
The Second Chance Was Given: Lawrence. The Origin.

This story recounts the past life of Lawrence Hans (Arthur Saron), starting from the Origins of His Family and ending with the achievement of His Desires: The Targan a capital city, where Noble Families had served the crown for countless generations, Arthur Saron grew up blissfully unaware of the tragic fate awaiting his family. The Saron family, known for their pride and unwavering loyalty to the crown, were brutally betrayed by a coalition of four other noble houses, each hungry to bolster their influence at the royal court. This conspiracy, crafted in the shadows of the throne, led to the downfall of Arthur Saron's family when he was just a child. The narrative begins with an elaborate depiction of the Sarons' lives before Arthur's birth: their heroic feats on the battlefield, and their delicate maneuverings at court balls and gatherings. It then transitions to a meticulous account of the betrayal that deeply affected young Arthur, condemning him to a life of exile. As Arthur matures, Determination to restore His family's honor only grows stronger. Arthur's journeys through various kingdoms expose Him to treachery, honor, and loyalty. Arthur encounters both steadfast allies and deceitful enemies, each with their secrets, contributing to his long quest for redemption and revenge. Through extraordinary trials, profound losses, and invaluable lessons, Arthur discovers that true Wisdom and Strength lie in the ability to Forgive and the Power to alter one's fate. This realization empowers Him to change not only his destiny but also the history of the entire kingdom.

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Harmony of Hearts: The Inception of Forever.

It was the morning before the wedding, and both estates — those of the Sarons and the Lorraines — were buzzing with excitement and activity. The sun had just risen over the horizon, bathing the land in golden light and promising a beautiful day. Everyone was busy preparing for the important event that was to take place on the very hill where Harald had proposed to Marie.

The large hill near the Lorraines' estate had become the center of activity. Workers, maids, and members of both families had begun decorating the ceremony site early in the morning. The hill was covered in green grass and surrounded by blooming trees, giving the place a magical atmosphere.

Elizabeth and Emma were overseeing the decoration of the ceremony site. They chose white and pink roses, lilies, and hydrangeas to adorn the arch for the exchange of vows.

- "This place must look enchanting," said Emma, directing the workers to place the flowers. - "We want this day to be unforgettable for Marie and Harald."

- "Absolutely," agreed Elizabeth. - "Flowers should be everywhere. And don't forget the ribbons and candles."

At the top of the hill, large white tents were set up for the guests, providing shade from the sun and a comfortable place to enjoy the ceremony. Inside the tents, tables, and chairs were arranged and adorned with floral compositions and silverware.

Harald and Richard watched as the tents were being set up and decorated.

- "Everything must be perfect," Richard said, surveying the work. - "This is a day they will remember for the rest of their lives."

- "Yes, Father," Harald agreed. - "I want Marie to feel like she's in a fairy tale."

Meanwhile, at the Lorraines' estate, the kitchen was bustling with activity. The head chef and his team were preparing exquisite dishes for the banquet. The air was filled with the aromas of fresh pastries, roasted meats, and spicy sauces. The chef inspected each dish to ensure everything was cooked to perfection.

- "Make sure all the dishes are fresh and beautifully presented," he instructed his assistants. - "This day must be flawless."

Maids carried wine and other beverages to the hill, where bars and drink tables were set up.

Later in the morning, the families gathered on the hill for the ceremony rehearsal. Harald and Marie stood before the decorated arch, their faces glowing with happiness. Edward and Richard closely monitored every step to ensure everything went according to plan.

- "Marie, you must stroll with pride," Edward said, holding his daughter's hand. - "This is your day, and you should enjoy every moment."

- "And you, Harald," added Richard, - "Must be confident in every step you take. You are leading your future wife."

The rehearsal went smoothly, and everyone felt that the preparations were going well.

As the afternoon turned into evening, the final preparations were in full swing. Maids placed the last decorations, chefs perfected the dishes, and musicians tuned their instruments.

Elizabeth and Emma helped Marie with her wedding dress and accessories.

- "You will be the most beautiful bride," Elizabeth said, looking at Marie with pride. - "This dress perfectly highlights your beauty."

- "Thank you, Mother," Marie replied, her eyes shining with excitement. - "I'm so happy."

