
Author's Notes

New to Webnovel, but I've been writing seriously for a few years now.

This fanfic was originally a learning experience for me to try and figure out how a story works by taking one of my favorite stories and plodding along with it to see how things work by changing one key part (the MC) and then seeing how things would unfold with that change.

The overarching plot is roughly the same events from the beginning until the battle with the Army Commanders, but a lot of the subtext and reasons behind how the events unfold is different. There are also key changes to the fates of certain characters and certain events prior to that battle as well that play a big part later on.

Unfortunately, that means that if you're looking for a story that quickly diverges at the beginning, you won't find that here.

If you stick around to read the story, I hope that you find it a good read.

Thank you.


Edit: January 12, 2022 - I forgot to mention that this is a repost of my story from another site, so don't expect the rapid update speed as the norm, ahaha. As much as I wish I could drop 400K words in a day, I can only do about a tenth of that, and only if I burn the candle at both ends.