In a very far place. A paradise was hidden beneath deadly weather. "THE LAND OF THE MONSTERS". In this land, unique and powerful creatures have been living for ages without being discovered by humans. Aaron was a different young monster. He didn't possess any power like the others. So He must go through a hard path to awaken his power and prove himself. On his journey, he will discover the hidden truth about his family and the secret of the black stone...
- I'm very disappointed. You didn't have faith in me this much?
Finally Tarou burst out of anger
- Then, Answer me. Why are you doing this? All you did since we meet again was ignoring me and pushing me for a man you just met. I admit that I was wrong for not confessing my feelings sooner, but I don't deserve this treatment.
Sarra burst into tears.
- You idiot, I hate you...I hate you very much.
Then she raised her hand to use magic.
- Are you going to attack me? Fine, suit yourself.
Sarra released an electric shock and it went directly....behind him.
Suddenly Tarou heard a scream, and a man fell down from nowhere. What did just happen?
- All this time, I was under watch. That man accompanied me from the beginning.
- What? Are you serious?
- When his spell didn't bewitch me, unlike Anna and Diana. He poisoned them and threatened me. I must obey him and never run away till the wedding and he will give them the antidote the next day.
- Why you didn't tell me anything?
- That man was under a spell that make him invisible, Damian ordered him to watch me all the time, so I won't try to do anything or he will kill them. I couldn't say a word. But now, all my efforts to find the antidote went in vain because of you, Anna and Diana will die by tomorrow morning.