
The Second Chance System: A Life Unbound

In a world that's lost its luster, Zero Elsher leads an utterly average life. With an unremarkable job, appearance, and relationships, his existence is a monotonous cycle of tedium. Desperate to escape his boredom, Zero delves into the dangerous and illicit world of street fights and human betting, but this twisted pursuit of excitement comes at a fatal cost. Kidnapped and used as a pawn for others' entertainment, Zero meets a tragic end—but his story is far from over. Awakened by a mysterious system's voice, he finds himself thrust back in time, reborn as an eight-year-old child. The confusion of a second chance is overshadowed by the realization of the control he now wields. Armed with knowledge of the future and guided by the enigmatic system, Zero vows to reshape his destiny. With the determination to seize life's excitement and avoid the boredom that once ensnared him, Zero sets out on a journey of self-discovery, power, and redemption. Through the eyes of a man reborn, explore a world where second chances exist, and nothing is as it seems. Will Zero's pursuit of fulfillment lead him to enlightenment, or will the shadows of his past catch up to him?

Ullyses1 · Fantasy
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96 Chs


The forest embraced Team 1 with its verdant embrace, a realm of emerald hues and dappled sunlight. Zero's sharp eyes scanned their surroundings, each detail noted and assessed as if deciphering a complex code. The commentator's words echoed in his mind, and a silent understanding passed between Zero and his teammates as they prepared to embark on their challenge.

With a subtle nod from Zero, their practiced formation morphed into individual units. Their steps were purposeful, their senses on high alert as they engaged with the undulating terrain and navigated the myriad obstacles. The forest, vibrant and alive, was theirs to conquer.

The first red button caught Zero's perceptive gaze, a technological gem nestled amidst the undergrowth. He pressed it with precision, a soft electronic beep resonating through the forest. Across the earpieces, his voice rang clear, "First button located."

Lucas moved with agility, his nimble form traversing the elevated platforms. His sharp eyes landed on the second button, perched atop a raised platform. A grin tugged at Lucas's lips as he activated the button. "Button number two is good to go," Lucas informed Elena through the earpiece, his voice carrying a touch of accomplishment.

The forest floor seemed to guide Marcus's steps, his attention drawn to the intricate details. In a hidden crevice within the bark of an ancient tree, he found the third button. With a quiet triumph, Marcus pressed the button and relayed the achievement, "Third button located."

Elena, the linchpin of communication as 5, was swift to acknowledge. "Acknowledged. All buttons located." with that being said. Zero, Lucas, and Marcus pressed the button.

As the doors to the lake and desert challenges swung open, the atmosphere shifted, transitioning from the lush embrace of the forest to new, captivating landscapes. The members of Team 1 wasted no time, their resolve undeterred by the changing terrain. They entered the heart of the challenges, each member focused on the task that lay ahead.

The Lake Challenge unfolded before them like a tranquil painting. The water glistened under the sun's warm embrace, its surface a mirror reflecting the cerulean sky. Reeds whispered softly at the water's edge, adding a gentle symphony to the scene. The serenity of the lake contrasted with the urgency of their mission – to transport the lit torch across its breadth and place it on the altar.

Zero immediately went back to the forest room, while Lucas rushed into the desert room.

The desert room, in stark contrast to the forest and lake, felt almost otherworldly. It was vast, stretching out in every direction, and bounded by high, sand-colored walls that appeared as if constructed by the shifting sands of time. The floor was a mix of warm, golden sand and compacted earth, mimicking the feel of a real desert. The sun, or rather the artificial lighting simulating it, cast intense rays from above, creating a baking ambiance that made the air ripple with heat. Giant cacti, real or perhaps intricately designed replicas, jutted out from the ground at intervals, their green bodies and spiky arms standing tall amidst the sands.

Scattered throughout the room were an array of tools and materials, strategically placed to challenge the participants. There were long wooden planks of various lengths, some buried partially in the sand, asking to be discovered. Coils of thick ropes lay next to clusters of stones, while metal hooks, sheets of canvas, and empty water canisters were strewn about.

Lucas, upon entering, immediately felt the heat wrap around him. He squinted against the brightness, his eyes quickly adjusting to the desert's glare. Taking in his surroundings, he started to gather tools methodically, starting with the hammer and saw partially buried nearby.

Back in the forest room, Zero, with his keen observation skills, had already identified and collected the most essential materials. He hefted several logs over his shoulder, using the ropes to tie them together for easier transportation. His efficiency was almost machine-like, every movement calculated to save time and energy.

