
The Sea-Witch's Tale

This is the story of a girl from our world waking up as the sea-witch of the little mermaid. Ursula Weiss lives with her grandmother in a small house at the edge of the cliff. Their humble abode sits upon the border of the Kingdom of Atlantea and Kingdom of Ecrin. One day as Ursula does her regular walks on the seashore she notices a mermaid trying to save a human male, that's when she realizes that she may have been reborn to a parallel world where fairy tales exists.

azchrrynn · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Ursula Weiss, The Apprentice (Sea) Witch

It wasn't until I saw that young mermaid giving that boy CPR that I realized that I was reborn in a parallel universe where fairytales come alive.

Do you mind the straightforward introductory? No?

Oh well, I guess I could start from the beginning.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Kathy who was born in a plane called Earth.

She grew up reading stories about that evil fairy who didn't get a party invitation so she threw a tantrum and cursed the princess who was a baby and obviously couldn't have known her parents were a bunch of a-holes. There's also a story about a prince who decides to find his dance partner from the night before, using her shoes that she left on her way to the walk of shame. Another one was a girl who didn't want to live with her crazy stepmom who always talk to herself in the mirror, so she ran away to live with seven tiny men then eats some poisoned apple given by some random person and gets kissed by a passing pedo so she would magically wake up from her poisoned state.

Either way, it was a good childhood for our little girl named Kathy. Then she grew up, went to school, got a job, had a family and when she became old and grey, one day she fell asleep in her favorite chair.

When she woke up, she became a princess, with platinum silver hair and beautiful purple eyes, in a fantasy medieval era. Not that it mattered as she's a neglected one.

Kathy who grew up in a loving family back on earth, hated her first 6 months of life in that palace. Though she was fed and bathe regularly, her father the King never visited his 6th-month-old child who miraculously survived a horrible birthing condition that took the life of his beloved Queen. The Queen god bless her soul was strong enough to name her, Lunamaria before she died, if she hadn't, Kathy would be a nameless princess with how the King treats her.

One day, an old woman sneaked into her room in the palace and kidnaps her 6th-month-old self and kidnaps her. Lunamaria, almost cried out in horror if it weren't for the fact the old woman had the similar eye feature as her.

As the woman cradled Lunamaria in her arms, the old woman whispered [Wind, come forth] and a strong gust of wind burst open the large French windows of the room.

"From now on, Lunamaria will live with grandmother." The woman cooed at her, as she walked out to the balcony. "For now, you will be known as Ursula Weiss. I will take care of you and fill you with love as I did your mother, I will never make you suffer."

Just then the large doors of the room swung open, a man, with disheveled hair and panicked eyes rushed in with several dressed-up knights, with swords drawn followed him in.

The old woman just took a glance at the man and sniffed indignantly then proceeds to step up on the banister.

"Agnes please." The man pleaded.

The old woman, now known as Agnes scowled and responds. "You had 6 months."

Tears dripped down the man's eyes, he dropped to his knees and begged. "Please don't take her."

Agnes, didn't deign him a response and simply whispered. [Wind, bring us home.]

With that, the old woman cradling the reborn Kathy was lifted off the banister and vanished.

As promised by the old woman, Lunamaria, now known as Ursula, grew up filled with love and joy in a small home on top of a cliff beside the sea. She didn't tell her granny how she remembered being swept away from her neglectful father's palace nor how she was a transmigrator.

As she grew older, she learned her granny was a witch, a sea-witch to be specific. Despite not having the features of the merpeople, Ursula finds out their existence when she was looking out of her home towards the sea and some of them waved at her while sunbathing at the shore, her grandmother is a descendant of a naiad, a water fairy, where she inherited some magical talent from and trained that talent to witchcraft thus the name sea-witch came about.

Ursula became interested in witchcraft immediately, especially when she remembered Kathy being a big fan of that magic book series back on earth about the boy with a scar-shaped lightning bolt on his forehead. As she's mentally an adult she understood things thought to her a lot easier, Agnes believed her a prodigy in witchcraft at the age of 3 and thought her young granddaughter everything she knew.

The young Ursula also became friends with the merpeople who frequently visit her granny. Especially with Lady Attina's, the previous queen of Atlantea, granddaughter Ariel. Ursula being a part naiad has the ability to breathe in water for long periods because of that both she and Ariel often creates mischief in the Atlantea Water Palace.

Often, Ursula jest to Ariel that one day Ariel will beg her for a pair of legs in exchange for her voice so she can be with a human prince. It was a personal inside joke for Ursula who had previous modern parallel world knowledge.

Anyway, back to the situation at hadn't, as I said at the beginning. It wasn't until I saw my mermaid friend Ariel giving that boy in fancy clothes CPR that I realized that I was reborn in a parallel universe where fairytales come alive.

And my name had to be f*ckin Ursula Weiss, an Apprentice (Sea) Witch.