
The Second Chances of Thomas Rath

You know the drill, truck-chan meets person; person meets deity; deity conscripts person for some existential threat to the multiverse; person asks for too much, wait, that’s interesting, I wonder what consequences that may have.

Gurder_Guile · Video Games
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

10. Thomas

At last, the party of five hit the Hamlet. It seemed bigger than Thomas imagined it. The path that led there deposited them on the road that the carriage usually would use. The Town seemed set up in a semi-circle around a water well at the center of town. Starting from the far left to the right were these districts. First is the carriage trail, which was directly adjacent to the pub. The pub was a plot of land that included a whorehouse right next to it.

'As expected, I shall use both for de-stressing people, considering that's still a mechanic?'

Next district was the medical district, containing nothing but a 2 story "hospital". The next district, straight in the middle was the church.

'Yet another de-stressing method from the base game, I wonder if Haven will monopolize it or if they'll ask permission like the game.'

Next district was the blacksmith and residential district. Here recruits can train their abilities to perfect their form and improve their weapons for more damage. Finally, the last district was the commercial district, marked in the front with a giant sign that stated "TRINKETS SOLD HERE".

Interesting, that used to be a roaming salesman.

Approaching from the direction of the church was an old man, hunched like an Igor, walking towards the party with a cane. The man was heavily balding, wore spectacles on a necklace about his neck, and wore a dark, trench coat that oddly fit his stature.

"Ah, welcome welcome, I trust you have arrived, without great incident."

John shot him a look that would kill any ordinary man.

Thomas answered for them,

"All I can say is that we've arrived, you want to show us around?"

The old man nodded firmly,

"Indeed sir, allow me to display the utility of this humble residence."

The old man started walking toward the residential district.

The party followed him until he stopped at a decently sized building with the word "Barracks" chiseled into a wooden sign above the door.

"Here is the place you all will be staying, except master Raltson of course."

The man gestures to Ralon who in turn mimed to the group an expression easily translatable to "I can explain".

The man continued,

"Feel free to choose whichever room you please as civilized adults, disputes will not be treated...kindly."

Haven immediately walked past him and head straight inside.

Thomas never noticed it until now, but Haven looked exhausted. She was dragging her feet and hanging her arms as she retired to whatever room she wished for.

John spoke up,

"Pardon me gramps, but are you the "Caretaker" that hired us?"

The man smiled a wide, gap-toothed grin and bowed to the party.

"Why yes of course, I am indeed your contractor, and this Hamlet's caretaker."

John and Helraugh both nodded in recognition.

"Now, men, will you join me as we continue this tour?"

Thomas answered for them all,

"Lead on."

The Caretaker turned and walked to the next-closest amenity, the blacksmith.

Outside the front the blacksmith himself was banging away at a horseshoe on an anvil. The blacksmith fit every known stereotype blacksmiths are known for. He was short, had a mustache, and wore an apron with odd burn marks and stains about it.

The Caretaker turned back to the group now and spoke.

"Welcome to the local smithy, for all your armor, weapon, and training needs look no further than this respected establishment."

The blacksmith didn't even look up from his work, he just grunted and continued hammering away.

"Onward to the next establishment men."

The caretaker turned towards the center of the semi-circle and led them over to the chapel.

Once they arrived the caretaker once again turned around to address the group.

"Welcome to our greatest pride and progenitor of sanity, our humble cloister."

The church, like many others of catholic construction, was enormous. It held windows of stained glass, many pews, and a grand altar; all visible from outside the open door.

"Few amenities will relieve stress better than worship of your god."

Thomas could practically feel the seething anger in John from 3 feet away; yet the Caretaker continued.

"When cleansing the land of unholy monstrosities it becomes easy to forget his commandments, and become like the monsters yourself."

Helraugh, surprisingly, was the one to speak up.

"Indeed, we ran upon several of these beasts on our way in here."

The Caretaker gave a solemn nod and gestures to the church.

"Would you care to join me in my meditation after this tour?"

Helraugh replied,

"Most certainly, master Caretaker."

'Ah, that makes sense, he is after all a crusader.'

Thomas gave John a look and gestures with one hand to calm down.

Thankfully, John seemed to get the message and reduced his aggressive look to just a piercing frown and stare.

The Caretaker then returned his attention to the group.

"Now, let me introduce you to another one of the most important facilities here."

On the walk over John approached Thomas and whispered in his ear.