"Elena," Zero's voice crackled through the earpiece, "You, Camila, and Max will figure out the raft design. Use the materials I've collected. We trust your judgment."

Max, upon hearing Zero's voice and turning to see the logs and ropes he had already gathered, was in awe. In his mind, he thought, 'How is it possible for him to be so ahead? It's like he has an internal map of the entire challenge. He's not just skilled, he's a monster!'

Elena, taking charge as instructed, began laying out a rough design. "Okay, team, gather round. Here's what I'm thinking…"

The raft, given the time constraints and materials available, was a marvel of improvisational engineering. A sturdy base made up of flat logs formed the primary surface of the raft, each piece fitted tightly and securely bound together by the ropes Zero and Lucas had gathered. Four more logs were positioned vertically on each corner, providing stabilizing points and places to tether the ropes. A central platform was made of the longer logs, which acted as a seat or a space to place the torch securely. The ropes were woven between the logs in a crosshatch pattern, not only ensuring stability but also allowing for better grip and maneuverability.

Though simple in design, its strength and purpose were evident. It was not built for luxury or comfort but to serve its purpose effectively: to get across the water as swiftly as possible. It was a manifestation of efficiency and utility.

Zero nodded in satisfaction at the raft's design. "Good, Isabella come with me." His voice was firm, and commanding.

Isabella, holding the lit torch, carefully positioned herself on the central platform. Zero, without missing a beat, stepped onto the raft, taking hold of a makeshift paddle crafted from another flat log and a piece of cloth.

With swift and powerful strokes, Zero propelled the raft across the lake. Isabella held the torch high, ensuring the flame remained alight. Her focused gaze was on the altar across the lake, the destination for their fiery cargo.

They reached the opposite bank in record time. Isabella hopped off, placing the torch on the altar, and hope back in the raft, Zero while paddling said "Elena tell everyone to go to the final circle".

"Understood," Elena replied.

everyone nodded and started to run.

Zero with his might used the paddle with all his power, waves started to form on the makeshift lake, and immediately the reached back on to the other side, Zero, and Isabella ran as fast as possible they caught up to the others who were waiting inside the final circle.

the timer stopped. 3 minutes and 59 seconds.

The commentator's voice broke the hushed silence that had overtaken the spectators, "Ladies and gentlemen, you're witnessing history here. Team 1, led by Zero Elsher, has shattered the previous records with an incredible time of just under 4 minutes!"

Whispers grew into murmurs, then into full-blown discussions. The students in the audience were in awe. Comparisons between the previous records set by teams 2 and 3 and the time Team 1 had achieved were night and day. It wasn't just about breaking a record; it was about setting a standard so high that it seemed almost untouchable.

The vast auditorium, filled to the brim with students, had transformed from a sea of excitement to one of sheer astonishment. The atmosphere was palpable, and everyone seemed to be attempting to process what they had just witnessed.

"I can't believe it... under 4 minutes?" One student muttered brows furrowed in disbelief, "Teams 2 and 3 took nearly double that time!"

Another student, eyes wide and mouth agape responded, "It's like watching legends in the making. Do you think any other team stands a chance now?"

From a corner of the room, a third student, still trying to catch the details of the raft's design from the screens, remarked, "Did you see how that raft was built? Simple but so effective! And Zero, the way he paddled... it's as if he's done it a hundred times before!"

Professor Helena Strive, who had been observing the challenges intently, was no exception to the wave of astonishment. She stood ramrod straight, her eyes never leaving the monitor 'Genius' she murmured. Those who looked her way could see the shimmer of surprise in her eyes, a rare occurrence. To many, she was an enigmatic figure, someone who rarely displayed her emotions. But today, even she was visibly moved by Team 1's performance.

Near the front row, Mike and Kayla exchanged glances. Mike, usually laid-back, let out a low whistle. "I knew Zero was good, but this? This is on another level!"

'and here I thought I caught up, How naive can I be?' Mike thought.

Kayla, shaking her head in agreement, responded, "It's like he has some sort of blueprint of the entire challenge in his head. How else can you explain such precision?"

In the upper tiers of the auditorium, two particularly striking figures, Aurelia Storm and Orion Hale, watched with keen interest. They had known Zero was formidable, but today's display solidified that fact. Aurelia's deep blue hair seemed to shimmer in the ambient light as she whispered to Orion, "He's not just a contender, Orion. Looks like all class 1 is full of monsters." while smiling.

Orion Hale, his grey eyes thoughtful, nodded. "I've always admired strategy over brute strength. Today, Zero has shown he has an abundance of both. The game has just changed. But, I will not lose, Aurelia."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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