As evening approached, all the preparations were complete. The hill was adorned with flowers and ribbons, the tents were ready to welcome the guests, and the food and drinks awaited their moment. The Sarons and the Lorraines had come together to create an unforgettable day for Harald and Marie.

When the wedding day dawned, everything would be ready for the two families to unite and celebrate the beginning of a new life for their children. The air was filled with a sense of joy and anticipation, and everyone knew that a memorable celebration awaited them.

The morning of the wedding day began early, and both the Saron and Lorraine estates were bustling with activity. The sun had just risen over the horizon, casting a golden light all around. Workers and maids hurried about, preparing for the arrival of guests and making the final arrangements. The scent of fresh flowers mingled with the aromas of cooking dishes everywhere.

Guests began arriving at the hill early in the morning. Horse-drawn carriages pulled up one after another, and well-dressed ladies and gentlemen emerged, heading toward the ceremony site. The Saron and Lorraine families greeted them warmly at the foot of the hill, welcoming each one with warmth and hospitality.

- "Welcome," Richard said, shaking hands with one of the guests. - "We are glad to see you here on this special day."

- "Please, make yourselves at home," Elizabeth added, smiling. - "Today we celebrate the love and happiness of our children."

Edward and Emma Lorraine also greeted the guests, making sure to give attention to each one.

- "This day will be unforgettable," Emma said, holding the arm of one of the guests. - "Thank you for coming to share this moment with us."

The ceremony began late in the morning when the sun was high in the sky, illuminating the entire hill. Guests were seated in flower-adorned tents, creating a bright and joyful atmosphere. Musicians began to play a gentle melody, setting the mood for the upcoming event.

Harald stood at the altar, his heart pounding with excitement. He was dressed in an elegant suit, and his face shone with happiness. When he saw Marie, his heart skipped a beat.

Marie, accompanied by her father Edward, walked slowly down the aisle. Her wedding dress was pure white, adorned with delicate embroidery and lace. She looked like a princess, and her face radiated happiness. Edward proudly held her hand, leading her to Harald.

- "You look magnificent, Marie," he whispered in her ear. - "This is your day."

When Marie reached Harald, Edward placed her hand in his, and they stood before the altar. The officiant began to speak, but everyone's attention was focused on the couple.

- "Today we are gathered here to witness the union of Harald and Marie," the officiant began. - "This day marks the beginning of their life together, filled with love and happiness."

Harald, holding Marie's hands, began his vow.

- "Marie, from the first moment I saw you, I knew you were my destiny," he said, his voice full of emotion. - "I promise to love you, support you, and protect you, no matter what happens. I will be with you in joy and sorrow, in wealth and poverty. You are my light, my hope, and my love."

Marie, holding back tears of joy, responded to him.

- "Harald, you have become everything to me. You showed me what true love is," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. - "I promise to always be with you, to support you in everything, and to love you unconditionally. You are my best friend, my rock, and my love."

The officiant blessed their union and pronounced them husband and wife. Harald and Marie kissed amid the applause and joyful cheers of the guests.

After the ceremony, the guests were invited to the banquet table, laden with exquisite dishes and drinks. Wine flowed freely, and everyone enjoyed the abundance of delicious food. Musicians played live music, and some guests began dancing, creating a festive atmosphere.

- "Let's toast to the newlyweds!" Richard proclaimed, raising his glass. - "To their happiness and long life together!"

- "To the newlyweds!" the guests echoed, clinking their glasses.

Emma and Elizabeth sat nearby, discussing plans and sharing joyful moments.

- "This has been a wonderful day," Elizabeth said, looking at the smiling Harald and Marie. - "I am so happy that our children found each other."

- "Yes, it's a blessing," Emma agreed. - "I'm sure their life will be full of love and joy."

As the sun began to set, candles and torches were lit on the hill, creating a magical atmosphere. Guests enjoyed the music, dancing, and merriment. There were various entertainments: magicians, jugglers, and musicians delighted the crowd, adding to the festive spirit.

- "We will remember this day for the rest of our lives," Edward said, hugging Emma. - "I am so happy for Marie and Harald."

- "Yes, it truly is an unforgettable day," Emma replied, smiling. - "Everything went perfectly."

