
The Second Coming of Mammon

He rules the Demons with an Iron Fist, and nobody dares to question him or his motives. Consuming even the Universe itself, even the all-powerful Hero is no match! However, one attack by the hero changed his life entirely. "What the hell is with this shit! Why am I a human! Curse you, Hero!" The Second Coming of Mammon has dawned upon Humanity! Note: Art is not mine, if you're the owner, please email me at kenjervisr@gmail.com

The_Duck_Noran · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Prologue Part 2

The Great Demon King Mammon, the strongest of them all. A legend, a myth. Every legend has a beginning, and he was no exception.

Humanity and Demonkin have always been at odds with each other. If humanity was water, Demonkin would be oil. Everything about the two races, from culture to appearances, were polar opposites of each other. And so, they were always at war. Since the demons were significantly stronger than humans, they won the war most of the time.

Then, there came a war that involved 100,000 human soldiers. Even that was useless. With the defeat of humans, the demons have claimed 35,000 human slaves in that war, 5,000 of which are females.

All of those females were sent to the Demon King of Lust, and all those girls were violated for a year by the Tyrant of Lust. After 1 year, out of the 5,000 sex slaves, only 5 came out alive after the tyrant got tired of them. And out of those five pregnant women, four died after labor.

The only slave that survived was Mammon's mother.

One could say he was lucky... if you weren't him. The moment Mammon's head popped out of her mother's womb, his fate was already set to be in shambles.

Bearing a deep grudge towards the Demon King of Lust, his mother could only divert her wrath and pain towards her own son, who greatly resembled the tyrant. Every day was hell, the demon child was subjected to all forms of torture in the mother's pursuit to kill him. Because of this, he has developed a great fear for his parent.

Since he was 4067th in line for the throne, there was practically no reason for the other members of the Demon King's family to help him, even less reason for his father to tend to him. He was left only with his mother and relied on her fully.

Despite the pain that he went through and his fear for his own parent, he was still a child, and deep inside he still loved and yearned for her. He would train himself to the fullest, defeat his brothers and sisters, and also topped many other strong demons in competitions, all just to impress his mother and maybe get the tiniest bit of affection, but each and every time he was shot down with her cold shoulder. But sometimes, he would see glimpses of her smile. That was enough. Their odd relationship would continue for years until one day-

His father, who didn't even show up at his birth, suddenly appeared right outside his home.

"I've heard of your achievement. You've done well! We'll leave for the capital-"

Without letting him finish, he rushed towards the mansion that he bought for his mother and was horrified. She was violated once again. Clouded by his wrath, he attacked the Demon King and managed to graze him.

"HAHAHA! Out of all my children, YOU hold the most potential! Your energy, I like it! I'll be waiting for you in the capital. You better come."

Those were the words he heard before he was smashed into the ground helplessly. It knocked him out for a moment, and when he gathered himself, his father was already gone.

Injured and lonely, he carried his unconscious mother to bed and apologized to her until even he fell asleep right beside her. Why would he go to the capital? He swore to himself that he'll be stronger than that man in order to protect his mother.

The parent and child slept quietly right by each other-


A sharp pain in the chest, that's what woke him up. By reflex, he pinned the perpetrator into the bed to seal his movements, only to be absolutely horrified at the one who held the blade.

"M-mother?" he stared at the eyes that thirsted for his blood. The blade... it's imbued with magic. Demons with their absurd internal energy have fast regeneration. They cannot really die without anything that cancels that very same trait.

Why? I gave her everything, and she started to smile at me whenever I would give her money-

Money. They didn't have that before. As if buying a blade that conducts magic wasn't expensive enough already, actually imbuing the blade with magic costs even more.

It was by then that he realized. Her smiles... they weren't the type of smile one would show when they're happy, they were the smiles of someone plotting. Everything, from his hopes for the future and his determination to protect, collapsed into a scattered mess called Despair.

"WHY! WHY WOULDN'T YOU DIE!" She screamed at her own child. Every time she would say the word "die" he would feel like his heart is punctured by a needle. As she was about to swing again, Mammon accidentally killed his mother with the very strength that he used to gain her affection. It was at that very night that he hated humans, solely for having emotions... because even after all of that-

He still loved his mother.

When he saw his father with a sword in his hand, the memories of his mother's attempt to kill him surfaced back.

Yet why?

"Aizen, I'm sorry I raised my voice, okay?"

Why is this one so different from his last parent?

"It's alright, Daddy took care of the monsters-"

Why are they so different?

"Daddy's gonna come get you now, okay?"

Why are they so... warm?

"There we go, it's alright. Let's go back home, okay?"

This embrace from his father. It's so warm. He was so sure that they were gonna treat him the same at some point, showing them their smiles then baring their fangs the moment he shows that he's happy with their hospitality.

But now, he felt happy and comfort in the arms of his father even though he still denies it.

"Aizen! Oh God!" His mother hugged him after returning from the forest. Someone is shedding tears of worry for him, hugging him and sharing their affection, the things that he wasn't able to receive back then. He's confused.

"Why..." He needed answers. Both of his parents were surprised of him speaking to them for the first time, and yet they didn't say anything, they merely listened to their trembling child.

"Why are the two of you so kind to me?!"

The couple looked at each other and laughed. There it goes again, the mocks. They weren't very different from his last parent. After all, they're all the same.

Yet why? Why is his mother embracing him tightly?

"It's because you're our son." she said ever so softly while caressing his hair. Son... he has never been called "son" before. All the names he's ever been called are Maou, Demon King, The Gluttonous One, He who consumes all, Mammon the tyrant, etc. Out of all the infamous names he's been called, none of them included something as simple yet welcoming as "son".

