
The Sea And Back To You

Finn, a stubborn asshole of a pirate, is sent out to take Lee, the prince of a kingdom he’s wanted most, across the sea of Bri to meet his future husband. the two constantly bicker at each other as the voyage gets bloodier but can’t help the attraction they feel towards the other. Could they run away together? Or will a crazy ex- girlfriend and a angry fiancé stop them? Or will the sea that is filled with deadly sea creatures get them first?

livweeb123 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

The tide carried us to Esmond for 4 days. When I had gotten the letter I wrote back telling them I was on my way, and here I am. We should be there by night fall, but part of me wants to turn back. I don't know what kind of mission the want me to take part of. Maybe Calliope was right, maybe they are just trying to get my ass. Maybe part of me thinks gold is involved and that I'm just turning into Romelle. God I hope not. The last thing I want is to murder anymore people for money. I don't want to harm anyone for that matter. Unless excuse of a pirate I was. Noting wanting to hurt people for gold? That's what we're know for. Being greedy and kicking our prisoners off the ship when we're bored of them. I wasn't a stereo typical pirate like Romelle. Sure I wanted gold but I didn't drink rum 24\7 , I didn't kick people off the plank, I didn't attack other ships unless I had too. I went on adventures, sometimes robbing but nothing serious. I sailed the waters I could sail to see things and do things. Adventures. That's what I did. Dangerous most of the time but I could do anything really. Break out of prison all the time. I didn't have anything to worry about this task the King as for me, if it isn't a task and just a set up , I can still get out, right?

As the sun set, and the moon rosed up to the dark blue sky, the Kingdom of Esmond came to view. The crystal glass buildings stood high and glowed blue, green, and neon purple. The pavements made of dark brick was shiny and wet from past rain and the puddles that covered the pavements sparkled from the building's. The castle stood out from the rest, high, tall and bright. The castle looked like emeralds, the rich dark green glowed through out the kingdom. The Kingdom of Esmond had always been on of my favorite kingdoms. It was beautiful and everyone was friendly and peaceful. But Romelle and I ruined the beautiful city. Because of her, I was most wanted here. I've hurt more people here then I ever had any where else.

Guards stood around the docks as my ship approached. The armor they wore gleamed in the moonlight turning it silver.

" You sure this isn't a trap?" Vex asked as we watched the guards from the forecastle deck. I analyzed their faces, still and emotionless. Part of me did want to turn around and never look back. I didn't want to feel anymore guilt from the sins I've done. If this was a trap to get me into prison then I didn't want to be here. But the other part of me wanted to know what the hell they wanted from me.

" I'm sure." I say at last. I swing my tricorne hat onto my black hair and turn to my crew, who stood on the main deck, watching and waiting for orders.

" Each one of you will stay on the ship while I see what this scabby sea bass wants, Reeves will be left in charge till I get back." I say loudly, looking down at them. They all give me an aye aye before going off to do their duties but Reeves didn't look so sure.

" Are you sure y-you want me to do this? W-why not Vex or-" I cut him off " Vex, Erik, and Calliope are coming to the castle with me." I said to him bluntly. He became flustered and kept looking everywhere else but my eyes. Reeves was a very shy crew mate and not at all like a normal pirate but I knew he could be more then he claims to be. He looks down at himself a lot and always felt useless but really I wouldn't be able to keep this ship together without his help.

Reeves became a part of my crew 3 years ago when he was fourteen. I remember invading a ship with Romelle when she didn't have her own crew and was at least a decent human being. Finding Reeves in the brig, skinny, burned, cut, and broken, I took him with us.

When Romelle went crazy, he stayed by my side when she left and had been with me since.

" What about Azzura-"

" Reeves I know you can keep the ship together for a couple of hours. You'll be fine." I give him a reassuring smile, causing him to relax but tensed up again when Vex put his arm around him.

" Yeah you shouldn't worry so Reeves, you'll be perfect." He gave him a wink causing Reeves to turn crimson red and fled down the stairs to the main deck.

" You gotta stop doing that, your making him uncomfortable." Calliope said, shaking her head in disapproval. Vex just shrugged and smirked.

" I know he likes it."

Before they could start up another argument I cut them off.

" Not that I don't want to see where this is going, cause I don't, but I would like to see what this beetle- head wants and get this over with so move your asses." I turn away from the 3 of them and walk towards the docks, to the guards.


The brick roads where wet and slippery from rain showers as the four of us walked down the streets of Esmond, guards on each side of us. The towns people would look up from what they where doing to watch us. Drunks would stop their giggling drunk laughs to watch us and spit nonsense at us. Some where just surprised to see pirates walking in their town, others glared with icy cold eyes and some just flat out ignored us and carried on with their night.

I tired to keep facing forward and not at anyone or the houses. I felt sick enough being in this Kingdom, I didn't want to accidentally see familiar faces.

It took maybe 10 minutes before we were at the gates of the castle. The gates made of a sodium potassium aluminium silicate crystal called Moonstone. The stone gate consisted of Blue, Green, White, Yellow, and a hint of Pink when the moonlight hit it out a certain angle.

When we made it through the gates and front door, guards immediately handed us over to some butler named Tanix. The blonde middle aged man in a way to tight grey suit led us to a small room with velvet curtains, white marble floors, and a stuffed Peryton that stood in the corner of the room. Two red couches and a small coffee table sat in the middle of the room. Placed on the table was a tray of fancy blue China tea cups filled already with steamy brown liquid.

Taxin beckoned us to sit before going back to the door.

" His Majesty Shi will see you shortly Mr. Splently." He said, taking a bow and leaving the room.

We sat in silence for a moment, taking in the room before Erik picked up one of the cups and took a sip. His face scrunched up in disgust and set down the tea cup.

" Who drinks that stuff? There's no flavor at all." Erik shivered.

" That's why I keep this bad boy tucked in here." Vex said, taking out a metal flask. He through it over to Erik, who caught it and took a swig.

" Mmm Pirates Grog, nice choice." He said, before passing the rum over to Calliope. She took a sip, gesturing it to me but I declined. I wasn't in a drinking mood.

As we waited for Taxin to come back, we thought about why the King of Esmond would want to see me and it wasn't long till Taxin knocked on the door and opening it slightly so we only saw his head and blue eyes.

" The King would like to see you now."