
The Search for the Reincarnated Queen

A story about the Vampire King’s search for his reincarnated queen. After 500 years, Taylan René Eilam Haima, the Vampire King, awakened to search for his queen who died before he fell into his long slumber. The Queen, after meeting Taylan in her present life, slowly regains her memory through her past-self's soul. She uncovers the mystery of her murder and aims to take revenge on the culprit for the death of her child. Will Taylan find his Queen again? Will the Queen be same as she was before? Will she reveal herself? Will they be together again? Will she choose to fall in love with Taylan again even if it means that she might once again die?

ImMK · Fantasy
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32 Chs

The day Taylan made her his

Macky met Ben on his way back to Taylan to give him the report about the beasts and vampires in the Magnolia Province.

"Hey, Macky, can I talk to you for a sec?" Ben held Macky's arms, stopping him from going up the stairs.

"Yeah? What is it?"

Ben looked around to see if anyone else can see them and pulled Macky outside the library and went inside the nearest coffee shop.

"No one can hear us here, right?"

Macky shakes his head with a wrinkled brow, "What is happening?"

Ben called a waitress and ordered them a cup of hot chocolate, then he looked deep in Macky's eyes and took a deep breath, "I can see the Queen's soul. She's still here."

Macky listened to every explanation of Ben, while E caressed Tram's cheek who is now sleeping on the couch and called Eli.

"I know you can see me, or maybe hear me. I don't know why no one else aside from Ben and Macky can see that you're not yourself. But... Eli, I just want you to know that I love Taylan. Even if I cursed them to forget me. I was just shocked and angry at that time. I wasn't thinking straight. But I love everyone!"

E held her hand close to her chest. She feels as if her heart's about to sink deep in the ground.

She doesn't even know who Vanford is and having Eli in this condition is making everything complicated. All she wanted was to meet Taylan again, and for Tram to be born. He deserves it!

And if anyone has to suffer, it is the person who killed her.

Eli wanted to go and hug E, but her body just sat down and stared outside. She's starting to feel like she's tired of controlling her mind, and just wants to stop.

She doesn't even know what is happening to her now. No one else can help her. She can't even help herself. She's helpless. She's tired.

Her body feels too light as if the wind can blow it away, but it also feels cold, and empty.

Aside from her anger towards everyone else, her body is nothing but a puppet. She's not even the owner anymore.

Her body closed her eyes, then she remembered a memory of her and Taylan.

It was the day she became the Queen, it was the day Taylan made her his. It was so clear as if she's in it again.

They were in a wide library, it's nighttime. The windows dripping with water and the sky looked like the clouds are just leaving the moon.

"I'm sorry I suddenly bit you, Miss Sassa," Taylan backed away while wiping his mouth dripping with her blood.

Eli can feel a slight pain on her neck which is slowly disappearing, then she noticed her skin getting paler and her hair turning silver.

"I---" Taylan's face was full of terror while watching Eli turn into a Vampire Queen. "I'm sorry! I'll ask some shaman on how to turn you back to a human, Miss Sassa! I apologize!"

His face was dripping with cold sweat, then he stood up. Eli saw herself in the mirror, her perfect long hair and golden eyes are new this time.

"No!" Eli suddenly shouted. "It's fine, your highness."

Eli can't help but shiver in disgust with E's soft voice. It's as if she's trying to hide who she really is. From what she knows, she and E have the same voice. But with how E is talking during this time, it was like she wants to be seen as soft and sweet.

"What do you mean?" Taylan stopped and turned around.

"I can be your Queen if you want," Eli said and hides her blushing face.

She felt something was wrong with how E said those words. Isn't it supposed to be Taylan who's asking her to be his Queen? Why does it sound like E was the one who wanted him to marry her? Is it how they propose before?

Taylan shook his head, "My Queen?" He smiled and walked back to Eli.

The moon shone down on Taylan's golden eyes.

Eli suddenly thought that E and Taylan aren't supposed to be together during this time. In the old times, women should have a Chaperone whenever they meet a man and are supposed to be in their houses at nighttime. But why is E with Taylan?

"I never thought you'll agree with my proposal, Miss. I thought you were afraid to be married to a vampire." Taylan held Eli's cheek and slowly, his face gets closer.

His eyes glow differently with the moonshine, and Eli can feel her face burning a thousand degree while her heart race faster than any runner there is.

She just remembered the past memories, Taylan did propose to her first, and she's here because it rained earlier while she was planning to go back home from sneaking again.

"Why would I be afraid? I love you more than the sun, I long to be in your arms than to be in any paradise, your highness." Eli whispered before Taylan's sweet lips meet hers.

His kiss was soft during the first moment, but then it suddenly grew passionate.

His hands are holding her head while Eli's mind froze. It all came in as a shock.

She's kissing Taylan!

He looked a bit younger than he is now, but still, he looks handsome.

It even took her in surprise that he's a good kisser and she can't help but feel at ease and feel every warmth of his lips.

The cold after-rain night has turned hot. The night doesn't even seem dark from Taylan's glowing red eyes.

Eli was caught off guard with the sudden change of his eye color and softly pushed him away. They both took a few breaths before Eli spoke.

"Why--- your eyes, your highness!" She exclaimed, again with her tiny voice.

Eli groaned. Why can't E just use her normal voice?

"I'm sorry," Taylan shook his head and his eyes turned gold again, "It turns red when I feel a strong emotion. I was just..." He blushed and looked away.

Eli didn't know Taylan can do such expression. He looks too mature to be flustered now. He's cuter before.

She looked away as well, and she felt her cheeks burning. Eli wanted to roll her eyes from this lovey-dovey situation, but the memory of her kissing Taylan replayed in her mind.

"My Queen!" Trace called, waking Eli from dreaming about the memory of the past.

Then, she saw Taylan looking worriedly at her while he's on his knees while holding her hand and looking up in her eyes.

She felt uneasy, her heart began to beat faster, but her face is still as flat as a wall.

"I'm fine, I just fell asleep," Eli's voice was similar to E's voice before, it's high-pitched while trying to sound soft.

Taylan smiled and leaned his head on her knees, "I was worried."

If only Taylan continued being sweet to E after they got married, maybe E wouldn't get angry and curse them before she died, maybe things wouldn't be as complicated as it is now, Eli wondered.