Once the Bridgertons have left, my mother practically screams with excitement. "This is wonderful, oh this is ever so wonderful. We have got rid of Marina's little baby problem, and one of my own girls is to be a bridgerton, not to mention philipa and Mr Finch! Three of you in a single season... That is just... oh, that is something indeed. We must get the two of you to the modiste and fast, she shall need to begin work almost instantly! This is.. oh, I have no words. Well done girls. Well done."
"Might I return to my room now? All the excitement has me ever so tired." I have to physically remove myself from the room so that my mother shall not see that I roll my eyes at her. I am chased up the stairs by Pen, of course. "Pen, is everything okay? I must say I have never seen you run so fast."
"You shall be a bridgerton now then. It is official." She offers me a sad smile. "How shall I ever deal with having lost the only sane person in this house?"
"I shall be round here all the time, Pen. If only for you. Although you shall have a husband soon enough, I am sure of it." I sit on my bed and stretch my arms upwards, smiling, happy and content. "You need only forget of Colin and move ahead now, find another man who is as sweet and as kind."
She pauses for a moment. "I do not wish to marry anyone other than Colin."
"Pen, you must. Marina has taken him and I know that is tough for you, I am well aware yet... I do not think you should give up on everyone simply because Colin should not fancy you back." I yawn, covering my mouth as I do so, reaching forward to pull the covers over my legs as they become cold. "Did you hear what Benedict said of me? I cannot believe I shall marry that man. I am ever so in love with him and I happy he seems to return it."
"I am happy for you." She is blunt with me, and so I move back to a seated position so I may regard her properly. She stands against the door with her arms crossed, and tears sparkling in her eyes. "Why do you look at me like that?"
"Pen. Please just listen to me. You cannot live longing for a man that is married to your cousin. What shall you do? Murder Marina and take her place? Colin does not like you and I do not think that even taking Marina from the equation shall change that. You are flogging a dead horse, so to speak. He shall not return your affections no matter how hard you try... you must move on or you shall end forever alone, or married to someone such as berbrooke or Rutledge." I am aware that I am a little harsh with my words and so I ensure I am nothing but soft in my voice. After all, I am her sister and her dearest sister, am I not? Surely what I am saying would be best coming from me rather than our other sisters, or Marina, or perhaps mother or even Colin himself eventually. "Pen I do not wish to upset you. I wish only for you to move into reality and see what is clear. You shall not marry Colin Bridgerton and there is no longer any reason for you continue to pine for him-"
"This is all so easy for you to say! You have got what you wanted!" She shrieks, tears now running down her cheeks. "You have got what you wanted and I have always wished for it for you, and now you are turning on me? You have always told me everything and I have always sat and listened and now you are to be engaged, you have achieved what you have set out for, you no longer need me? You think you must treat me as though I am a child because you are now part of a more powerful family? I am your older sister, Peaches and I have never done anything other than support you and you insist on treating me as though I am as immature as everyone else seems to believe too." She throws her arms upwards in a tantrum, scowling and shaking her head. "You are just as everyone else is. I thought you were my friend, peaches. Not only my sister, but my friend."
"I am your sister and your friend and this is exactly the reason I tell you this, Pen. I do not wish for you to hurt any longer. There is no point in it, I was lucky that I got what I wanted but I do not believe there is much chance that you ever shall. Do not blame me because Colin does not love you." I try, so hard, to continue to be soft with her but I feel a lump in my throat as I get a little angry, and I can feel the volume of my voice rising. "I wish only for what is best for you and that is not this."
"You are just as they all are. I have always trusted you and you now act exactly as prudence and philipa do. You are no better than them!"
At that, I strop over to her and bare my teeth a little, controlling my breathing to stop myself from losing my temper. "Do not compare me to them."
"Why? You are no better. You mock me as they do and you are no better than them." She reveals her teeth in return, going silent for a moment before she shakes her head, her little fists screwed up tightly as her arms hang behind her. "I shall show you all what I can do."
"And what exactly is that, Pen? Go to your room and cry over Colin?"
"You shall see. You shall all see."