Later in the evening, as the celebration was winding down, Harald and Marie took a walk in the garden, which was illuminated by the moonlight. They strolled along the path, holding hands and enjoying the quiet and solitude.

- "This has been the most beautiful day of my life," Marie said, looking at Harald. - "I am so happy that we are now together."

- "I am too," Harald replied, gently kissing her forehead. - "This day is just the beginning of our happiness. I promise to love you every day of our lives."

They stopped under a large tree, where the moonlight was particularly bright.

- "You look like an angel," Harald whispered, looking into Marie's eyes. - "I can't believe you are now my wife."

- "And you are my husband," Marie replied, her voice full of love. - "I am so happy that we found each other."

The celebration continued until late at night, and the guests, tired but happy, gradually began to leave. The Saron and Lorraine families, pleased with how the day had gone, thanked everyone for their participation and help.

- "It truly was an unforgettable day," Richard said, hugging Elizabeth. - "We did everything to make our children happy."

- "Yes, it was a wonderful celebration," Elizabeth agreed. - "I am so happy for them."

- "Do you remember the day you proposed to me?" Elizabeth asked with a playful smile.

- "Of course, my love!" Richard replied proudly. - "It was a starry night. We had snuck away from our parents and met by the pond near the castle. There, I…"

- "My dear, I was just joking," Elizabeth laughed, covering her mouth.

Richard scratched his head and laughed along with her.

When the last guest had left the hill, Harald and Marie embraced once more, savoring the moment and realizing that their lives were now forever intertwined. Their hearts were full of love, and they knew that together, they could overcome any obstacles that lay ahead.

The celebration had come to an end, and the last guests had departed, leaving Harald and Marie alone on the moonlit hill. They walked slowly along the path, savoring the solitude and the tranquility of the night, when suddenly, Harald stopped and turned to Marie, his face full of tenderness and determination.

- "Marie," he began, taking her hands and looking into her eyes, which reflected the moonlight. - "Today has been truly magical. But I want to talk to you about our future. We have just started our life together, and I want you to know how much this means to me."

Marie, feeling the warmth of his hands and seeing the sincerity in his eyes, smiled and gently squeezed his fingers.

- "Harald, I have been thinking about this too," she replied softly. - "I am so happy that we are together now, and I dream of how we will build our life. I want every day to be filled with love and joy, just like today."

They continued their walk, slowly making their way to the large tree under which the proposal had been made. Harald stopped under its sprawling branches and embraced Marie.

- "I want us to build our new home on this hill," he said, his voice brimming with enthusiasm and determination. - "Here, where I proposed to you and where we celebrated our wedding. This place will be a symbol of our union and the beginning of our new journey."

Marie felt her heart quicken at his words. She envisioned a house standing on this hill, their house, filled with happiness and memories.

- "That's a wonderful idea, Harald," she said, her eyes sparkling with joy. - "I will always remember this hill as the place where our story began. Building our home here would be perfect."

Seeing her joy, Harald continued, "I've already been thinking about the plans for the house. We can create a home that reflects everything we value and love. Spacious rooms, large windows to enjoy the view of the valley, cozy corners where we can spend time together."

- "And I dream of a garden full of flowers and trees," added Marie, her voice full of enthusiasm. - "We can grow our favorite plants, have picnics in the fresh air, and enjoy every moment spent together."

Smiling, Harald hugged her tighter. - "We can also build a small workshop for my projects and a nook for your hobbies," he suggested. - "This house will be a place where we will be happy and where we can fulfill all our dreams."

Overcome with emotion, Marie leaned closer to him. - "I'm so glad we share the same dreams and plans, Harald," she whispered. - "I believe that together we can overcome any difficulties and make our life exactly how we want it to be."

- "We will move into our new home soon," Harald said, his voice full of resolve. - "I'll start planning the construction with my father this week. This will be our new beginning, our new life."

- "I will eagerly await it," Marie responded, her voice trembling with emotion. - "I know our home will be filled with love and happiness because we will build it together."

They started walking again, discussing the details of their future home, dreaming of every corner and every detail. Their conversation was filled with love, hope, and plans for the future, and they knew that together they could make their life beautiful and happy.

