

Femi_Odubella · Urban
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31 Chs



👀 He is unknown❓

Story by Author Dammy

Please do not copy or repost 🙏

Sorry it came so late guys, I was so busy that I could not type all day so I decided to type now that I am less busy, I am really sorry,please forgive me.


"Elisa" she heard a voice call her and she look back to check the person who call her and it turned out to be Jaden.

"Jaden, what are you doing here?" She asked surprisingly.

"I came here to see someone when I saw you coming out of this house"

"Well, this is where I stay" she said.

Oh that is good that I know your place today"

"Well nice"

"Where are you going to?" He asked her.

"Well I am going to see a friend" she said.

"Not bad, I can escort you there" he said and they both walk to his car and they got in and drove off to Katherine's place.



"Dude, you really love this girl, why can't you just go to her and tell her your feelings" An unknown guy said.

"I don't want her to see me yet" the other guy sitting on a chair said.

"As you know a guy is already with her and he is there to win her heart, once they both begin dating you won't have a chance anymore"

"I am just afraid, I don't know if she will accept me" the guy sitting on the chair said.

"Just try and be friend with her and I am sure she will fall in love with you"

"I think I should just let her be" he said and the other guy just let him be.


After Elisa got to Katherine's place she got down and bade Jaden goodbye and he went into her house.

She got in and as Katherine saw her she was surprised.

"Oh babe, you never tell me you are coming"

"Well I decide to surprise you and also I feel bored at home" she said.

"Well I am off at work today also so we have all day to ourselves"

"That is nice"

"Okay let me call the other girls" Katherine said and then took her phone and call Ella and Mary then she drop her phone after the call.

She began gisting with her till the others come.

Few minutes later Mary and Ella also came in and on seeing Elisa they both ran to hug her.

"I have miss you a lot girl" they both said.

"Really, so you don't miss me?" Katherine asked faking some anger.

"I don't miss you one bit" Ella said.

"Well you will come running to me begging soon" Katherine said and Ella bring out her tongue towards her in a funny manner.

Elisa and Mary leaving both of them they began talking together.

The two also join them in the conversation.

"How about that hot dude" Ella said winking at Elisa.

"What hot dude?" Elisa asked faking ignorance.

"Don't dare pretend, I am talking about Jaden"

"Well we are just friends"

"But you are in love with him" Katherine said.

"Who wouldn't fall for that hot dude" Mary said.

"Well he is handsome but I am not in love with him but I feel a little attracted to him"

"Well girl, I will advise you to grab him now before he will be taken away from you"

"It is okay, let's talk about some other things and stop this talk of Jaden"

"You are trying to avoid it, you will fall head over heels for him soon"

"Well, we will see about that" she said and they talk about some other things.

Later in the evening she left for home.

As she was going in the cab Jaden's call came in and she picked it up then they talk for a while before she cut the call.

She got back home and she went into her room.

She sat on the bed and she began thinking of getting a job.

"Should I accept the manager's offer?" She asked herself because she is tired of sitting idle at home everyday" she decided to accept the offer after contemplating for a while.

Her mum later come also and she told her, her dad will be back the next day.

She was really happy to see her dad again.

"Daddy's girl" her mum said teasing her.

"Well that is me for you" she said proudly and move her body in a funny way which made her mum laugh.

She help her mum arranged the things she bought them she went to make dinner.

After making dinner they both ate and she decided to watch some night movie before she go to sleep.

Her mum left her there and went into her room to sleep.

As she was watching the movie she began crying at some point.

"How could she just die like that, she shouldn't have died" she said to herself.

After some hours she finish watching the movie and she went to sleep also.


Early the next day she woke up and she began preparing to go the publishing company because she has decided to start the work that day.

She took her bath and dress up in an official wear and she went downstairs.

"Where are you off to again today?" Her mum asked her.

"I am starting a new job today" she answered.

"So you have decided to work outside your father's company"

"Mum, I guess we have talk about that"

"Alright, it is okay" her mum said and sigh.

She got to the dinning and eat her food in a rush then she went into her car and drove out.

Few minutes later, she got to the publishing company and was about entering when she heard her name again.

"Elisa, I love you" the voice said and she turned to check the person but could not see anyone and she wondered who said that.

She wave it off and went into the company.

She got in and went straight to the manager's office.

She got in and as the manager saw her they greeted each other and she sat down and then she told him why she came.

"Wow, that is nice, thanks for accepting the offer" the manager said to her.

"It is my pleasure, but please I hope I will be able to publish my own books also in my name aside from the ones I will write for others?" She asked.

"No problem, you can"

"Okay, can I start today?" She asked.

"Yes you can, but you will be working from home and getting your money"

"I thought I will be working here in the company"

"Well if you prefer to work here, it is not bad"

"I will prefer to work here, where is my office" she asked impatiently and the secretary was called to take her to her office.

After she was in her office she arrange her things and she saw a laptop there which she will use in typing the stories.

She sat down and then she looked around the office.

It was spacious and very clean with an air conditioner placed above.

The office was really nice and she love it.

She open the laptop and began typing some of her stories there.

Later she was introduced to other staff in the company and she was treated nicely.

Later in the afternoon they all went for lunch.

She followed the others to the place and they ordered for what they want and they all ate and after some minutes they went back to their office and continue their work.

She type her story throughout the day and she gave it a beautiful design.

Later in the evening she close from work and went home.

She got very tired and she just went to her room to rest a bit.

Later, Sofia came into her room.

"Hey babe, how was your first day at work"

"It was fun and hectic but I don't mind because it is something I love doing" she said.

"Good, but I will really miss you"

"Common, it is not that I will be gone forever, I will just be gone for few hours and be back just like today"

"Well I am happy for you for getting such a well paying job" she said and they both talk about some other things.

Later Sofia left to help the other maids in preparing dinner and Elisa took her phone and began chatting with her friends.

She saw Jadenonline and began chatting with him also.

She was enjoying both chats and she was laughing at Jaden's jokes.

After chatting for sometimes she left her room.and went to eat dinner.

After she ate dinner she went into her room and began chatting again till she slept off.

Her mother also came back later and she eat and went to sleep also.


She woke up the next day and she saw Jaden calling her.

She pick it up and place it in her ear.

"Hello beauty, how was your night, I hope you slept well?" He asked.

"Yes, what about you?" She asked.

"I slept so well that I keep seeing your face in my dream"

"Stop teasing me" she said smiling.

"I am serious, you are that beautiful that I don't mind seeing you everytime in my dream"

"Well it is okay, do you know I have never given any guy my attention the way I did to you"

"Wow I guess I am lucky then"

"Keep deceiving yourself" she said to him.

"Okay, will talk to you later, bye Lisa"

"Bye Jade" she said.

"Wow, I love that name" he said.

"Well I am glad, bye" she said then cut off the call and she began blushing.

She went into the bathroom and took her bath then she dress up and packed her hair in a ponytail then she went to eat breakfast and left for work.

Jaden also went to work thinking about Elisa.


Later in the evening Elisa was waiting for a cab to take her home because she doesn't bring her car but she could not see a cab and it was getting dark already.

She suddenly saw a guy in shadow walking towards her and as she saw the guy she became afraid and she scream and faint on the floor because she could not see the guy's face.


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