
The Seal Stone

When the seal stone reaches its true seal, the apocalypse must break. At the end of every apocalypse, there are lives lost. To whom does this honor belong? •I ran my finger around the circle of his tattoo one turn. "Do you feel?" ' I asked bitterly. "There's a big sign right here." If he spoke bravely, he would probably say stamp. Or damn. "You don't see it, but you feel it. It's right here. A rope that wraps you around you." My other hand slipped down Cesur's arm and my fingers tangled in his. “A web that connects everything,” I said, admiring his tattoo. "Just like me." •

Ola24 · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter 121


I lifted my head slightly when I heard Behzat take a deep breath of exasperation.

"Aren't you going to tell me? Will I not know the name of the man who scares you so much? Are you afraid that I will know him? There is no way I have not heard of a rich man in Izmir! I must have heard his name. Now tell me the name of that guy or I'll go find out!"

Behzat was foaming with anger...

Although he saw my fearful gaze, he did not soften.

They looked pretty similar to my sister...

Even though they both hated each other, their temperaments were so similar... Their grudges, their outbursts without understanding, their lingering irritability...

When I held Behzat's hand, his gaze returned to my face.

When our eyes met, his big hands took my small face in his palms. As he wiped my tears, I rose on my tiptoes and hugged him tightly around his neck.