
Auntie Grace

Charles walked me to my Aunt grace's house. Aunt grace invited him to stay for dinner but he declined saying that he still had things to do.

"Itadakimasu!" I said before digging in to the food that my Aunt prepared for me.

Aunt Grace is the one Who owns this house and whenever my family always comes over she always welcome us with open hands so I really feel at home when I stay here!

" How long has it been since you last visited us leila? Two or three years? You sure have grown during the time I haven't seen you!" Said Aunt Grace while she looked at me as if she hasn't seen me in a few years.

"Come on Auntie, we just met a few months back when I had my 18th birthday remember?" I said while chuckling.

"Is that so? I forgot hehe! I sure an getting old." Aunt grace said jokingly.

"Is uncle not here?" I asked while looking around and not seeing Uncle tom around the house.

"Well you're uncle has been moved to a new workplace so he only goes home a few times a month." Said Auntie grace while sighing.

I felt sad for auntie grace when I heard this. It has always been her and uncle tom together because they still don't have a son so when I heard that Auntie has to be alone in the house most of the time I still felt bad for her.

"Let's not talk about that now! I'm still happy because you came here and now I don't have to be alone in this house anymore hehe!" Said Auntie grace while smiling like a child.

When I saw her smile I also cheered up and talked to my auntie about the city and my parents.

When she heard that I still don't have a boyfriend he suddenly stood up and urge to quickly find one!

"I think I'm not ready yet Auntie!" I said while shaking my red head because of embarrassment.

"Ehhhh... why not?"

"Hehe! Well even if I wanted to have a boyfriend, mom and dad still won't allow me to." I said while looking down.

"Mhhh! Don't worry my niece! I'll talk to your parents in your place!" Auntie said while walking towards me and then holding both of my hands. She looked at my eyes directly as if telling me "leave this problem to your auntie!"

When I saw the actions of my auntie I couldn't help but feel a warmth inside my heart and thought to myself." Auntie haven't changed much also... she still supports me with what I want to do."

I just smiled at the actions of my aunt but deep inside I was still happy because someone is supporting me with what I want to do.

The night passed by quickly after that. I took a showet and quickly went inside my room and lay down on my bed and fell asleep short after.