
The Search For Alana

Chelsea Manchester, a shy but aesthetic teen goes into a whole new world when her widowed mother marries an elegant British widower. She moves into a new city, new house and new school excited and ready to start a new life. However, tragedy strikes and she gets into an embarrassing accident on her first day which might leave her reputation damaged forever. If her problems at school weren't enough, she has to deal with her bratty six year old stepsister, Brianna and her vicious pranks. In her new world, she gradually learns that not all that glitters is gold as she unravels dreadful secrets which were meant to be hidden forever. As they say in Lavender Hills, "Not everything is what it seems."

Lilian_1 · Urban
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11 Chs

The Execution

The woman got into the car, followed by her baby. Once they were both seated and comfortable, she popped her head out to thank the old woman for her help.

"Thank you so much, Madame. Many God richly bless you.", she said.

"You are most welcome, my daughter. May God be with you.", the old woman told her as she made the sign of the cross.

She backed away, and the car started, soon speeding onto the main road. As she sat there, in the backseat, so many thoughts roamed her mind.

She thought about the kindness of the old woman. What would have happened if she hadn't found her in time when she was in labour? Also, how was she able to find her a taxi in such a remote area? God works in mysterious ways indeed.

He also came into her thoughts. How would he react when he sees his baby for the first time? Speak of the devil, and the devil shows up.

The silence in the car was broken by the sound of her ringtone. When she checked to see who the caller was, she realized that it was him.

"Where are you?",was the first thing he asked when she answered his call.

"We are on our way. We will be there in 30 minutes.", she told him.

"What is it that you want? Is it money? ", he asked. "I can give you lots of it, if only you get the hell out of my life!", he said to her.

"You want to know what I want? All I want is your love. If not for me then, at least for my baby.", she said, with tears in her eyes.

"I have told you this so many times already. I can't be the person you want me to be.", he told her. "Look at me. I am a married man. I have a wife and kids to take care of. What would people think if they ever found out about this?", he asked.

"Well, you should have thought about that before getting me pregnant!", she said to him, her voice raising with every word.

At this point, he was making her angry. If he truly cared about all of his kids, he would take her and her baby in. But he didn't. All he ever cared about was his name, and that filthy business of his. The last thing she wanted was any of his filthy money.

"We will see you in 30 minutes time.", she declared sternly.

"Adri.", he called but she hung up before he could say anything else.

She broke down as soon as she cut the call. This was one of the many tears she had shed, ever since finding out that she was pregnant. She hugged her knees as she wept bitterly, but not loudly so as to not wake her baby up.

Why, God? Why her? She never chose to get pregnant. He took advantage of her. All she wanted was to work in the US so that she can earn enough to pay for her college tuition. She was doing so well until he came along. He ruined everything!

When he first found out that she was pregnant, he wanted her to get rid of it. But she didn't do it, because she was not a murderer. She could never kill her own baby in her womb. No! That baby never had a choice. But he did and this was what he chose to do.

He deserves to suffer, not them. Now that she has delivered, he wants to run away from his responsibilities as a father. How did he expect her to raise this child on her own? She was only 18.

Before she gave birth, she barely had anything to call her own. Now, all she has in this world is God and her baby so she would stop at nothing to give her baby the life it deserves.

She can't go back to her country. Raising a baby as a young, single mother would be difficult. Especially in the cold streets of Brazil.

People would shun her and judge her, even before hearing her story. She and her baby would face all the criticism and hatred while he enjoyed his life in that wretched mansion of his. There was no way on earth that she was going to let her baby grow up without a father. No way!

Just then, she received a call from someone. It was aunt Carla.

"Aunt Carla.", she called as soon as she answered the call. She had a horse voice form crying so much.

"My daughter, I have been trying so hard to get in touch with you. Are you alright?", she heard Aunt Carla's sweet voice ask.

"Yes, Aunt. I am fine. I just gave birth.", she told her.

"Oh, praise God. Bless you, child and bless your baby as well. I hope that you are both alright?", Aunt Carla asked once again.

"Yes, we are both fine. We are on our way to see him.", she informed her.

"Good. Now, remember what I told you. When you see him, you grab him by the collar, and you tell him that, 'You are responsible for my pregnancy and you will take full responsibility for your actions now or I will call the police, and have the whole world know what you have done to me.' You hear me?", Aunt Carla asked.

"Yes, Aunt.", she responded.

"Be brave, my child. God is with you.", Aunt Carla encouraged her.

"Amen.", she said.

"By the way, Aunt. Thank you so much for sending that lady to me. She was very helpful and she came to me at just the right time.", she added.

"My dear, who are you talking about?", Aunt Carla asked.

"The old woman with silver hair. The one whom you sent to help me deliver.", she said.

"I-d-n't k-know w-wh-t y-you're t-t-t..." The network got bad and the call began to glitch.

"Aunt?! Aunt! I can't hear you. Can you hear me?", she asked but there was still a glitch and she could hardly tell what her Aunt was trying to say.

Something about this didn't feel right. The trees and the bushes around her. They were moving too fast. Almost as if something was racing in them.

The driver. He had his eyes fixed on her the entire time, through the review mirror. Had he been listening to her conversations?

She began to feel uneasy. She gentlely lifted her sleeping baby and held it close to her chest. That way, she would be able to protect it in case of anything.

BANG! She heard a loud noise coming from outside. It was a gun shot. A bullet had been fired into one of the car tyres so the driver was beginning to lose control over the car.

BANG! BANG! Two more gun shots were fired into another two of the car tyres. At this point, the car was spinning and swirling madly down the narrow tarred road.

She held her baby even tighter and ducked under the seats. Just when she was thinking about what to do next, she heard her phone ring. It was him again.

"Roland! Roland! Help! Something crazy is happening.", she said, breathing heavily.

"I know. I sent them.", he told her.

For a second there, she got confused but then, it hit her. They were able to find a taxi in the middle of nowhere. They were being attacked moments later. She looked over at the driver's seat. He was gone. How did he manage to escape? Unless, he was in on it.

"I'm sorry. I warned you not to come here. Good bye, Adri.", she heard his deep voice say then finally, the line went dead.

She starred at the black screen, almost out of words. How could he do this? How could he kill his own child just to save his name? She would have never believed that he could stoop so low. She held on, even tighter on to her now crying baby. Tears ran down her cheeks as they both accepted their fate.


Somewhere among the thick trees, the green eyed woman watched as the out of control vehicle headed for the cliff. She began to count backwards as the car got closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.


The car jumped off from the cliff and fell down into the thick forest trees below. She came out from her hiding spot and peered down at the vehicle from the edge of the cliff.


The vehicle burst into flames. It was over now. No one could save them.

"Mission accomplished.", she said to herself.

She turned around and walked off into the sunset. Right before anyone could spot her. Thus, making her clean escape.

Thank you so much for reading this. Be sure to comment and support me with your votes. Until the next chapter, remember that Jesus loves you and so do I.

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