
The second incarnation of the god of creation.

Haruto a seemingly normal average 16 years old high schooler was suddenly transported into another world. With no way of knowing how or why he was sent here Haruto decided to investigate this world to find clues as to why he was summoned. When suddenly he heard the scream of a lone girl who was being rob by two elderly men. While trying his best to save the girl he had met for the first time he almost died as a result which awakened the desire for power. _____ (A/N: If you notice any errors or broken contexts while reading, please let me know. I'll go back and make the necessary corrections.)

Gladion_Official · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
129 Chs

Lucifer's greed.

It was more than three hundred years ago prior to Haruto's arrival into this new world.

Inside a luxurious golden castle two men were currently having a conversation. One of them was a young handsome man who seem to be in his mid-twenties with long waist length blonde hair.

The man had an otherworldly aura about him, his eyes shone with golden light that seems to resonate with the heavenly ways. As though it was the birth of an entire universe, it carries a sense of wonder. He was the god of creation, the one responsible for creating all existing world's as well as most of the known species that exists throughout the universe.

Seated opposite to him was a handsome man with long waist length silky black hair and deep crimson eyes. He was the man known as the demon lord, Lucifer. Both men who possessed enough power to destroy worlds were currently making a tense expression on their faces.

"Are you really sure doing something like this will have a good end?"

Lucifer asked as he gazed deep into the golden eyes of the god of creation.

"... Whether this decision leads to a good end for me makes no difference, in the end there is no other option left."

The god of creation replied, his brow furrowed into a frown.

"Reincarnating your soul will definitely weaken you, won't it? There is also no telling what will happen to your incarnation, what if he ends up dying before achieving your goal won't it all end in failure?"

"Regardless it's as I already said, I have no other option left."

As Lucifer inquired about the likelihood of success, the god of creation responded bluntly to his inquiries.

He already knew the likelihood of success was low since the beginning, he knew that going through rebirth would weaken a great deal of his strength. However, with the current state of the universe he had no other choice.

The battle between the god of creation and the god of destruction had caused irreversible damage to the universe, even with his ability, it wasn't something he could repair so easily.

(If this plan succeeds then I should be able to undo all the damage left behind from the aftermath and... This will also be an atonement for breaking the promise I had made with her.)

As he thought of a certain pink-haired woman a sorrowful expression flashed a crossed his handsome face.

As a god who had embodied the heavenly principles, his emotions should be cold and indifferent, just like the laws of the universe. However, he had inadvertently fallen in love with a mortal, consequently affecting the heavenly laws that govern the universe.

However, the most troublesome thing is that the mortal woman had unknowingly bonded with the origin core, gaining the power to manipulate origin energy, or rather primordial energy, an energy even more ancient than the universe which has the potential to even kill God's. It's because of this why the gods all became wary of her existence as her presence itself became a calamity.

(If only... If only I had made it in time, if only I had been able to stop the god of destruction back then... Then maybe I could've...)

He sighed as he felt bitter regret from the bottom of his heart. Seeing him like that the demon lord, Lucifer kept an indifferent expression on his face as though he felt nothing about the current situation.

"In any case, the god of destruction will also go through rebirth too, won't he? Are you already prepared for his return, knowing that man he will naturally want revenge for what happened to him in the past."

"... Once he reincarnates his memories should be suppressed for some time, just like me. And even if he somehow regained his memories before I do, he won't be able to use his original strength as efficiently as before."

"Oh, so it all comes down to whether or not your incarnation can become strong enough to deal with him before he does. Hahahaha! You are walking on a thin line, you know that? How can you be so sure your incarnation won't fall on the way? How can you be so sure he won't end up dead before he could even get to where you are?"

Lucifer asked, genuinely curious. From his perspective this plan had many ways it could go wrong. Although he really didn't care what happens in the end. For him this was nothing but mere entertainment.

The god of creation kept his silence with his eyes closed seemingly lost in thought. It was after roughly twenty minutes did, he finally spoke up again.

"I will leave behind a trace of my will within my core."

He responded.

"You are going to leave behind a trace of your will inside the divine core. Wouldn't that weaken you even more?"

"Perhaps, but it will also serve as a way for me to interfere even if just a little."

"... With the current state of the universe, I have no other choice but to be sacrifice to once again bring this world back to its original state."

The god of creation explained, his soothing voice was resolute and filled with determination. He was determined to sacrifice himself to once again bring everything under control.

After the battle against the god of destruction, many of the other gods and goddesses had already perish some even had their souls completely destroyed, while others are still in the process of recovering, some had already undergone rebirth.

The god of creation had suffered a great deal of injuries even his soul was left exhausted, and his energy was running low.

The time for his rebirth was probably not that far away. Noticing that he had very little time left the god of creation clapped his hands together and, as though it was a divine decree of the universe, the space before them twisted and a small ruby colored stone hovered silently before them.

Lucifer's brow twitched when he felt the immeasurable power emanating from the core. Sometimes he could feel the presence of destruction, while at other times he could feel the presence of creation. Both opposing elements were blended together perfectly, creating a wonderous and profound presence.

"Wh-What is this?"

He inquired.

"This is the infinity core, otherwise known as the world's core. This core has enough energy to power an entire world. Naturally, after I leave with my presence no longer powering the world It will eventually disappear... In order to prevent that I created two cores, the one you see here and another one in the hands of those girls."

"... A core capable of empowering an entire world."

Lucifer swallowed his saliva; he couldn't even begin to fathom how much energy must have existed inside that small orb. Unknowingly, a smear of desire began to appear in his crimson eyes.