A few days after the wedding, Harald, filled with determination and excitement, made his way to his father's study. His heart beat faster as he approached the massive door adorned with intricate wood carvings. He paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and resolutely knocked.

- "Come in," Richard's voice called from inside.

Harald opened the door and entered the study. It was a spacious room with high ceilings, lined with bookshelves and adorned with family portraits. In the center stood a large oak desk, behind which Richard sat, poring over documents.

- "Father, I need to talk to you," Harald said, approaching the desk.

Richard looked up and smiled upon seeing his son.

- "Of course, Harald," he replied, setting aside the papers. - "What's on your mind?"

Harald sat down opposite his father and began to explain.

- "Father, I want to build a new estate on the hill where I proposed to Marie and where we held our wedding," he said, his voice full of resolve. - "That place is special to us, and I want our home to be there. But I have no experience in construction, and I need your help and advice."

Richard nodded thoughtfully as he listened to his son. Then he stood and walked over to the window, which offered a view of the garden.

- "This is an important decision, Harald," he said, turning back to his son. - "Building an estate is no simple task, but I am willing to help you. We will do this together."

Harald felt a surge of relief and gratitude towards his father.

- "Thank you, Father," he said. - "I am immensely grateful."

Richard returned to the desk and pulled out a large sheet of parchment, clean and ready for plans. He sat down and gestured for Harald to join him.

- "Let's start with the plan," Richard said, taking up a quill and ink. - "We need to decide what our home will look like and what we will need for its construction."

Harald sat beside him and began to share his ideas.

- "I want the house to be spacious, with large windows to enjoy the view of the valley," he began. - "We also need a large garden where Marie can grow flowers and have picnics. And of course, several rooms for our future children."

Richard nodded, jotting down all of Harald's wishes. Then he added his thoughts.

- "We will need sturdy walls and a strong foundation to ensure the house stands for many years," he said. - "We should also consider the layout of the rooms to make them convenient and functional."

They continued discussing the plan, drawing sketches, and making notes. Richard suggested inviting an experienced architect to help with the project.

- "We can reach out to Lord Bennett from the capital," he proposed. - "He has worked on several of our projects and knows how to bring the most complex ideas to life."

Two days later, the architect arrived at the Saron estate. Lord Bennett was a middle-aged man with a keen eye and a wealth of experience. He carefully examined the drawings and offered his suggestions to enhance the project.

- "This will be a magnificent estate," he said after reviewing the plans. - "We will start with the foundation and gradually raise the walls. We will need quality stone and wood, as well as skilled builders."

Richard agreed with the architect's proposals and began organizing the team.

- "I will hire the best builders from our area," he told Harald. - "We will also need suppliers for the materials. I will contact our familiar merchants to ensure everything is delivered on time."

Soon, the work began in earnest. Building materials were brought to the hill: stone, wood, brick, and lime. The builders started leveling the ground and preparing the site for the foundation.

Harald and Richard visited the construction site every day, overseeing the process and helping the workers.

- "We need to ensure the quality of the materials," Richard said, inspecting a new batch of stones. - "This is the foundation of our home, and it must be strong."

Harald was actively involved in the process, communicating with the workers and learning from them.

- "I trust Lord Bennett. His experience shows," he said, observing the progress. - "This house will become our family nest."

Slowly but surely, the estate began to take shape. The foundation was laid, and the builders started raising the walls. Every day brought new changes, and Harald felt his dream becoming a reality.

- "We have made significant progress," he said one day, standing beside Richard and looking at the rising walls. - "This will be a beautiful home."

- "Yes, son," Richard replied, pride evident in his voice as he surveyed the work. - "We are doing this together, and that is what matters most."

Months of hard work and effort finally paid off, and the estate was nearly complete. The final touches remained — installing windows and doors, and completing the interior decoration. Harald, Marie, Richard, and Elizabeth watched the finishing touches with satisfaction, enjoying the fruits of their labor.

- "This is more than just a house," Harald said, embracing Marie. - "It is a symbol of our love and our future."

- "And a symbol of our families," Richard added, smiling. - "I am proud of what we have accomplished together."

At that moment, they knew that this new home would be filled with love, happiness, and the promise of a bright future.