But then, why did his last parent treat him so differently? He was also her "son", even though she didn't call him one.

"T-that's it?!" the explanation wasn't enough.

Silence ensued for a moment, and by each passing second, anxiety and disappointment filled Aizen. He was so sure that they weren't gonna answer, but also somewhat hopeful.

All of a sudden, Aizen got picked up by his father. Of course, his son wouldn't believe him just by something so vague as that. After all, he knows his son is special.

Earlier before Aizen vanished, a bright light enveloped his room and illuminated the entire town in the middle of the might. The first ones to arrive in the room were the parents, of course.

"J-Jonathan! Our son is gone!"

"... Keep calm, my love. You know your health is not what it once was. Leave it to me."

When Jonathan, the father, entered the room, he saw the book about magic on the floor flipped on the page about the concept of Space. Alongside it was a perfectly drawn magic circle on a sheet of paper.

"No way." he muttered to himself in awe. His son... is a genius. But it wasn't the time for celebrations. He may not look like it, but Jonathan Frost is a famous mercenary. A battlemage, one of the rarest professions in this world utilizing the use of both swordsmanship and magic in battle.

Among the two weapons he can use, he is more proficient in the magic side. Using a spell, he detected the exact location of Aizen, which is in the middle of the forest not far from their home. Using the same magic circle that his son used, he teleported just in time to save him.

With all of these said, he knows his son is a genius. People who are gifted with a mind brighter than others tend to be more curious about how things work and not just how things are. So, the best explanation is to show, not tell.

With his son in his cradle, he placed the child in between himself and his wife to cuddle together in the bed.

"S-stop! W-what are you doing?!"

"How do you feel, Aizen?" his father asked him.

"W-what do you mean?"

"He means how do you feel whenever we do this~" Aizen's mother buried his face deep in her rather large bosom.


"It's warm, right?" his father asked him once again. From then on, Aizen stopped speaking, though his father continued-

"You see Aizen, all of this that we do, we do it for you. There's this warm, puffy, and welcoming feeling that feels good whenever we see you happy, or at least when we think you are. I mean, you never talk to us."


"Do you really wanna know why? Oh god, this is gonna be so cheesy-"


"It's because we love you Aizen." his mother hugged him tightly and kissed him on the forehead.

Love. What is love again? Ah, that's right. Aizen's father just explained it to him. Love, yes, of course. It's the feeling that he's felt for his previous mother but was never reciprocated, yet right now he is receiving plenty.

That was all he wanted his previous mother to say - I love you. I cherish you.

But she never did.

Would anybody believe it? The Great Demon King Mammon was afraid of a mortal woman.

Before he knew it, tears flowed from his eyes. He tried to stop it but he couldn't, but more like he didn't want to. He felt like this was what he should've made himself do years ago, and maybe his burden wouldn't have been so heavy. Maybe Demon King Mammon wouldn't have been born.

Yes, crying was an act of weakness, but is that so bad? Is being weak such a sin? He would rather sacrifice all of his powers to gain just a single moment of this act of weakness. And maybe that is what happened to him.

4 years after Aizen Frost was born into this world. It was a great delay, but finally at last-

He cried at the bosom of his mother.

The next day, Aizen braced himself to be bombarded with questions. However, he was merely dragged by his mother into the dinner table. Together, they ate breakfast peacefully.

"What's wrong? You can eat now." his mother smiled.

Ah, that's right. There's no need to be tense anymore. He forgot.

"Y-yes, Mama." he said before taking a bite of the meat served before him. He didn't know why his mother dropped her spoon, but he just smiled it off.

It was the great start, a fresh start-

The Second Coming of Mammon The Life of Aizen Frost begins.


Father: "Wait, you called him Mama. What about me! Call me Papa!"

Aizen: ".... Hmph!"

Mother: "Let's go eat now dears-"

Father: "B-But that's unfair! I told you all that cringey shit last night-"

Mother: "(Veins popping) Jonathan, Language. Is this what you want to teach to your child?"

Father: "... Sorry."

Aizen: "Heh."

~Character Recap~

Aizen Frost - Formerly the All-Powerful Demon King Mammon, he is a very smart and talented child that is usually stoic to strangers and oddly "cold" to his parents. Though, behind his cunning personality lies a very big weakness. He was traumatized by his abusive mother's death but was cured by his new family. Although, the events of the past still won't fade, and are engraved deep inside of it, forever to remain a part.

Aizen's Looks: Ashen Gray hair like his father, Crimson Red eyes like his mother. His face is both handsome and pretty, if he was to wear girl's clothing, he would be easily misunderstood as one. Currently 4 years old.

Mother - The current Mother of Aizen Frost. Understanding and affectionate, she is a mother who would spoil her child and shower him with lots of affection. She loves her family very much.

Mother's Looks: Blonde Hair with Crimson Red eyes. She is an overly beautiful woman with her bosom and bum on the larger side, yet her waist is seductively small. Currently 29 years old.

Father - known as Jonathan Frost, he is a mercenary and one of the few battlemages, as well as one of the strongest. He loves his family to the point that he would lay his life for them. Warm and understanding to his family yet ruthless and cruel to his opponents, he is ready to do whatever it takes to protect his people.

Father's Looks: Ashen Gray hair and Sapphire Blue eyes. Has a bulky build that matches his role as a battle-mage. Despite his age, he shaves his beard, making him look young and very handsome. Currently 35 years old.