
Vol 1. Chapter 4 "Another World. Castle."

-How long will he be lying in bed.

-A couple more days.

-Ha weakling, after we were summoned into this world, we also lay without the opportunity to move, but not to such an extent.


I opened my eyes, and immediately it hurt from the bright sunlight.

After a couple of minutes my eyes got used to the light and I could finally examine the place where I am.

It was a small room, next to it was a table with a metal mug filled with cold water on which I immediately pounced as I was suffering from thirst. A little further than my bed was my travel bag.

(looked into the bag)

Some things are missing ...

Well, I had no time for that, first I need to understand where I am.

(went to the window)

Where ... where am I now (only this I could say when I saw the view from the window.

Stone roads, small merchants' shops, people and beastmen were under my window, and in the distance I could see the castle of the apparently local ruler.

A familiar unpleasant voice interrupted my observation.

- See how Mr. "Uselessness" finally woke up.

I looked around and saw Akio (that was the name of the "mod" from our class who always bothered me)

- High piece of scrap metal (and what else to call it, stood in knight's armor polished to a shine)

-In fact, it was a shame for an hour

- and calling me useless for you is the norm da Akio?

- Okay, okay, do not get excited, I came to tell you that you collect all your belongings and follow me, do not ask questions, you will find out everything yourself.

Since I did not have the strength to argue with this freak, I, as he said, collected my things in a bag.

(We left home)

Carrying the bag was prohibitively difficult, after being thrown into this world, my whole body ached as if an asphalt roller had driven over me.

-Help for you?

-It would be nice (I can see through you an insect, you will do some dirty trick)

- Hahahahaha you thought I would help you? no, carry your trash yourself.

I said nothing because I was too lazy to answer.

Meanwhile, the castle that I saw earlier was already close enough.

We soon got to him.

The gate was opened for us and we entered.

(a shadow slipped behind them ...)