
The Second Chance System: A Life Unbound

In a world that's lost its luster, Zero Elsher leads an utterly average life. With an unremarkable job, appearance, and relationships, his existence is a monotonous cycle of tedium. Desperate to escape his boredom, Zero delves into the dangerous and illicit world of street fights and human betting, but this twisted pursuit of excitement comes at a fatal cost. Kidnapped and used as a pawn for others' entertainment, Zero meets a tragic end—but his story is far from over. Awakened by a mysterious system's voice, he finds himself thrust back in time, reborn as an eight-year-old child. The confusion of a second chance is overshadowed by the realization of the control he now wields. Armed with knowledge of the future and guided by the enigmatic system, Zero vows to reshape his destiny. With the determination to seize life's excitement and avoid the boredom that once ensnared him, Zero sets out on a journey of self-discovery, power, and redemption. Through the eyes of a man reborn, explore a world where second chances exist, and nothing is as it seems. Will Zero's pursuit of fulfillment lead him to enlightenment, or will the shadows of his past catch up to him?

Ullyses1 · Fantasy
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96 Chs

Last Flag (1)

The atmosphere tensed as the remainder of Team 4 began their orchestrated march toward Team 1's base, determination etched on their faces. The spectators, sensing the impending clash, leaned forward, their roars filling the arena in anticipatory excitement.

Zero, Clara, and Mike, steadfast and ready, braced themselves for the imminent onslaught.

However, the climax everyone anticipated crumbled into unexpected comedy.

As Team 4 advanced, the first two members suddenly yelped, ensnared in a net that hoisted him off the ground. His startled expression was broadcasted to chuckling spectators. Next, another members, charging forth, plummeted into a concealed hole, his surprised shout echoing in the otherwise silent arena.

Then came the wasps. The last member swiped frenziedly at the angry swarm, dancing in a wild, erratic pattern to avoid the stinging assailants, providing an unintended entertainment that had the audience erupting in laughter.

Zero, witnessing the unfolding spectacle, scratched his head, bewildered, turning to Aurelia, "Where on earth did you get a wasp nest?"

Aurelia, eyes gleaming mischievously, grinned, "Oh, there was one near our base. I had Orion take it!"

Zero's gaze shifted toward Orion, noticing the blotchy stings patterning his face and winced sympathetically, 'scary' Zero thought in his mind.



The final buzzer resounded through the arena, signaling the end of the match. The camera panned towards Zero and his team, juxtaposing their calm, almost bewildered stance against the chaotic remnants of Team 4 struggling amidst traps and wasps in the background.

"Ladies and gentlemen, after an event marked by both tension and unexpected humor, it's time to unveil the results of this unprecedented competition!"

The giant screen began to flash with scores, each academy's results showcased clearly for all to see.

"In a stunning turn of events, Team 1, consisting of the NSE Academy and Solstice Academy, managed to secure a total of three flags! NSE Academy pilfered the flags from Celestial and Ringles Academy, while Solstice Academy prised theirs from Astral Academy!"

He paused for dramatic effect, allowing the camera to pan over to Team 1, who, despite their relaxed demeanor, were visibly content with their performance.

"Now, let's delve into the detailed scores!" The screen adapted to showcase the detailed scores:

*1st Place: NSE Academy & Solstice Academy (Team 1)Flags Secured: 3 (NSE: 2, Solstice: 1)

Flags Defended: 1

Points: +6 for flags, +2 for defense, Total: 8 points

"Sharing the top spot, NSE and Solstice Academy with 8 points each! What a commendable partnership!" The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, whistles resonating throughout the stadium.

He proceeded to unveil the rest:

*2nd Place: Cascade Academy (Team 2)Flags Secured: 1

Flags Defended: 1

Points: +2 for flags, +1 for defense, Total: 3 points

"In second place, we have Cascade Academy with a respectable 3 points, striking a balance between offense and defense!"

*3rd Place: Astral Academy

Flags Secured: 1

Flags Defended: 0

Points: +2 for flags, -1 for lost defense, Total: 1 point

*3rd Place: Embercrest Academy

Flags Secured: 0

Flags Defended: 1

Points: +1 for defense, Total: 1 point

"In a shared third position, we have Astral Academy and Embercrest Academy, each with 1 point! Both academies showcased striking strategies, leading to this unexpected tie!"

The excitement bubbled among the fans of these academies, even amidst their struggles.

5th Place: Verdant Academy, Ringles Academy, and Celestial AcademyFlags Secured: 0

Flags Defended: 0

Points: -1 for lost defense, Total: -1 point

"And finally, sharing the fifth spot, we have Verdant, Ringles, and Celestial Academy, each with -1 point. A valiant effort, nevertheless, from each and every participant!"

As each score and ranking was announced, cameras captured the varied emotions from each team – a tapestry of pride, disappointment, shock, and collective camaraderie among all the participants.

The commentator continued, energy still rich in his voice, "And remember, folks, this exhilarating journey does not end here! The points earned today will carry forward to tomorrow's events and continue to accumulate throughout our five-day festival!"

The gigantic screen began to morph, displaying lush visuals of a grand, luxurious hotel which sparkled under the moonlight, serving as a beacon of rest for the weary participants. "For our valiant participants," the commentator added, "a splendid stay awaits you at the grand Deloria Hotel, where you can unwind, share tales of today's adventures, and recharge for the challenges that lie ahead!"

As the visuals toured through the hotel's plush interiors, lavish suites, and rejuvenating spa facilities, the commentator's voice provided a comforting overlay. "With serene views and rejuvenating facilities, the Deloria Hotel is bound to refresh all our participants for another day of exciting challenges and unexpected turns!"

The image shifted to display a majestic arena, under a morning sky, implying the starting point for the morrow's endeavors. "Tomorrow," he shared, anticipation brewing in his tone, "the festival continues at 10 a.m. sharp, right here in the splendid Lumeria Arena, where our teams will face new challenges, form new strategies, and entertain us with their unyielding spirit!"

The crowd, though slowly starting to disperse, kept their eyes glued to the screen, absorbing the details, murmuring amongst themselves, speculating about the forthcoming events.

"To all our participants, a hearty congratulations once again, and savor a well-deserved rest tonight! To our wonderful audience, thank you for being a part of today's phenomenal event, and we eagerly await your spirited presence tomorrow, to cheer, to gasp, and to be a part of this extraordinary festival!"