
The Search for the Reincarnated Queen

A story about the Vampire King’s search for his reincarnated queen. After 500 years, Taylan René Eilam Haima, the Vampire King, awakened to search for his queen who died before he fell into his long slumber. The Queen, after meeting Taylan in her present life, slowly regains her memory through her past-self's soul. She uncovers the mystery of her murder and aims to take revenge on the culprit for the death of her child. Will Taylan find his Queen again? Will the Queen be same as she was before? Will she reveal herself? Will they be together again? Will she choose to fall in love with Taylan again even if it means that she might once again die?

ImMK · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Stuck in the Past

"Eli!" Aunt Sussie ran towards Eli who is sitting in the living room of their house. She went on and hugged her precious niece, but seeing her silver hair and golden eyes, she can't help but feel resentment towards herself and everyone else, especially Taylan.

If only they let her live her own life, if only they gave her a right to choose, she wouldn't end up as a Queen who died a long time ago.

Taylan, who is sitting beside Eli while holding her hand, cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Miss Sussana, I am here to inform you that my Queen-- I mean, Eli will stay with me in the castle. I will take her as soon as the castle's prepared." He said, his eyes are staring directly at Aunt Sussie, signaling her that he won't take any disagreements on his choice.

"No!" Aunt Susie shook her head and held Eli on her arms and pulled her away from Taylan, "She will not go with you! Never!"

Ben sighed, he knew Aunt Sussie, and she wouldn't let Eli go that easily. She's not afraid of Taylan. Her top priority is Eli's safety.

Eli, however, just watches everyone argue. Her blank expression is still plastered on her face. It's really a question of how the others aren't able to see it.

But Macky, along with Ben tries to watch her every move, waiting for a reaction, but she just blinks her eyes, while listening to everyone.

"Ben, I know this might sound weird, but I know you will understand." Macky went beside Ben and whispered, "Eli's acting weird, isn't she?"

Ben nodded, "Yeah. Even if she became the Queen, which is still a mystery too, she's nowhere near herself."

Macky nodded, the Queen, who is not as loud as Eli, or Eli whose voice is always seemed to be in a high volume, won't let people argue in front of her.

Just like how Macky noticed that everyone forgot about the Queen's identity, it seems like, among the vampires, he's also the one who noticed her weird behavior.

"About Vanford," Macky whispered, "The red liquid that Sandra was telling us might be the Queen's blood which he got when she died. I got the footage in the park when Eli was abducted and saw Vanford wearing a vial full of red liquid as an earring. Also, I got an example of the perfume Sandra uses, and I confirmed that it is blood."

Ben stared at Me. He is really surprisingly smart, even though he looks like a kid, he is much more intelligent than anyone he knew.

"Do they know about it?" Ben asks.

"No, only you and I. I don't think they will take this information in a good manner. They are all focused on the Queen now."

Macky said while watching the King hold Eli's hand aggressively from her Aunt.

Eli just let anyone do their thing while listening to Vanford's voice in her head.

"Just let them do what they want, if they ask you something, always side with Taylan. Just bear with these dimwits for now, but when they're all dead, the kingdom is ours, and no else will own you."

Eli screams in her head. She has to do something! She has to move or speak, or else, everyone, including Aunt Sussie, will be in danger.

She suddenly felt disappointed that everyone around her knows something about this vampire-beast-magic thing, except for her. And surprisingly, Ben, who is nothing but a mere human is also with them.

Ben noticed that Eli's staring at him, so he smiled at her warmly. Even though she's acting weird, Ben is still her friend and he has to assure her that everything is fine.

Eli can't help but feel happy inside, at least they are there for her. All she has to do is get her body back, and find where Vanford is.

She first tried to speak, but there's nothing coming out. Everyone is still arguing whether she'll get to stay with Taylan or not. Then, she tried to smile. But still, she can't control her body.

She felt a sudden surge of anger. This is her body. This is her life. She's not the Queen or anyone else's whatever!

"AAAAAAHHH!" She yelled, which made everyone stop, which also surprised her. She did it! She yelled!

Taylan held both her hands and looked deep in her eyes with worry, "Is something wrong my Queen?" He asks, but Aunt Sussie took her away.

"She's not the Queen!" She yelled at Taylan then her eyes begin to water and patted Eli, "Everything's fine, Eli. I won't let them have you."

Eli tried to open her mouth to say something but once again, she can't control herself.

"Is something wrong, my Queen?" Vanford asks.

Eli groaned, while her face is still stiff as a rock and blank as a paper. She has to do that again, she has to control her body. Vanford doesn't seem to know that Eli still has her own ideas, while he can control her body and emotion.

"We shall ask the Queen on her decision," Willow suddenly spoke, he's also getting tired of the arguments the King and Sussana's having, "My Queen, would you like to stay with your Aunt, or with the King?"

Eli can clearly see it in Willow's eyes. He's looking at her as if she's the only thing in front of her, and his voice is warm, which is nowhere near his usual voice.

She remembered that E really did love him. It's just that, they weren't able to fight for their relationship and Willow was just scared for her life, yet anger rises deep within her. Her body wants to choke the life out of him.

Then she looked at Taylan, if longingness has a face, it'll be Taylan's. He looked tired but happy. His eyes are begging her to stay with him. For a long time, he was just sleeping while waiting for her return, yet, she can't remember who she really is.

Sadly, he is in love with E, and not with her. She's not the Queen. She's just a reincarnation of that woman, but that doesn't mean that she is the same person just like how everyone here seems to think.

Her mouth opens against her will and Eli nodded, "I'll stay with my beloved King."

Aunt Sussie's eyes went huge, she knows Eli, even if she is the Queen, will not stay at someone else's house yet here she is, agreeing to Taylan's wish. Did she really become the Queen?

Taylan almost jumped for joy, while the others sighed gladly that the Queen will return to them.

"I'm so happy!" Taylan hugged Eli and kissed her cheeks, "We're going home, my Queen."

My Queen...

Eli felt irritated that he keeps on calling her that. He can call E's name or her name. It feels as if he's just calling someone from his memory and not someone in front of him.

Ben sighed, he knew that even E didn't like it when Taylan calls him his Queen. Since they got married and Taylan became the King, he changed so much that even E can't recognize him. He stopped spending time with her, and he stopped calling her name.

Maybe Taylan is still stuck in the past.