"A long time ago we had tried to combine the law of destruction and the law of creation to create an even more powerful law. However, even after trying hundreds of times all our attempts had ended in failure. However, recently I had made an unexpected discovery, what we were doing was forcing our will together to create something unstable. It was impossible to combined destruction and creation, just like how it's impossible to combined fire and water. But if the element itself is not compatible then all I had to do is make them compatible with each other."

"What do you mean?"

Lucifer asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Instead of combining them in their natural elemental state, I simply combined them in another form, I fused the essence of both destruction and creation."

The god of creation explained, his lips curved upwards into a proud smile. In truth what he had done went against the principle of the universe. Creation and destruction were laws that shouldn't be tampered with. However, the god of creation was the one who created the universe.

Even if he had done something that went against it, the universe would simply accept it as it is as though it was natural.

The god of creation was the true will of the universe.

"Once I leave these two cores will be the base that empower the world, besides you there are only a handful of trustworthy people who knows of its existence."

"What! This core is going to empower the entire world?!"

Lucifer exclaimed, to which the god of creation nodded his head in confirmation.

Even though he had to create more of these cores and placed them at each world he had created, if it meant protecting his creations then it was something he was willing to do.

"... I plan on leaving one of these cores behind in the hands of the white empress as well."

The god of creation explained.

(... The white empress.)

Unbeknownst to him a certain emotion was slowly being kindle into the heart of the demon lord, Lucifer. That emotion was greed.


Back to the present time...

The once clear azure sky was being tinge with an ominous red color as though it was covered with blood.

The wind stirred roughly, and the ground quaked noisily. This phenomenon could be seen taking place all over the world. The wind stirred, the ground shook and broke a part while massive waves rose up from the sea.

This scene resembles the end of the world!

Sitting in a meditative position, a young black-haired boy who seem to be in his early to mid-teens could be seen sitting there with closed eyes. It was Haruto Sato, the boy who was suddenly summoned to this world.

Both Alya and Nikita wore anxious expression on their faces as they observed the situation happening with the sky with bated breath. After roughly an hour and a half the once red sky returned to its natural azure blue.

The ground which shook with such intensity that it broke a part came to a sudden stop.

"... Is it over?"

Nikita inquired; her instincts were still on high alert. However, despite that she couldn't feel any kind of danger.

"Seems like it."

Alya responded. They both observed the area thoroughly, Alya used her magical energy to heighten her senses, while Nikita as a silver fox naturally had sharp senses and could keenly sense the subtle changes in the environment.

However, it didn't matter which direction they search nothing was out of the ordinary.

It was as if what had just occurred was nothing more than a mere illusion which left them both equally perplexed.

(Were my calculations off? I'm certain that seal should've last at least a few more years at most. Why did the seal weaken prematurely?)

All kinds of questions appeared in her mind. But with her current lack of information, it was impossible to draw any conclusions.

With a small sigh, Alya turned her attention back on Haruto who was still in meditation, sensing the spiriurem energy in the surroundings.

(What should I do? Will he really be able to learn all the necessities before that time comes?)

With the sudden change in the situation Alya felt a sense of panic. It was her duty to teach and support Haruto. Those were the last orders from her creator.

"... I don't know what's going on, but panicking won't do us any good, you know."

As though she could see right through her Nikita suddenly spoke up. Alya turned her gaze towards Nikita with a slightly annoyed look. However, when she saw the resolute and determined look of Nikita's crimson eyes, she held her tongue in frustration.

"Getting worked up won't change the situation, instead we should think of ways to improve ourselves for what's about to come. Considering your current mood can I guess you already know?"

Nikita inquired, as she gazed at Alya.

"..." meanwhile, Alya kept her silence with a bitter grimaced.

"... The seal placed on the demon race is about to break. It hasn't broken yet but soon it will."

She explained.

Even with the disk which acts as the main source of energy for the seal destroyed, it will still take a considerable amount of time for the remaining energy to deplete completely.

"The demon race, you say."

Not expecting those words Nikita widened her eyes. The stories told about the demons has been circulated throughout the continent. In this world there isn't anyone who doesn't know about them.

The war three hundred years ago still left behind many scars that were yet to be healed.

"... I see. So, in the end this day is actually coming much sooner than expected."

Nikita mumbled. But then her luscious red lips curved upwards into a faint smile.

"Well, I always wanted the opportunity to beat those scums myself, so this is perfect!"

She exclaimed, cracking her knuckles.

Alya's eyes widened faintly as she gazed at Nikita slightly dumbfounded.

"You, are you crazy? We barely managed to make it out last time and your excited. Well, you are a beast perhaps you also have low intelligence and isn't able to fully comprehend the severity of the situation."

"Tsk, what did you say?!"

The two fluffy fox ears on top of Nikita's head suddenly stood up as she glared at Alya, her nine silver tails swayed roughly. Meanwhile, Alya also glared at Nikita with a challenging look.

They seem like they were about to start their usual antics again when suddenly!


A fierce gale blew roughly through the forest, tousling their hair in the process!

Startled, Alya and Nikita turned their attention towards Haruto who was still in deep meditation.

A torrent of wind was surrounding his body obstructing his figure.

(This is, advanced wind spirit arts?)

Alya widened her eyes in surprised as she gazes at his figure. Wind spirit arts is the manipulation of air currents. Haruto's affinity towards the wind attribute was already very high with his contract to the spirit of wind, but his current mastery over the wind was truly astounding.

After concentrating for roughly three hours Haruto had finally succeeded in manipulating the spiriurem in the atmosphere, a type of energy necessary for the activation of spirit arts.

His silky black hair fluttered messily by the wind, while his long black coat which released streaks of crackling lightning along the side.

Subtly, his eyelids twitched before he opened his eyes. His usual night black eyes were currently bright gold in color as he concentrated.

"Oh, he actually did it. His talent in spirit arts maybe better than I originally estimated, or should I say as expected of you."

Alya muttered to herself.

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