
The Second Chance System: A Life Unbound

In a world that's lost its luster, Zero Elsher leads an utterly average life. With an unremarkable job, appearance, and relationships, his existence is a monotonous cycle of tedium. Desperate to escape his boredom, Zero delves into the dangerous and illicit world of street fights and human betting, but this twisted pursuit of excitement comes at a fatal cost. Kidnapped and used as a pawn for others' entertainment, Zero meets a tragic end—but his story is far from over. Awakened by a mysterious system's voice, he finds himself thrust back in time, reborn as an eight-year-old child. The confusion of a second chance is overshadowed by the realization of the control he now wields. Armed with knowledge of the future and guided by the enigmatic system, Zero vows to reshape his destiny. With the determination to seize life's excitement and avoid the boredom that once ensnared him, Zero sets out on a journey of self-discovery, power, and redemption. Through the eyes of a man reborn, explore a world where second chances exist, and nothing is as it seems. Will Zero's pursuit of fulfillment lead him to enlightenment, or will the shadows of his past catch up to him?

Ullyses1 · Fantasy
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96 Chs


Zero was soaking in the calm of the evening on his night balcony, the soft hum of the academy in the background. Clad in just his trousers, the cool night air played on his bare torso as he sipped his tea. He was startled from his musings by an unexpected knock at the door. Setting down his tea cup, he quickly slipped into a shirt, leaving it unbuttoned as he moved to answer the door.

Standing before him were two familiar figures from the academy's hallways, Liam Fortis and Seraphina Aelius. Both ranked highly in class 2.

"Hey there," Liam greeted with a confident grin, brushing a strand of hair from his eyes. "You must be Zero, right? I'm Liam Fortis, and this," he motioned to the girl beside him with wavy auburn hair, "is Seraphina Aelius."

Seraphina gave a gentle nod, her voice soft yet assured, "You can just call me Sera. We're technically neighbors now, seeing as I'm in 506 and Liam's in 508."

Zero's surprise melted into a warm smile. "Well, it's a pleasure to finally meet you both. To what do I owe the pleasure of this late visit?"

Liam leaned against the door frame, his smirk playful. "Just thought it'd be neighborly of us to swing by and say hi. It's customary, isn't it?"

Laughing softly, Sera added, "And with only twelve of us on this floor, it seems only right to get to know one another."

"Fair enough," Zero replied, stepping back to invite them in. "Care for some tea?"

The trio made their way to the balcony, the cool evening air mingling with the soft aroma of the freshly brewed tea. As Zero served them, Liam stretched out, looking at the vast academy grounds below. "We tried visiting yesterday, but you seemed to be out."

Zero nodded, taking a sip from his cup, "I was outside the academy grounds."

Seraphina looked up in surprise, her tea momentarily forgotten. "Wait, isn't leaving the academy off-limits?"

Setting his cup down, Zero leaned back, his expression thoughtful. "It's not entirely prohibited. If you get a permit from your homeroom teacher, you're good to go. If that doesn't work, there's always the option of using some NSE points to buy your way out."

Liam raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Didn't know that. Thanks for the tip, Zero."

Sera grinned, her eyes dancing in the moonlight. "Guess we all have something new to learn every day. Let's make it official then. Just call me Sera."

Liam chimed in, "And you can drop the formalities with me too. Just Liam is fine."

Zero's smile widened. "And in that case, just Zero for me." They raised their cups, the clinks echoing.

Sitting comfortably on the plush cushions of the balcony, the trio's conversation flowed seamlessly. The soft glow from the outdoor lanterns cast a gentle light, illuminating their faces. The vast expanse of the starry sky above, dotted with twinkling stars, provided a serene backdrop.

Liam, stretching his legs out, began, "You know, this academy can feel like such an insular world sometimes. Everyone's always busy, chasing their own goals. It's rare to just sit and have a genuine conversation."

Sera nodded in agreement, "Absolutely. It's almost like we're in a race, with everyone trying to outdo each other. But evenings like these? They remind us that we're all just... human, with our own stories to share."

