enzo drove him to the café where Lewis had sent the address for them to meet.

It was only the both of them that went, Jacob thinks it will be a good idea not to go with any bodyguard as they may have to keep Lewis being alive from his family.

As he sighted Lewis coming out of the café to welcome him, tears dripped from his eyes.

It was really Uncle Lewis, his favourite uncle

His mother's brother

The only one who was always on his side apart from his mother.

"Jacob, is that you?" Lewis laughed and spread his arms for a hug.

Jacob didn't hesitate before hugging him tightly

"Uncle Lewis, I am so glad you are alive".