"I swear if that man brings me to another religious site I'm going to explode."

Thomas sighed and put an arm on John's shoulder.

"Don't worry, the only way to heal religious stress is with the church, I guarantee you he's going to the medical ward next."

Sure enough, the Caretaker led them straight to the medical district and in front of the building marked "hospital".

The caretaker turned around and spoke to the three men.

"In front of us is the medical ward, but instead of me explaining it to you, allow me to bring the expert herself out here."

The Caretaker turned and entered the medical ward building. Helraugh started to follow until Thomas put an arm out in front of him.

"Trust me Helraugh, you do NOT want to go in there."

Helraugh looked down at Thomas, somehow effectively portraying his confusion through his helmet.

Thomas clarified,

"It's not a place that people leave the same as when they entered."

One moment later the doors flung open and the Caretaker walked out, closely followed by a woman in a medieval chirurgeon's outfit.

She was almost reminiscent of every person's nightmare of what a medic could be. She was a tall lady, dressed in a white gown with a double-point white hat. Well, "white" if you ignore the occasional red stain on its surface.

Upon exiting the building the woman surveyed her newest prospective clients.

She smiled an unnaturally wide smile and gestured broadly.

"Welcome my darlings, to my home and business. Here is where the pioneering of human engineering takes place."

She pointed directly at John, the alacrity of which startled the crap out of him causing him to jump.

"You sir, is there anything you fear?"

"Excuse me, wha-"

"Anything sir, benign or major, no matter how foundational."

"Umm, I guess I'm afraid of people, and what they can become..."

'Oh, mankind fearer, that explains why his faithless quirk keeps on adding levels of stress, even at the Hamlet'

"I can cure that."

The nurse pulled a ludicrously large syringe out of her gown's pocket and plunged it into John's neck. John gasped and reached for the stab site instinctively.

Luckily the nurse deftly injected the liquid and then pulled out the syringe before John's hand could even touch it.

John staggered back a few steps as Helraugh drew his sword and pointed it at the nurse.

The nurse laughed and pointed at John with her syringe.

"Tell me John, what do you think of your friend who just went from his room to the church for penance?"

Now it was Thomas's turn to be surprised.

"Excuse me what? Only Haven went to the-"

"It isn't important."

John interceded.

Thomas turned and looked at John mouth agape.

"Let him go there, although I don't know who he is, I do know stress can kill in our line of work."

The nurse laughed once more and stowed the syringe back into her pocket.

"How very true that is, stress is lethal around here and I highly suggest my services to retain your sanity."

She gave a wide grin fit on the face of a witch.

The caretaker clapped his hands, startling everyone back into remembering that he existed and was standing right there.

"Splendid, nurse; I wager you have something pressing to attend to even at this very moment considering how you have toiled long hours since you've arrived."

"Indeed sir, if you don't mind..."

The nurse took a tentative step towards the hospital.

"Of course mistress, let us tarry you no longer as we continue our tour."

The nurse rushed back to the door and seemed to swat at something just beyond.

Muffled from the distance Thomas could barely make out what she said,

"Insolent brat, these people are not here for you, go to your room."

'Well that sounds like something that warrants investigation...later.'

"Onward sirs."

The caretaker started walking towards the bar, leading the group of flabbergasted adventurers.

It only took a few minutes to walk to the bar's front door.

The caretaker stopped and turned to face the group once more.

"And here, gentlemen, is the local tavern, bar, and brothel. Feel free to enjoy the pleasantries between expeditions."

"Say no more gramps, I could really use a drink right now."

John pushes past the caretaker and immediately made a beeline for the bar.

Thomas turned to face the caretaker directly and stated,

"Thank you very much, master caretaker, we shall make liberal use of your facilities if you don't mind."

The caretaker bowed and responded with a classic line.

"Indeed, Welcome home, such as it is. This squalid hamlet, these corrupted lands, they are yours now, and you are bound to them."

"Alright, now if you'll excuse me..."

Thomas moves to join John at the bar, and was quickly caught on the shoulder by Ralon.

"I get that you're busy, but meet me at my house in the residential district."

Thomas took a step and then paused, turned back to Ralon.

"And which one is that? I don't want to knock on doors until I find it."

Ralon smiled and replied,

"It's the one closest to the edge of the forest, I go there often so that was the most convenient place for me to set up."

Thomas gave a mock-salute and followed John into the bar.