Zero, swirling his tea thoughtfully, replied, "It's true."

'Back in my previous life, the academy felt vast, and there were so many people I didn't get a chance to really know. It's different this time.' Zero thought.

The soft clink of teacups filled the brief silence that followed. Liam, with a twinkle in his eye, changed the topic, "You know, it's quite fascinating. Everyone seems to have their little quirks or secrets in this place. Like... did you know that Sera here has an obsession with vintage cameras?"

Sera rolled her eyes playfully, "Oh, come on Liam! It's not an obsession. It's a... hobby."

Zero's eyebrows raised in surprise, "Vintage cameras? That's unique. Have you taken any photographs of the academy?"

Sera, her face lighting up, shared, "Yes! In fact, I have this project where I try to capture the academy in different lights. Dawn, midday, sunset, night. It's been an amazing journey documenting the shifts in ambiance."

Liam chuckled, "She even tried to capture a photo of me once during a particularly rigorous training session. I was all sweaty and disheveled. She said it was for 'authenticity'."

Zero laughed, "Well, that sounds like it would be a candid shot."

Their conversation moved to other interests. Zero learned that Liam had a penchant for classical music and played the violin. In return, he shared stories of his as well.

"You know," Sera mused, "it's interesting how life experiences shape us. But what's even more fascinating is how we choose to interpret and act on them. Your story, Zero, is truly inspiring."

Liam agreed, "Yeah, most of us are just trying to figure things out."

As the first hints of dawn began to appear, Liam remarked, "Time flies when you're having deep conversations."

Zero smiled, "Indeed. I'm glad you both dropped by. It's been enlightening."

Sera yawned, stretching her arms, "Well, we should probably let you get some rest. But let's do this again. Maybe next time at my place? I can show you both my camera collection."

Liam nodded, "Sounds like a plan."

With heartfelt goodbyes and promises to meet again soon, the night came to a close. As Zero closed the door behind them, he reflected on the evening. Zero face suddenly turned serious as he remembers the status of his newfound friends.


Name: Liam Fortis

Age: 12 years old

Power: 16

Intelligence: 15

Stamina: 17

Talent: Advanced Mathematics, Crisis Management, Multilingual, Physical Endurance Training, Public Speaking, Classical Violin Performance.


Name: Seraphina "Sera" Aelius

Age: 12 years old

Power: 13

Intelligence: 24

Stamina: 15

Talent: Social Psychology, Environmental Science Expertise, Quick Pattern Recognition, Photographic Talent, Advanced Medical First Aid.


Zero glanced over the status windows of the two talented youngsters who had just left his room. The profiles shone with impressive accolades, especially for individuals of such a young age. He let out a thoughtful sigh, running a hand through his hair.

"status" Zero said.


Name: Zero Elsher

Age: 12 years old

Power: 18

Intelligence: 32

Stamina: 20.5

Unused points: 3

Balance: 800 Zen

Skills: Future Sight -, Calm Mind Rank F


'the stats isn't even that different compared to mine' Zero worried.

'maybe I should train more' Zero thought.

Liam, with his exceptional mathematical abilities and aptitude for public speaking, exhibited the demeanor of a future leader. His prowess in crisis management hinted at a calm, analytical mind even under pressure.

Then there was Seraphina. With intelligence that stood out even more impressively, her proficiency in social psychology showed an insightful nature. Environmental science expertise suggested a deep connection and understanding of the world around her. But what intrigued Zero the most was her photographic talent and advanced medical knowledge. Such a diverse set of skills hinted at a well-rounded personality with a thirst for knowledge.

"Both Liam and Seraphina are diamonds in the rough," Zero mused to himself. "Recruiting them at the right time could be invaluable. Befriending them now, while we're still in the academy, will lay a strong foundation for our futures."

He leaned back, his gaze drifting to the night sky outside the window, reflecting on the day's events. Their brief interaction had already left a mark on him. With one last contemplative glance at the stars, Zero pulled his covers around him, and went to bed.

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